Co-workers that like to bring food to work



  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    This happens all the time at my office. A few times a month someone will bring in a bunch of cookies or doughnuts for everyone. It used to not be a big deal because everyone ate it. Now, however, more people than not are making better choices and try to avoid eating a bunch of sweets. The sweets keep appearing even though it has been said that people don't want them. I don't have a problem with it because I genuinely don't like sweets, but I feel bad for the people who struggle to maintain their willpower.

    I'm the same way. i don't really care much for sweets either. I really think that those who suffer from chocolate/sweet addictions really feel that others have the same love for the stuff as they do. Now, salty snacks....................that's my achilles heel.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    It is so horrible that they are holding you down and shoveling food down your throat!

    Call HR immediately.

    I knew the old "hey who is forcing you" comment would come along. I'll just ignore it for now. If you want to discuss it fine, if not, run along. After all, "no one is forcing to read this thread" now are they. LOL

    SNAP! lol
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Just fart every time they offer you something.

    "Hey, want some cake?"

    "No, thanks. phhhbbbbbbtttt!"
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Yesterday was a co-worker's birthday. I was nominated to stop and pick up some delicious, fattening breakfast tacos for the whole office, and when I got here, someone else had brought in a cake. I had no trouble staying away from it because around here, food typically stays in the break room, and eating it or not eating it is entirely up to you.

    On the other side of things, I have a co-worker who is trying to lose weight by taking all these weird "herbal supplements" and eating "healthy" snacks, and she will not stop pushing me to try them. And she's the "sweet older lady" type who is quite sensitive. I think I really hurt her feelings today when I wouldn't eat any of her powdered peanut butter that has had all the good, healthy fat sucked out of it. She knows full well that I have my own eating plan and that I don't do the low-fat, gimmicky, pre-packaged crap.

    It's always the little old ladies who bring the food. That's where it becomes difficult to tell them to take a hike. One time I took some of her sugary cookies and gave them to my mean neighbor's kids. LOL- they were probably driving her crazy the entire day with their hyperactive behavior. Let her worry about it. lol
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    I just say very sweetly and firmly, "Sorry I cant eat sugar in the morning it makes me sick." OR if its afternoon, "Sorry, I just ate a giant lunch and if I eat sugar this late in the day i"ll be awake ALL Night!"

    So there ya go.

    BUT fortunately I live in Colorado and so most of my co workers bring things like fruit platters and homemade granola bars.:love:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Well... aren't you a freaking ray of sunshine...
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    Well... aren't you a freaking ray of sunshine...
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    the folks in my department have serious food there has to be some around....always.
    the table directly infront of my desk is the "food table." the food table is never empty, cookies, cakes, donuts pretzels, chocolate, animal crackers, popcorn....
    i struggle with this so much. i am extremely weak when it comes to temptations.
    i try to keep away as much as possible and sometimes it's just not possible for me.
    i at least try to hold out for things that i REALLY like that appear once in a while, instead of just mindless grabbing whatever is there....
  • egwene1977
    I just tell them "thanks, but no thanks." Now that I'm showing major results, they are starting to come to me to ask what I'm eating, etc. They make sure to point out when there is fresh fruit, though :)

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  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    Anyone else out have this problem? Despite being adamant that you will not indulge in their sugary cookies, cakes, fried bread (aka donuts), they keep stopping by your desk anyway? Are they really showing good intentions by being thoughtful even though you tell them "no" constantly. I stepped away from desk the other week and someone took liberties and left a big hunk of cheesecake on my desk. I didn't come to work to eat, I came to work to work.

    This happened to me the other day. I don't like cheesecake, I told them that a dozen times, they continued to insist and make comments that annoyed the *kitten* out of me.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Are they really showing good intentions by being thoughtful even though you tell them "no" constantly. I stepped away from desk the other week and someone took liberties and left a big hunk of cheesecake on my desk. I didn't come to work to eat, I came to work to work.

    I would say they show good intentions when they make the offer. You're free to say yes or no. For all they know you might have one "special" food you'd accept despite your previous refusals. It's not quite an equal parallel, but my brother basically eats no green vegetables... except for spinach, usually right from the bag. He'll gag on a pea and only eat green beans from a certain restaurant, but he still buys bags of spinach. That's one green vegetable he'll willingly consume.

    I would, however, say that leaving it on your desk might be pushing the limits, especially if they know you likely won't want it. Personally, I'd just leave you a note saying "hey, there's cheesecake in the break room if you want it". That way, you have the offer without the pressure of having to deal with a hunk of food left on your desk for lord knows how long.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Hey....come here. "The first hit is free."
    That is what I hear when it comes to all the food at work lol.
    Just stand your ground and don't let them put anything in your mouth!:angry:
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    As Whierd said, no one is forcing you to be the company's Mr. Grumplebottom.

    I'm simply asking the community if others experience this issue at work. No need to start name-calling.
  • 3_is_enough
    I feel your pain. I'm staring at a box of donut holes and a bag of bagels right now. It takes all that's inside of me to resist, but every time I do, I feel so proud of myself. Don't pay any attention to the "food-pushers". Like you said, you're there to work, not stuff your face.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I have 1.5 gallons of chocolate milk, about 20 cans of veggies, 3 bags of frozen precooked chicken, 3 bags of steamable brocolli, a jar of peanut butter, protein powder, 3 bags of steamable edamame, and a bag of dark chocolate at my work...
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Personally, I'd just leave you a note saying "hey, there's cheesecake in the break room if you want it".

    Exactly! That's the way it should be done.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    As Whierd said, no one is forcing you to be the company's Mr. Grumplebottom.
    I'm simply asking the community if others experience this issue at work. No need to start name-calling.


    ..seriously though. It's annoying when you don't want to eat something and people are persistent. It's embarrassing and awkward to have to say no over and over again.
  • lsharet
    lsharet Posts: 2
    I hate that. It happens at my work all the time too. I have a system set up with a co-worker (who runs marathons so he has no problems burning off all the extra calories) and I just give any contraband to him. Plus, if someone brings treats I make sure they are out of view of my desk and sometimes if I need extra help I'll ask my coworker not to allow me any treats. It usually works. :) Good luck!
  • wooowooo
    wooowooo Posts: 1 Member
    Our dept was recently put under a new manager which grouped us in with another dept. I like their idea of celebrating birthdays once a month for everyone so the temptation and pressure to buy isn't CONSTANTYLY there. Everyone who wants to participate pitches in a few bucks a month and fortunately for us, we have a GREAT COOK. What I do like is they ask the people who have a birthday in that month what they would like to eat which helps out when you're working toward a goal or trying to maintain. For example, I love breakfast foods so, I asked for eggs and the whole nine and emphasized that I want PINEAPPLE. I brought my own turkey sausage for protein, added the eggs and after lunch, I had a SMALL piece of birthday cake after everyone else had their slice. So, I was able to join in on the fun but on MY terms :-) Hope this helps.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Yeah, I really hate it when people around me are generous and nice to me.