At your heaviest, what was your eating like?



  • oliviabog
    oliviabog Posts: 101
    I was heaviest at the ends of both my pregnancies. Although i tried harder to be sensible with food during my second pregnancy (ky first was 6 months old when i found i was pregnant again) i still gained a LOT of weight.

    In my first pregnancy i had no self control. Its like someone flipped a don't stop eating switch...

    in the morning id eat cereal before id leave the house. Nearly at work i would stop at tesco and but 'lunch'. Whilst there was a lunch item, additionally id usually walk away with a couple of packets of crisps, croissants, chocolate brownies, savoury snacks. Id sit and blow through all of that before lunch time, especially if i had free periods (with biscuits from the staff area too). At lunch i would go and get whatever was being served in the cafeteria... Wow, thinking back to this is crazy, i cant believe i ate like this. At the end of the school day i would drive home and make myself super noodles, not one pack but two... Then i would cook dinner for myself and my partner. I've always loved to cook. I always made too much and i would eat a huge serving for dinner. Then snacking in the evening would happen... Throughout the whole of my first pregnancy my eating was out of control. I cant even begin to fathom the calories i would eat in a single day. But if you want to put on 6 stone in a few months then that's the way.

    i lost a lot of weight in the six months after i gave birth and then pregnant again i was scared of putting on too much. I did put it on but not as much. So I've still got a stone to go but im running, fit, feel good and eating excessively healthily. Never again will i let eating get so out of control. So much more trouble than its worth.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    there's not a huge diference between feb and now. my portions of dessert and cheese is more reasonable.
    I was eating when I knew I wasn't hungry, so it was likely 1k over my maintenance. I'm eating more protein now,
    and actually exercising. I was just as likely to overeat oatmeal as birthday cake or anything else.

    I don't buy fast food often. Virtually everything i eat is made by me, for better or worse. and everything I cook for everyone else.
    no one else needs to lose, so I don''t really eat anything that is fat free, no sugar whatever, except skim milk while they all have
    whole milk.

    I've been adding veggies and other healthy foods to our diets for the last 10 years. Eating healthier is nothing new.
    Eating high protein is new, but I still love veggies, fruit and many other things I just don't have as much room for them anymore.
  • running_shoe
    running_shoe Posts: 180 Member
    Mostly just too much of what I eat now.
  • Colleen1980
    Colleen1980 Posts: 148 Member
    Oh goodness. Fast food junkie for sure. I still have to fight that. Even when I tried to eat healthy I didn't understand the idea of a basic calorie deficit. I remember just eating peanut butter sandwiches at lunchtime and thinking, I'm only eating a pb sandwich, why am I not losing weight?? LOL I was probably eating 500-600 calories just in that one sandwich!

    So thankful I found MFP and finally understand how it all works. I still have to fight the urge to eat unhealthy things (and I still eat them sometimes, just in much more moderation), but calorie counting helps so much with that. i.e., Oooh I really want that hamburger! But wait, that means I'll be left with 500 calories for the next 10 hours....hmmm no thanks I'll get the grilled chicken instead. :)

    Yay for knowledge!
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Same stuff - just more of it more frequently and a whole lot less exercise.

    I didn't understand the notion of portion control or boredom hunger. I didn't understand the correlation of fueling my body for what I'm doing rather than eating just for the sake of eating.
  • Italianstallion11
    I use to eat junkfood all the time. Since I cut that out, I lost alot of weight.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    I don't think I ate a large quantity of food, but I think I picked the wrong things. High calorie meals and frequent take-aways and meals out. I'd also drink a lot of my calories - red bull, coke, milk shakes, etc. Everything was fizzy and I gave myself kidney stones too.

    All of the above, paired with no exercise at all.

    Edit: Being in a relationship makes it easy to put on weight too! All of the days out and cooking for each other, none of it was healthy food.
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't think I ate a large quantity of food, but I think I picked the wrong things. High calorie meals and frequent take-aways and meals out. I'd also drink a lot of my calories - red bull, coke, milk shakes, etc.

    All of the above, paired with no exercise at all.

    Edit: Being in a relationship makes it easy to put on weight too! All of the days out and cooking for each other, none of it was healthy food.

    Absolutely all of this! It was great for the 5 minutes that the chocolate lasted but the years of not liking what I saw in the mirror were not worth it! :)
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    A lot of takeaways. Maybe 2-3 times a week.... A lot of emotional eating, eating out of boredom. Lots of cheese, wine, bread...Just not really paying attention or making wise choices.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Damn! For me it was nasty!

    Breakfast was 2x McDonald McMuffin trios + donuts if someone brought them to the office.

    Lunch - Pizza, burger trios - 1/2 bbq chicken plates, etc, etc, etc

    Supper - Usually home cooked but after supper I would hit the sofa with a 2l bottle of coke, large bag of potato chips and a tub of dip. It was rare that there was any left by the time I went to bed!

    And the above was a good day!!
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Mine was directly opposite of yours! I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and enough of it to make my stomach seriously hurt. I would drink pepsi all day and have salty or sweet snacks at arms reach all day. I really did eat like a pig. Even when I knew I was full and didn't need anymore, I would make myself eat it!

    I ate out every day for breakfast and lunch, and for dinner I would cook and it would be good food, but I would stuff myself with it till I passed out on the couch.
  • libertygirlfla
    libertygirlfla Posts: 184 Member
    I've eaten healthy/organic for many, many years. EXCEPT for the addition of the sweets! Most specifically, anything ice cream/Frosty/milk shake related. Cookies and M&Ms were a close second! Cookies and M&Ms IN ice cream....OMG!!!

    I'd snack on an entire box of chocolate Cheerios in just a few days, finish entire packages of Oreos and Pepperidge Farm cookies in 2-3 days. Consciously, I knew it was junk, but subconsciously, I felt like I was eating well because of the Organic "regular" foods.

    Now I make healthy/organic frozen smoothies so I get the sensation of a milkshake but they are packed with nutrition and none of the processed sugar (just sweetened with fruit) and I limit it to one per day. Admittedly, I still have ice cream in the fridge, but it's organic and I limit myself to one serving per day. No cookies or other sweet snacks allowed in the house!
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    For me, it was 4-6 Mt Dews a day, almost no water, fatty meats, and lots of deep fried everything. And portions that where just WAY too big. OH, and Swiss Rolls .....nom, nom, nom .....about 1 box a week ......

    And I like to bake, yea I know, really I do ....And I have been in search of the PERFECT Choc. Chip cookie recipe for years. So every couple weeks I used to try different things, and make about 4 - 8 dz cookies ......
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Ate out for lunch every day, had chocolate and crisps in the afternoons in the office, beers after work, wine with dinner, second helpings of food, takeaways at weekends....

    I ate out of habit and boredom and never thought about the consequences of my eating until I reached my upper limit and had to make some tough decisions.
  • Bubblevixen
    Bubblevixen Posts: 78 Member
    ah at my heaviest i was 310lbs. (quite a few years ago i might add :P) I would quite happily order a family pack meal from a pizza takeaway near me which consisted of 3 12" pizzas a 12" Garlic bread with cheese, potato wedges and garlic mayo dip, a tub of coleslaw, cheesy chips and a 2 litre bottle of coke. I'd plough my way through that at around 9 or 10pm and then still be looking for something else...invariably i'd finish up with a tub of ben and jerry's cookie dough ice cream or chocolate fudge gateaux. I ate for comfort. :) This would happen 3 or 4 times a week. And I'd pick at whatever i could get my hands on during the day :D
  • mhenneigh
    At my heaviest I was in college, therefore my eating was atrocious (and my drinking too!). I developed somewhat of an addiction to Coke and Pepsi, whenever school was stressing me out I would grab a can because the sweetness made me "feel better". My roommates and I lived off of pizza, wings, and chips and dip. Now that I am my healthiest and eating well, I can't even stand the taste of Pepsi. Too sweet. And deep fried, fatty foods make me feel tired, thirsty and queasy.
  • agooddaytodiesoft
    Skipped breakfast everyday for a scary amount of years cause i wanted to sleep more before heading to school, i drank like 3 bottles of coke during a school day, came home and ate a bag peanuts, 2 big portions of pasta, and of course a bottle of coke with the dinner, and after a while i would go out with a couple of friends smoke some weed and then proceed to eat big amounts of fast food, i was like this at least everyday for a year, with no excersise at all, except for skateboarding which was minimal, no wonder my girlfriend broke up with me..

    EDIT: At least i got to my senses and started working out and eating healthier and cut out weed. I havent had a joint since december and i feel great, i dont drink soda and i only eat the food i make (Veggies and chicken mostly) i've lost 20lbs in 1 month, so i've been doing great.
  • KayLgee
    KayLgee Posts: 139
    Eat just for flavour, not because I was hungry.

    I still find it hard to stop when something tastes good, luckily I eat fairly healthy meals and snacks.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I ate healthily at all the main meals--fairly similarly to how I eat now, but my portion sizes were off. I was also eating a whole lot of sugar in the form of cookies, pastries, cake, candy, etc. Lots of bread with PB, jam, NUTELLA, haha! Oh, and I drank red wine every night. :glasses:
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    Eat just for flavour, not because I was hungry.

    I still find it hard to stop when something tastes good, luckily I eat fairly healthy meals and snacks.

    This is SO me. I can eat like half a birthday cake just because I love the way frosting tastes lol.And if it's really good it's a waste of you don't finish it right? ;)