Is it wrong - McDonalds 250 calorie Egg McMuffin



  • WeightHacker
    WeightHacker Posts: 260 Member
    Throw it in the pantry and let it sit for a month. Take it out, it'll be as fresh as the day it went in! :D
    If you are what you eat, you should live to be at least 100 years old!
    this is true, someone took a mcdonalds happy meal kept it for 9 years and it did not mold and looked the same as the day they bough it

    and i have seen it for my own eyes.
    after i have seen supersize me, (and got the book). i had stop eating fast for for about 5 - 6 years. i was just disgusted.
    i was cleaning, the house, and found a mcdonald french fries. laying on the floor. i was like wait... it should of rotten by now. and it wasnt it, the only thing it was just hard. craziness.
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    Siiiigh. Sometimes it is really hard to remain objective on these threads.

    The bottom line is this: McDonald's food and food from restaurants like it are what got a lot of the people on MFP to 100+ pounds overweight. What you are getting in that sandwich has zero nutritional value and is as good as eating paper or plastic with some ketchup on it for your body. Your stomach will feel full but you will not gain a single iota of anything your body needs from that sandwich or anything else on a fast food menu. You will be filling your stomach and starving your body at the same time. That's how people get morbidly obese. If you wanna have one once in a very great while that's fine. No one is stopping you. But don't kid yourself putting a chemical infested burger in your mouth that it's healthy because it's only 250 calories. Your liver will not be pleased and eventually your "figure" will show the world what you've been snacking on.

    The addiction this country has to sugar, preservatives and food that isn't actually food is nothing short of frustrating. I keep seeing people say "it's fine in moderation." If somebody handed you a bottle marked poison and told you it tastes like apple pie with a scoop of ice cream, would you go ahead and swig a few drops because you were told it wouldn't kill you? Probably not. This is the exact same thing.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Throw it in the pantry and let it sit for a month. Take it out, it'll be as fresh as the day it went in! :D
    If you are what you eat, you should live to be at least 100 years old!
    this is true, someone took a mcdonalds happy meal kept it for 9 years and it did not mold and looked the same as the day they bough it

    and i have seen it for my own eyes.
    after i have seen supersize me, (and got the book). i had stop eating fast for for about 5 - 6 years. i was just disgusted.
    i was cleaning, the house, and found a mcdonald french fries. laying on the floor. i was like wait... it should of rotten by now. and it wasnt it, the only thing it was just hard. craziness.

    The less moisture in something, (like something that's been cooked, such as a potato) the less likely it will mold or rot. Then, of course adding salt or other preservatives makes it even less likely. This does not automatically make it poison or "bad" for you to eat. The human digestive system is an incredible thing.
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    It's very wrong. The sausage biscuit with egg destroys the mcmuffin cheese??? :grumble:
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Siiiigh. Sometimes it is really hard to remain objective on these threads.

    The bottom line is this: McDonald's food and food from restaurants like it are what got a lot of the people on MFP to 100+ pounds overweight.

    No, eating more calories than they burn is what got them to 100+ pounds overweight. McDonalds doesn't force anyone to eat their food, neither does any other restaurant that I know of... people willingly walk into these establishments and willingly buy their food and willingly eat it. Stop blaming everyone but themselves for the repercussions of their own choices.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    What you are getting in that sandwich has zero nutritional value and is as good as eating paper or plastic with some ketchup on it for your body. Your stomach will feel full but you will not gain a single iota of anything your body needs from that sandwich or anything else on a fast food menu. You will be filling your stomach and starving your body at the same time

    Except nope.
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    Throw it in the pantry and let it sit for a month. Take it out, it'll be as fresh as the day it went in! :D
    If you are what you eat, you should live to be at least 100 years old!
    this is true, someone took a mcdonalds happy meal kept it for 9 years and it did not mold and looked the same as the day they bough it

    and i have seen it for my own eyes.
    after i have seen supersize me, (and got the book). i had stop eating fast for for about 5 - 6 years. i was just disgusted.
    i was cleaning, the house, and found a mcdonald french fries. laying on the floor. i was like wait... it should of rotten by now. and it wasnt it, the only thing it was just hard. craziness.

    The less moisture in something, (like something that's been cooked, such as a potato) the less likely it will mold or rot. Then, of course adding salt or other preservatives makes it even less likely. This does not automatically make it poison or "bad" for you to eat. The human digestive system is an incredible thing.

    Just because eating fast food "in moderation" doesn't make you look fat, doesn't mean it isn't wreaking havoc on the "incredible human digestive system." Plenty of people who look fit and in shape have heart attacks and organ failure without warning because they workout double time and eat like dog *kitten*.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    What you are getting in that sandwich has zero nutritional value and is as good as eating paper or plastic with some ketchup on it for your body. Your stomach will feel full but you will not gain a single iota of anything your body needs from that sandwich or anything else on a fast food menu. You will be filling your stomach and starving your body at the same time

    Except not really though.

    Ummmm last I checked it does contain nutritional value so your point is invalid there.
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    What you are getting in that sandwich has zero nutritional value and is as good as eating paper or plastic with some ketchup on it for your body. Your stomach will feel full but you will not gain a single iota of anything your body needs from that sandwich or anything else on a fast food menu. You will be filling your stomach and starving your body at the same time

    Except not really though.

    Ummmm last I checked it does contain nutritional value so your point is invalid there.

    What value? Sodium and protein? Did you know that McDonald's beef cannot legally be called beef because it's mostly pink slime? What kind of nutritional value does pink slime have? I'd actually be interested to know. The fish sandwich is 18% cholestoral because it's Pollock, which has nearly nothing nutritional except for the whole 1% protein you get from it.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    OP, it isn't wrong. What's wrong is some of the misinformation being touted in here

    Edited to correct typos
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Throw it in the pantry and let it sit for a month. Take it out, it'll be as fresh as the day it went in! :D
    If you are what you eat, you should live to be at least 100 years old!
    this is true, someone took a mcdonalds happy meal kept it for 9 years and it did not mold and looked the same as the day they bough it

    and i have seen it for my own eyes.
    after i have seen supersize me, (and got the book). i had stop eating fast for for about 5 - 6 years. i was just disgusted.
    i was cleaning, the house, and found a mcdonald french fries. laying on the floor. i was like wait... it should of rotten by now. and it wasnt it, the only thing it was just hard. craziness.

    The less moisture in something, (like something that's been cooked, such as a potato) the less likely it will mold or rot. Then, of course adding salt or other preservatives makes it even less likely. This does not automatically make it poison or "bad" for you to eat. The human digestive system is an incredible thing.

    Just because eating fast food "in moderation" doesn't make you look fat, doesn't mean it isn't wreaking havoc on the "incredible human digestive system." Plenty of people who look fit and in shape have heart attacks and organ failure without warning because they workout double time and eat like dog *kitten*.

    Maybe if they ate it every day, for every meal, for a long period of time, yes, it would wreak havoc. Having it once a week or even once a day isn't going to be detrimental if the rest of their diet is in check and exercise is regularly done. I didn't say eating McDonalds was the healthiest choice, that's not rocket science, but it's not some evil food that no one should ever eat, and certainly not to blame for people's being overweight. That's on them. Lots of "healthy" foods can wreak havoc on the digestive system too, so I fail to see your point. I'm sure you wouldn't condemn someone for having a beer after work every day. Or maybe you would.
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    Throw it in the pantry and let it sit for a month. Take it out, it'll be as fresh as the day it went in! :D
    If you are what you eat, you should live to be at least 100 years old!
    this is true, someone took a mcdonalds happy meal kept it for 9 years and it did not mold and looked the same as the day they bough it

    and i have seen it for my own eyes.
    after i have seen supersize me, (and got the book). i had stop eating fast for for about 5 - 6 years. i was just disgusted.
    i was cleaning, the house, and found a mcdonald french fries. laying on the floor. i was like wait... it should of rotten by now. and it wasnt it, the only thing it was just hard. craziness.

    The less moisture in something, (like something that's been cooked, such as a potato) the less likely it will mold or rot. Then, of course adding salt or other preservatives makes it even less likely. This does not automatically make it poison or "bad" for you to eat. The human digestive system is an incredible thing.

    Just because eating fast food "in moderation" doesn't make you look fat, doesn't mean it isn't wreaking havoc on the "incredible human digestive system." Plenty of people who look fit and in shape have heart attacks and organ failure without warning because they workout double time and eat like dog *kitten*.

    Maybe if they ate it every day, for every meal, for a long period of time, yes, it would wreak havoc. Having it once a week or even once a day isn't going to be detrimental if the rest of their diet is in check and exercise is regularly done. I didn't say eating McDonalds was the healthiest choice, that's not rocket science, but it's not some evil food that no one should ever eat, and certainly not to blame for people's being overweight. That's on them. Lots of "healthy" foods can wreak havoc on the digestive system too, so I fail to see your point. I'm sure you wouldn't condemn someone for having a beer after work every day. Or maybe you would.

    Not a beer, no, because beer is generally made from ingredients that don't contain Formaldehyde. Which, is what aspartame turns into when introduced to your body. Guess Formaldehyde might not be so bad in there once or twice, ya? I see your point. That diet coke is fine. I guess high cholestoral's okay too now and then. And 4000 grams of sodium in a single sandwich? Fine too.
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    The liver is an incredible organ, after all! *kitten*, it can take it!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Throw it in the pantry and let it sit for a month. Take it out, it'll be as fresh as the day it went in! :D
    If you are what you eat, you should live to be at least 100 years old!
    this is true, someone took a mcdonalds happy meal kept it for 9 years and it did not mold and looked the same as the day they bough it

    and i have seen it for my own eyes.
    after i have seen supersize me, (and got the book). i had stop eating fast for for about 5 - 6 years. i was just disgusted.
    i was cleaning, the house, and found a mcdonald french fries. laying on the floor. i was like wait... it should of rotten by now. and it wasnt it, the only thing it was just hard. craziness.

    The less moisture in something, (like something that's been cooked, such as a potato) the less likely it will mold or rot. Then, of course adding salt or other preservatives makes it even less likely. This does not automatically make it poison or "bad" for you to eat. The human digestive system is an incredible thing.

    Just because eating fast food "in moderation" doesn't make you look fat, doesn't mean it isn't wreaking havoc on the "incredible human digestive system." Plenty of people who look fit and in shape have heart attacks and organ failure without warning because they workout double time and eat like dog *kitten*.

    Maybe if they ate it every day, for every meal, for a long period of time, yes, it would wreak havoc. Having it once a week or even once a day isn't going to be detrimental if the rest of their diet is in check and exercise is regularly done. I didn't say eating McDonalds was the healthiest choice, that's not rocket science, but it's not some evil food that no one should ever eat, and certainly not to blame for people's being overweight. That's on them. Lots of "healthy" foods can wreak havoc on the digestive system too, so I fail to see your point. I'm sure you wouldn't condemn someone for having a beer after work every day. Or maybe you would.

    Not a beer, no, because beer is generally made from ingredients that don't contain Formaldehyde. Which, is what aspartame turns into when introduced to your body. Guess Formaldehyde might not be so bad in there once or twice, ya? I see your point.

    Lol. Aspartame, not something I consume. If other people choose to do so, that's on them. So beer is okay, because it's ingredients meet your list of acceptable criteria, even though alcohol "wreaks havoc" on the liver. I mean come on. Moderation IS the key - if you don't consume too much, yeah, poisonous **** isn't going to kill you. That's my point. If someone wants to risk it and eat fast food every day, their choice. I don't choose to drink alcohol every day, but I'm not going to go around yelling at everyone who does and trying to freak them out about alcoholism and liver failure.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Not a beer, no, because beer is generally made from ingredients that don't contain Formaldehyde. Which, is what aspartame turns into when introduced to your body. Guess Formaldehyde might not be so bad in there once or twice, ya? I see your point. That diet coke is fine. I guess high cholestoral's okay too now and then. And 4000 grams of sodium in a single sandwich? Fine too.

    4000 GRAMS of sodium in a single sandwich, really now? Can you provide some sources for your posts?
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    What you are getting in that sandwich has zero nutritional value and is as good as eating paper or plastic with some ketchup on it for your body. Your stomach will feel full but you will not gain a single iota of anything your body needs from that sandwich or anything else on a fast food menu. You will be filling your stomach and starving your body at the same time

    Except not really though.

    Ummmm last I checked it does contain nutritional value so your point is invalid there.

  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    The liver is an incredible organ, after all! *kitten*, it can take it!

    I think you're failing to understand that people choose to eat this stuff. So whether or not it's "okay" for people to make food like such as what's made at McDonalds, doesn't really matter. It's not illegal, and they post nutritional information online for people to look at if they're interested. It tastes good, to a majority of people, obviously, which is why they continue doing it the way they do, among other reasons. Salt makes things taste good. Such as babyback ribs. 5-7000mg of sodium in one rack of those. Worth it. Not something I'd do every week or even every month, but yeah I'll do it when I get the chance because it's an indulgence, not an every day thing.
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    I'm talking to people on a Fitness board about not eating food that is highly contradictory to what they SEEM to be trying to accomplish, which is health. I would like to think that most of them are not alcoholics so unless they're binge drinking, alcohol is not that bad for you. Yes, in moderation. Fast foods contain chemicals that most people are addicted to like sodium and high fructose corn syrup (which is in EVERY ketchup packet,) that wind up putting you back on the fat wagon crying about how THIS time, you'll KEEP it off. Convenience foods are why this country is the number 2 fattest country in the world. If you want a snack, get REAL chocolate from the grocery store or make gourmet burgers at home the size of your head that have no preservatives in them. Anyway, I'm done arguing here.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    What you are getting in that sandwich has zero nutritional value and is as good as eating paper or plastic with some ketchup on it for your body. Your stomach will feel full but you will not gain a single iota of anything your body needs from that sandwich or anything else on a fast food menu. You will be filling your stomach and starving your body at the same time

    Congrats. You have constructed a paragraph comprised entirely of slanderous fiction. Like, even the punctuation was made out of lies
  • KhinoHoang
    To the OP, moderation eating is how many fit and lean people eat. Eating perfect doesn't always mean happiness which believe it or not counts towards good health.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Spreading dat knowledge.

    Even though it does have tons of preservatives, McDonalds is not the culprit for people gaining weight. It's because people can't control themselves!! If you eat too much "healthy" food, you'll still gain weight if you go over your calories.