
KayLgee Posts: 136 Member
I have a specific goal in mind, it doesn't have to be met but I wanna try my best to hit it.

At the moment I go to the gym 4-5 times a week and do a few classes too, what I am hoping to do is up this to 5-6 times a week (mornings mainly) and burn around 800cal within 1-1.5 hours.

Does anyone have a current routine which enables this sort of number, I am open to all methods.

(disclaimer) I am going to be eating plenty of calories so no comments on 'over doing it', 'too much too soon' 'taking it slow' please.


  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    To be honest I don't know if there are many exercises that could see you burn that much in 1 hour, unless you were very overweight.

    That being said I don't do much cardio so I could be wrong
  • KayLgee
    KayLgee Posts: 136 Member
    I mean I can get to the gym for upto 1.5hours in the morning but I can spare another hour of an evening.
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    You would have to be seriously over weight to burn that....

    The only way to know what your burning is to get a good heart rate monitor
  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    I think to burn 800 cals in 1-1.5 hours, you would almost have to be at a dead sprint for the entire time. The only other thing might be High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), but that varies from person to person.

    Just out of curiosity, why the goal of 800 cals for each workout?
  • MichelleSawatzky
    MichelleSawatzky Posts: 44 Member
    My suggestion would be = HIIT workouts. Either on the elliptical or treadmill. I do intervals on the treadmill - after warmup; 2 min of 10% incline at 4.0, 30 seconds of 2% incline at 3.8, 2 minutes of 2% incline at 6.5-7.0, 30 seconds of 2% incline at 3.8, then repeat.
    Of course you can go faster/slower, etc. You can look Google HIIT training and get more ideas/programs.

    You can also take ZUMBA classes - you can burn a lot of calories with the right instructor in an hour (600-1000).
    Remember that everyone is a different weight so calorie burn varies.

    Good Luck!!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I know that rollerblading burns a ton of calories, but not sure about 800 worth!
  • joyjay4fun
    joyjay4fun Posts: 160
    I recently purchased a heart rate monitor and I am actually close to your goal on most days per the monitor. I do a lot of cardio though. Iusually walk to the gym, do 20 on the bike and then some hard core elliptical for another 40-60 minutes depending on how I feel. I am not extremely overweight (BMI is26.8 i think so still some work to be done) but I think it just depends on the intensity and how much you are doing. Most days I am between 600-900 burned. I dont actually have a calorie burned target though, more a time target. I have had to adjust my diet though because of it. I was only consuming 12-1500 a day and without that monitor didnt realize I was burning soo much. The machines readings led me to believe I burned a different rate so I thought my intake was spot on. I would just suggest getting a good one and keeping track of everything. Everyones body is different so it may take more less time to reach your goal but an hour of cardio 4-5 times a week, sounds like youre already kicking butt out there. :-)
  • KayLgee
    KayLgee Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks guys !!


    I used to burn 600-700 doing 45min insanity, I just don't have the space to do it anymore.

    I want to burn that amount because I am looking to lose around 2.5lb per week for 10 weeks, therefore creating a larger deficit.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Why not burn 500, and cut 300 cals from your diet. same result
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    If i really push myself and work hard i can hit around 900 cals in a 55 min spin and abs class. I think it does depend on height/ weight and amount of muscle you have.

    But I do agree with erickirb so long as you are in a healthy TDEE - % range
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member

    I want to burn that amount because I am looking to lose around 2.5lb per week for 10 weeks, therefore creating a larger deficit.

    You realize that's not realistic for someone who has less than 50 lbs to lose, right?
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    If I do Zumba for around 90 minutes, I typically burn 700-800 calories.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I burn around 500 calories in an hour during Spin class...
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    For the record I think you're crazy, but depending on your weight I've seen people put up those numbers doing spin class, zumba, and kettlebells.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,089 Member
    burning x amount of calories is not a great exercise plan.
    what are your goals? strength? speed? endurance? flexibility?
    base your workouts on goals, not calories

    If you have only 30 lbs to lose, then running fast or jumping rope will make you burn 600 kcal /h if you manage to do it for 75 minutes, but you would have to be top shape to make it happen. The calories for insanity you mention seem overestimated.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,089 Member

    I want to burn that amount because I am looking to lose around 2.5lb per week for 10 weeks, therefore creating a larger deficit.

    You realize that's not realistic for someone who has less than 50 lbs to lose, right?

    You should opt for 1 lbs max / week.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I burn 700 calories an hour in spin class - does your gym offer this?
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    So what's the huge rush to lose? How much will you he eating?
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    For the record I think you're crazy, but depending on your weight I've seen people put up those numbers doing spin class, zumba, and kettlebells.

    True, but we should also remember that the MFP calorie estimates are notoriously noted to be high. I agree with whoever suggested a good HRM.
    But also the person who said to think about your goals. I'm a huge fan of lifting and kettlebells. Building muscle will help to increase your metabolism so you'll burn even more at rest.
  • laurie41565
    laurie41565 Posts: 64 Member
    Yeah that is a lot of calories to burn in an hour to hour and half. I do a Combat dvd for an hour and only burn around 300 and I am going full intensity and it's a lot of kicking and punching and jumping. I am drenched afterwards. I was a little bummed that I only burned that much cuz when I used to go to a cardio kickboxing class the instructor said she would burn around 600 in an hour and I did the workout at the same intensity without any modifications so I thought I was burning approx the same as her as we were the same age and approx same weight. But now that I have a heart rate monitor with a chest strap that is supposed to be very accurate, the calories burned shows quite a bit lower. So I go by what my hrm says. Do you have a heeart rate monitor? That is the best way to calculate cals burned from what I've heard because you can input all your personal data, age, sex, height, weight and it calculates according to your heart beats during exercise. Good luck to you!!