hair loss and stall out



  • GKoz004
    GKoz004 Posts: 87
    The first time I lost a substantial amount of weight, I started to lose my hair as well. Google telogen effluvium, it'll explain things! Essentially, it's your body's way of reacting to a "shock". It takes a while, but it'll come back.

    Also, make sure you don't have any underlying conditions like thyroid or anything like that. You prob checked that out when you visited the doc, though.
  • MoRiv1986
    MoRiv1986 Posts: 379 Member
    There are a few supplements you can take. You can take Biotin, as well as Collagen. There is also L-cysteine, MSM, and Biosil, which help with hair loss. Talk to your doctor about these supplements before taking them.
  • ssl444
    ssl444 Posts: 88 Member
    With regards to the weight loss plateau, I have a pedometer called a fitbit and it will tell me, my total calories burned for the day, so I can properly calculate my calores in versus calories out, your tde which other people have mentioned is basically how many calories your body uses to function if you spent all day laid on your sofa, then on top of this figure will be calories you burn from your daily routine plus calories you burn from any exercise, so if you can workout this figure for yourself or buy a gadget which does It for you, you can properly track how many calories to eat each day, if you are constantly eating to low an amount your metabolism could have slowed down creating your plateau.

    If you are exercising daily like you state, the additional calories you burn, you should be adding this amount onto your daily eating allowance (MFP doe this for you if you have told it you have exercised), as the daily allowance you have been given by MFP already includes The defecit your body needs to lose weight, so if you don't eat these additional calories your defecit will be to much.

    Hair loss, no idea.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    "..I do have a thyroid disorder and take medication for levels are normal..."

    Did your doc do a full thyroid workup? A reverse T-3? There could be a problem converting T-4 to T-3. A magnesium deficiency interferes with the conversion of T-4 to T-3.

    Also, just because your blood levels are normal doesn't mean that it is being utilized properly. Most women don't know this, but when progesterone production stops, the thyroid enhancing action that it provides, goes missing as well. At the same time, estrogen continues to be pumped out (a woman's fat stores are a major source). Many, many women become "estrogen-dominant" at the menopause. Here's a link to Dr. John Lee's website (he was a pioneer in natural progesterone supplementation for women):

    It will tell you everything you need to know about natural progesterone supplementation. I have used it myself for ten years--it has totally helped me to lose weight and feel better. Good luck!

    p.s. There is a lot of good info here on the thyroid forums. :smile:
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks..I'll check out the website..I went today and bought a new multivitamin for women over 50 that contains many vitamins and minerals that people were recommending I try and an iron supplement as well..I received alot of useful info here..thanks everyone
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    I do take Levothyroxine but Ive been taking it for years with no hair loss..Im convinced the hair loss has something to do with my weight loss or something missing from my diet..Im not totally ruling it out as a side effect but I don't have a choice..I have to continue the medicine for life.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    If you are pretty active the rest of week when not at work then you are not sedentary. You would log lightly active or moderately active. I don't have a job currently but I exercise 5 days a week so I log moderately active.
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    Mine is on top and in the front to the point that you can see my scalp..I try moving my hair from one side to the other to cover it up..I got a new vitamin supplement that contains everything for women over 50 and it includes iron, biotin, iodine, and all the other essential vitamins and minerals..fingers crossed..hope it works..
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I do take Levothyroxine but Ive been taking it for years with no hair loss..Im convinced the hair loss has something to do with my weight loss or something missing from my diet..Im not totally ruling it out as a side effect but I don't have a choice..I have to continue the medicine for life.

    Yeah--I take it too. But your doc may not be aware of the new guidelines on thyroid levels. My family doc reduced my thyroid dose a few years ago because he said it was "suppressing your TSH" and I FELT AWFUL. Then I went to see an endocrinologist who put me back on the higher dose. He said that my family doc was following the old guideline. What was once thought adequate is now thought to be inadequate. What's your TSH? The ladies over on the thyroid forum are VERY knowledgeable.
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    I had my level done in Feb 2013 it was 1.05 (normal range 0.40-4.50) So it was in the normal range
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I had my level done in Feb 2013 it was 1.05 (normal range 0.40-4.50) So it was in the normal range

    Reverse T-3?
  • MoRiv1986
    MoRiv1986 Posts: 379 Member
    Have you also tried some of the essential oils to rub into your scalp? I heard sage is good, and rosemary oil is good, as well.
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    Just bought some oil and tried it for the first time yesterday..I left it in overnight but its hard to wash out and left my hair greasy feeling.
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    Don'tt know about reverse T3
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Congrats on being only 36 pounds from goal! .. There is a very good book I read that was a life changer for me as i went thru the final stages of menopause - it is "The Menopause Makeover ". It really addressed a lot of womens issues and I wish i had read it sooner...

    Keep up the good work. And keep seeking answers...
  • queencat3
    queencat3 Posts: 30
    bump for later
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    Well thank you the 58 for 58 as in year born? If so, same for me: )