I have a huge pet peeve with unleashed animals



    I hear you! Try working an afternoon shift and traveling 40 min to get home (around 12:30 am pure darkness) and the neighbors have 2 'PIT BULLS' unleashed growling at you.... !!! The other neighbors on the other side have 2 big dogs also.....I have to carry pepper spray and or bear spray with me at all times when I get out of the car... PLUS in Michigan there is a 'leash law' for all dogs! I really don't mind dogs, but when they threaten me, it is another story.... I hate being the neighbor that *complains*, but really......leash up those DOGS !!!

    *side note* I was bite as a child (7 yrs old) by a dog when I was riding my bike, hence my slight fear of dogs in general~
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I have absolutely no problem with animals. I was raised on a farm. I've faced charging bulls, coyotes, wolves and even bears without flinching.

    However, there is NOTHING more distracting and frustrating then being chased by an animal that is off it's leash while IN town.

    I have been chased TWICE. The one time I kept the dog in firm line with nothing more than my voice. The owner NEVER showed up. The second time the owner showed up after the dog chased me all the way down a hill. The owner was NOT happy with their pet and quite frankly I never once thought: Bad owner.

    Still. If you cannot control your pet or if it is prone to chasing people it should NOT be off leash in public. If, however, it managed to get away despite your best efforts to control it that's understandable.

    Sometimes I think irresponsible pet owners should get chased by a waist high animal some time. They might change their tune. And while I was not harmed and was not terrified by the chases that I was subjected to it was still stressful and not at all something I want to happen every time I try to go for a run.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member

    You forgot *misspelled :)

    Your Welcome...



    NO, because I was giving the welcome to her so it was hers so...


  • Lindsay_1984
    Lindsay_1984 Posts: 85 Member
    I don't care if your dog is on your property. If you don't have a fence, the dog needs to be on a leash of some sort to keep it on the property. Verbal commands do not always work. We're talking about an animal and sometimes animal instinct takes over. I don't care if you believe your dog wouldn't hurt a fly. I've known many "harmless" dogs that instinctively nip at a child for touching them in the wrong spot or something.

    If I am walking by with my child or pet and your dog runs at us to say "hello", I will do whatever is necessary to defend myself, my child, and my pet. I don't know your dog.

    Also, you don't know my dog and if your dog runs up to us and my dog attacks, it is your fault for letting your dog run up on us.

    This really shouldn't need to be explained...
  • fayeonherway

    That's not what I meant. If a dog tries to attack you, by all means, do what you have to to defend yourself.
    But people threatening to shoot a dog that just wants to play really bugs me.

    People who have aggressive dogs should keep them on a leash. However, there are plenty of people who have trained their dogs properly and they know it is safe to have them off a leash.

    The dog that attacked my dog was a 'friendly' dog who did not have an aggressive bone in his body according to the owner. There are leash laws for a reason and if I can follow it with my dog why can't other people? My dog is super friendly and gets along with most other dogs. She will always be leashed!

    Everyone thinks it will never be their dog UNTIL the dog attacks! So therefore I must be the one responsible for other people's unleashed dog? I have to become the Dog Whisperer now? Not just for my dog but ones I don't even own? No thank you.

    I would love my day in court if I have to defend myself or my dog by any means necessary because of an unleashed dog. After what we went through and visions of me having to bury my dog. Hell. No. I grew up with dogs (small, medium and large) and they were ALWAYS leashed in public places because of safety and peace of mind.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I carry mace for that reason. I haven't had to use it yet, usually shouting at the dog has made it run away, but if your loose dog tries to attack me it will be maced.
  • Lindsay_1984
    Lindsay_1984 Posts: 85 Member
    There was a dog at my apartment complex that the owner often let out without a leash. It would always be jumping up on people and their kids while they walked to their cars and you could tell people did not like it and were scared of it. The lady would always say "oh, he is just saying hi, he is friendly" This was a large boxer mix dog. We live in a nice apartment and you have to register your dog with the office and get it approved and pay extra, and dogs must be leashed at all times. Later I found out the dog was unregistered and she wasn't allowed to have it.

    Well, one time I took my cat outside to this forested/grass area on a leash and harness because he likes to be outside every now and then in the grass. It was a pretty secluded area. Well, right at that time the dog owner decided to let her dog out without a leash and it ran straight at me and my cat and started attacking both of us. I got mauled and bitten badly, and my cat went crazy on the dog and scratched its face open, blood everywhere. Even with all the scratches the dog still would not let up and was trying to bite my cat. I was trying to get it away and got bit in the process. My cat was miraculously unharmed, thank God.

    The owner of the dog was a small lady and she could not do anything to constrain her dog, just stood there in shock watching the attack while I yelled at her to get a leash and get the dog away. I finally was able to kick the dog away and run for the door of my apartment building and slam it shut. I was laying there on the floor with blood running down my arms and hands and the lady didn't even check to see if I was okay! She took the dog and disappeared in to her apartment building.

    Well, about an hour later she ended up having a heart attack or something because I saw out my window an ambulance pull up and she was taken away on a stretcher. She was not even close to the attack so I know she wasn't hurt during that. I ended up going to the hospital for infected bites and scratches and had to pay like $200 in hospital bills. I don't know what happened to the dog, but I have never seen it or the lady again. No idea what happened to either of them.
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member

    You forgot *misspelled :)

    Your Welcome...



    NO, because I was giving the welcome to her so it was hers so...




    I can't believe that this thread is still going! :laugh:
  • SquidandWhale
    I had my dog in the yard playing fetch when a walker with a dog came by this morning. My dog is young (thus dumb), and ran to greet them before I realized they were there. The walker started hitting him with a walking stick and then said, "You should have that damn dog on a leash." To which I replied, "We're outside playing fetch our yard. He lives here, you don't, and he's not left outside unsupervised. Call the cops or don't walk here anymore."

    THE END.

    Was the walker in your yard or the sidewalk/street? A coworker of mine use to let her puppy play in the yard, until he got hit by a car and died. She doesn't do that with her new dogs any more.

    They were walking in the middle of the street (my street dead ends into a park; however, there's no access to the park via my street). Normally he's not allowed in the front yard because it's not fenced, but I was trying to get some plants in the ground before work along the walkway. My neighborhood is really tight-knit, we all know each other, our dogs all play together etc., so it wasn't unreasonable for Hugo to think his behavior was acceptable. It wasn't acceptable behavior on his part, and I quickly recalled him.

    Wait, in the first quote you were playing fetch, then in the second quote you were gardening?
    ... sounds fishy.

    I throw the ball, dogs run after ball. While dog runs, I dig holes. Dog drops ball, I pick it up and throw. While dog runs, I plop flowers in the holes and fill in dirt. Water and repeat.

  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member

    You forgot *misspelled :)

    Your Welcome...



    NO, because I was giving the welcome to her so it was hers so...




    I can't believe that this thread is still going! :laugh:

    You forgot *misspelled :)

    Your Welcome...

    Yayyyyyyyy CORRECT put that in your pipe an smoke it BOOM now don't you feel silly hahahaha

    I believe I won that round as there was no sarcastic reply back to that DING DING DING tooo Hotmummymission. Yayyyyyyyyyy ;)
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member

    You forgot *misspelled :)

    Your Welcome...



    NO, because I was giving the welcome to her so it was hers so...




    I can't believe that this thread is still going! :laugh:

    You forgot *misspelled :)

    Your Welcome...

    Yayyyyyyyy CORRECT put that in your pipe an smoke it BOOM now don't you feel silly hahahaha

    I believe I won that round as there was no sarcastic reply back to that DING DING DING tooo Hotmummymission. Yayyyyyyyyyy ;)
    It's all fun ay hahah
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    On a funny note, my boss no longer walks her street as she was attacked by owls twice last year. One swooped down and tried to take her away by her hair!

    Those were VERY ambitious owls. :smile:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I hear you! Try working an afternoon shift and traveling 40 min to get home (around 12:30 am pure darkness) and the neighbors have 2 'PIT BULLS' unleashed growling at you.... !!! The other neighbors on the other side have 2 big dogs also.....I have to carry pepper spray and or bear spray with me at all times when I get out of the car... PLUS in Michigan there is a 'leash law' for all dogs! I really don't mind dogs, but when they threaten me, it is another story.... I hate being the neighbor that *complains*, but really......leash up those DOGS !!!

    *side note* I was bite as a child (7 yrs old) by a dog when I was riding my bike, hence my slight fear of dogs in general~

    You could try one of those air horns someone else was suggesting... maybe these morons would restrain their dogs if one of those things went off every night at 12:30 or 1:00 in the morning. :bigsmile:
  • Focusedjessy
    Focusedjessy Posts: 114 Member
    I don't ever plan on tying up my dog on my property! My dog lives a great life tying her up would be awful.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I don't ever plan on tying up my dog on my property! My dog lives a great life tying her up would be awful.

    They all think there dead big and hard shooting dogs ever heard of KARMA :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Parts of this thread are making my brain hurt. The stupidity is killing me slowly.

    I don't even know what's happening anymore.


    ...but I guess I'm in...

    ...to start from the beginning to try to understand...

    ...or not.
  • labeachgirl
    labeachgirl Posts: 158 Member
    My dad was attacked on the sidewalk on his morning walk and had a huge dog bite on his calf. If you're going to be a special snowflake about your dog being able to run wild on your lawn then get an electronic fence and keep them there.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    The other day I made friends with a little brown daschund named Liesl.
  • tigerblood78
    tigerblood78 Posts: 417 Member
    I'm a dog owner and dog lover. If a dog attempts to attack me while I'm running in the street, I will kick the *kitten* out of it.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    Free range dog is much better for you