Co-workers that like to bring food to work



  • perficktangel
    perficktangel Posts: 26 Member
    They are being nice. They are probably well aware that you will say no, but do not wish to make you feel excluded.

    My husband and I are very reclusive, but whenever our friends or family want to do something, they ask us if we would like to join them. We almost always say no, but every now and then, we say yes. (Admittedly, I am usually the one sending my husband to work with a plate of cookies because I wanted one and had to bake a couple dozen.)

    Maybe you don't like cheesecake, donuts, cookies or cake, but you ARE fond of brownies. Your co-workers have no way of knowing, and would probably feel bad if they found out later that the day they had brownies and passed you by was the one day you would have been in the mood for a treat.

    Just smile, say "no, thank you" and move on with your day.

    As Whierd said, no one is forcing you to be the company's Mr. Grumplebottom.

    I don't think he's being a "Mr. Grumplebottom". If he has said he doesn't want it or doesn't eat that kind of food & they keep trying to give it to him, they're not being as considerate as they think they are. I don't understand why someone would stick a piece of cheesecake on your desk when you're not even in there, just assuming you want it. I'm fortunate enough to be in an office with people who don't force it. Usually it is put in our kitchen on the table & someone sends an email telling everyone it's there and that anyone can have some. Then each person has to make the choice to get up from their desk and go get it if they want it. I think these threads are nice because we can get out some frustrations, get suggestions, or share our victories. I don't think it's rude to vent a little.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    Damn Jason, whatd you do?? Got all these people WORKED up over you not wanting to stuff your face with other peoples nasty *kitten* food......GET OFF MY BOYS BACK AND STOP TRYING TO GIVE US NASTY **** WE HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU COUNTLESS TIMES THAT WE DONT WANT!!!...dont worry bro, i got your back.

    LOL- I thought I was creating a nice little forum but it looks like I'm spending more time "engaging the hostiles." LMAO! Too bad I can't delete this damn thing.

    lol. people are crazy about their treats
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Talk to them about myfitnesspal and healthy eating for about 10 minutes. That's what I do and they all avoid me and eat the food like they were closet eaters. I'm just so happy that myfitnesspal worked for me that I can't help talk about it.

    Hey, I tried that and in fact, I know of one person who used for about 5 or 6 days then quit. The rest of them think it's too cumbersome to log calories. (shrugs)
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I bring stuff in to work because I love to bake and don't need it all at home, obviously. But I just stick it in the kitchen and whoever wants it can eat it, if they don't want it, they don't have to. I don't go around to everyone and say EAT THIS. lol

    But, also, since I've started my healthier lifestyle, I try to make and bring in healthier things, which I know they appreciate because many of them are health conscious, too.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    It is so horrible that they are holding you down and shoveling food down your throat!

    Call HR immediately.

    I knew the old "hey who is forcing you" comment would come along. I'll just ignore it for now. If you want to discuss it fine, if not, run along. After all, "no one is forcing to read this thread" now are they. LOL

    If you ate the chesecake you wouldn't be so snarky.

    Not if I'm lactose intolerant. I'd be worse than "snarky' lol

    With your approach just a few comments in, I'm guessing your co-workers take joy in doing this to you. I'd be dumping cookings by the dozen on your desk.

    Dumping cookings? really, dude? I don't know what the hell that means. lol

    The point is if you treat your co-workers the way you've treated people in this thread, you're going to have co-workers trying to intentionally sabotage you. Pull back a bit, and play nice or your desk may be covered in these!

  • egwene1977
    Talk to them about myfitnesspal and healthy eating for about 10 minutes. That's what I do and they all avoid me and eat the food like they were closet eaters. I'm just so happy that myfitnesspal worked for me that I can't help talk about it.

    Hey, I tried that and in fact, I know of one person who used for about 5 or 6 days then quit. The rest of them think it's too cumbersome to log calories. (shrugs)

    It's all about willpower :) Now, when they had dark chocolate covered marshmallows in the breakroom...I do you say "no" to having one of those?!
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    It is so horrible that they are holding you down and shoveling food down your throat!

    Call HR immediately.

    I knew the old "hey who is forcing you" comment would come along. I'll just ignore it for now. If you want to discuss it fine, if not, run along. After all, "no one is forcing to read this thread" now are they. LOL

    If you ate the chesecake you wouldn't be so snarky.

    Not if I'm lactose intolerant. I'd be worse than "snarky' lol

    With your approach just a few comments in, I'm guessing your co-workers take joy in doing this to you. I'd be dumping cookings by the dozen on your desk.

    Dumping cookings? really, dude? I don't know what the hell that means. lol

    The point is if you treat your co-workers the way you've treated people in this thread, you're going to have co-workers trying to intentionally sabotage you. Pull back a bit, and play nice or your desk may be covered in these!


    Okay, I admit. Those do look damn good! LOL- always loved chocolate chip cookies with almond milk.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    Yes,The people one my team are constantly having "food days".Cinco de mayo,Opening day for the Red Sox, opening day for the Pats,St Patricks day.

    Any excuse for a pot luck.I allow it because it makes them happy but ,I don't appreciate anyone nagging about it "come on one piece won't kill you"

    I don't go into the break room and If somone bring something to me I just say "Thanks" and toss it as soon as I have the opportunity.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    People tend to be dense, that and since they're fat...they want you to stay fat with them or at least fall off the fit wagon.

    That being said, when I worked in DC (I know work from home so the only saboter could be myself). I would just politely decline with no reason. I would simply say, "no thank you". I don't have to say why. Also, I did come back to my cube a few times and something was sitting on my desk, a slice of cake, a brownie, chocolate candies; I simply picked it up and offered to someone sitting near me and if they didn't want it; I dropped it off on the table in the pantry (it never stayed there long).

    Yes, people gave me a hard time because I always brought in my breakfast, two snacks and lunch and if I expected to have to stay late that night...dinner too. All healthy (lots of veg). Sandwiches with only one slice of bread....but hey; I just let them laugh and joke....while I kept moving down to a smaller set of clothes....6 sizes I dropped in 6 months. Who's laughing now?
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    lol. Try working in a doctor's office where reps bring in lots of goodies all the time in exchange for us using their brand of drugs. You would never survive.
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    Haha... I am so totally the person that brings food to work for others! I LOVE to bake but cant eat it, so I always bring it all to work. Plus, the fatter everyone else is, the smaller I look. Hahaha, just a joke, but hey.. I don't force them to eat it.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    It is so horrible that they are holding you down and shoveling food down your throat!

    Call HR immediately.

    I knew the old "hey who is forcing you" comment would come along. I'll just ignore it for now. If you want to discuss it fine, if not, run along. After all, "no one is forcing to read this thread" now are they. LOL

    If you ate the chesecake you wouldn't be so snarky.


    Seriously, what's wrong with eating half of that slice, throwing the rest away and then taking a ten minute jog to burn it off?
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member

    Ohhhh it was worth coming to this thread just for this gif. Thank you. :laugh:
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    This is where I'm thankful for a 5 person small office. We are all trying to eat better, we all are aware of it so no one brings that stuff. Unless its a birthday or such...then maybe cupcakes/cookies/cake but only for that day. We have a whole bunch of healthy food available to snack on...its a good thing!
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Just fart every time they offer you something.

    "Hey, want some cake?"

    "No, thanks. phhhbbbbbbtttt!"

    Best. Response. Ever. I lol'd quite heartily at this one!
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    I adopted the "ugly witch" attitude whenever those people did that to me and said things like "Oh my gosh! I could NEVER eat that stuff!" They get a bit miffed and move on. After two or three of these obnoxious comments from me they get the hint and leave me alone.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I would post a sign at my desk that says, "Please do not feed the animal," and then bite them when they do!

    Seriously though - People have a right to bring snacks to share to work (if it's not against policy) and we have the right to partake or not. They should have the good sense to take "no" for an answer but many people these days don't have good sense or they're afraid they'll offend you if they don't ask. Some people (I used to be one of them) get their validation by bringing in home baked goods to get the compliments.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I adopted the "ugly witch" attitude whenever those people did that to me and said things like "Oh my gosh! I could NEVER eat that stuff!" They get a bit miffed and move on. After two or three of these obnoxious comments from me they get the hint and leave me alone.

    And then everyone hates you, the end? lol
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    It is so horrible that they are holding you down and shoveling food down your throat!

    Call HR immediately.

    I knew the old "hey who is forcing you" comment would come along. I'll just ignore it for now. If you want to discuss it fine, if not, run along. After all, "no one is forcing to read this thread" now are they. LOL

    If you ate the chesecake you wouldn't be so snarky.


    Seriously, what's wrong with eating half of that slice, throwing the rest away and then taking a ten minute jog to burn it off?

    A 10 minute jog is NOT going to get rid of at least 200 calories of cheesecake.

    He also said he is lactose intollerant.