What do you like about you?



  • ShyGirl89
    ShyGirl89 Posts: 60 Member
    My eyes and creativity are my top two, but I'm learning to love everything about myself.
  • LisaMarie8713
    I like my eyes, and hair... I smile a lot and like to think positive, so glad I was blessed with that trait!! I am a superific mom and good friend to those in my life!!

    I like this thread btw, and love that everyone is so awesome!! :-)
  • benum21121
    benum21121 Posts: 200
    I think one of my best qualities is my consideration for others.

    I'm by NO MEANS perfect, but I like who I have become through the years. I'd go so far as to say I'm proud of who and what I've become.
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    I like my smile which is good because I do it alot:)...even when typing. haha And I'm really loyal and a great listener.
  • Kittenopolis
    Kittenopolis Posts: 26 Member
    I like that when I'm not a complete and utter fatass like I am now, I actually have long muscular legs and strong but feminine facial features like high cheekbones and a good jawline. (My avi is a few years old when I was a bit thinner so don't base current judgements on that.)

    One day I'll be there again... One day I'll be there and more...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    I like my shining intelligence, my hair, which costs me a lot of money to keep nice and I like the fact that when I make a commitment I stick to it. I am always on time and I am a fabulous cook!
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    I like that I am who I am and I make no apologies for it. I am the same person at work as I am at home as I am with my boss as I am with my kids or my dad or whoever. I think I am a kind person with a good heart and an awesome laugh. And I am resilient. And tough. But nice! AND I can dance! YAY MEEEEEE!!!!

    Thanks for this - it's nice to remind ourselves just how awesome we are from time to time! lol :happy:
  • livingfortheone
    livingfortheone Posts: 273 Member
    I am always reinventing myself. I am resilient and able to bounce back quickly. I can be over ambitious and loyal to a fault.
    I'm a workaholic and I have a determined drive toward success.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    That I dance like nobody is watching, even when they are.
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    I'm an all around good person... I try to see the good in everyone and I want them to see the good in themselves.
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    That I dance like nobody is watching, even when they are.

    mmm_drop - I LOVE YOUR TATTOO!!!
  • ksnj2
    ksnj2 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello all! Newbie here :-)

    I like that I am always in a good mood and generally a very very happy person! If I wake up in the morning and can get up out of bed that is reason enough to celebrate the day! I don't have drama in my life, little to no stress so I don't have reason to be grumpy or mean to anyone.
  • emilygray7165
    emilygray7165 Posts: 69 Member
    I like that I have the most amazing fiance in the world, and I like that I keep trying at things until i succeed!
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Everything other than the fact that I'm very indecisive. I had a hard time making decisions and then sticking to them. I love myself, I'm good people.
  • Athena42006
    Athena42006 Posts: 26 Member
    I love my brain and the fact that I can always see the good in a situation.
  • KindredSouls
    KindredSouls Posts: 188 Member
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    That I dance like nobody is watching, even when they are.

    mmm_drop - I LOVE YOUR TATTOO!!!

    Awe, thanks! :)
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    My positivity.

    i like your positivity too. :happy:

    for me: i like that i'm not afraid to eat *kitten* on a sk8brd and bruise/scrape up my body. :devil:
  • Cliffy94
    Cliffy94 Posts: 1,265 Member
    Personality or looks? well personality wise im very unselfish, i put others before myself, and will do anything for anyone! Looks wise, ive been told i have a nice smile, and nice eyes!