At your heaviest, what was your eating like?



  • animelose2012
    Lots of fast food, chickfla and pizza , pasta, Lots of soda and pints of ben a jerrys. i remember eating a entire pint in one sitting. eating a entire bag or oreos in one weekend. Also any candy i could buy or get my hands on. sometimes family dinner was KFC or chicken wings.
  • jimandpam87
    jimandpam87 Posts: 62 Member
    Oh God, it's painful to think about the way I used to eat. Unfortunately, I still occasionally have days like this, but they're few and far between luckily. I ate breakfast about half the time, and that was usually fast food (McDonald's bagel sandwich and hashbrown - about 700 calories). For lunch I might make a sandwich at home, but more often I would eat fast food or pizza again. I could easily polish off a large pizza in half a day. I would order a large pizza and breadsticks for lunch, then eat the rest for dinner. Once I found out about Little Caesar's drive through $5 pizzas, I was screwed. I could down almost an entire one of those in one sitting! I don't have a big sweet tooth, so I hardly ever ate ice cream, candy, etc. But fast food and pizza were daily occurrences in my diet. It was really bad.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Lordy, so bad.

    Breakfast: none, ever.

    a.m. snack: coffee, chocolate chip cookie or a muffin

    Lunch: ALWAYS something crazy carby, like burittos, pizza, or pasta.

    p.m. snack: chocolate

    Dinner: some type of homade comfrot food....pasta, pizzas, burgers, casseroles...

    Late night: oh holy hell....half a bag of doritos maybe? or ice cream.

    Absolute awfulness... :embarassed:
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    My first day on MFP is an example... 1,215 calories ( consisting of 2 egg and salad cream sandwiches with butter, and 2 litres of Coca-Cola.

    I'd have one meal a day (if I felt like eating when starving instead of just going back to sleep, or forgetting about it) and it would either include a sandwich from the Tesco 3 doors away or something delivered. If it was pizza, Chinese, or Indian, I'd eat half of it the next day as I'd lose my hunger. That Coca-Cola was probably leftovers from the night before. Sometimes had melted ice cream for breakfast. I'd know I needed to eat something because a gulp of water of a cigarette would make me feel like I wanted to vomit.

    I didn't regain the weight from what I was eating, I regained it from inactivity. My calculations suggest my calorie surplus over 3 years averaged 300 calories per day. My weight over the last 4 years in graph form (resizing to fit on here makes the axes hard to read):
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    I ate bread/grains (opposite to what you're saying). I didn't have much to lose, but I found going gluten free and being stricter with chocolate/cake/coffee has made a world of different. No gluten ever again thank you!
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    A lot of pizza, McDonalds& beer.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I had a breakfast of simple carbs. Ate McDonalds for lunch. Ate one of my bf's high cal epic creations for dinner and dessert. Yup.
  • bbl2013t
    bbl2013t Posts: 49 Member
    i and my gf and bf ate tons of donuts pizza ice cream beer, chocolate, candy, cakes, muffins, brownies, when at home, we would go out to eat all the time at buffets. we would eat till our stomach hurt really bad, usually eat more and more, it was so fun!
  • MilaniaJo
    McDonald's for breakfast. Go to sleep. Wake up. In n out for lunch. Pizza cupcakes ice cream cookies boat loads of cereal. No way Jose not anymore!
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Half a Chicken and Chips atleast twice a week, McDonalds/Hungry Jacks almost every day
    no breakfast usually. coffee every few hours and several 600ml ice coffees a day too
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    I would eat a small tub of cake frosting in a sitting, for one example. :|
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    at 307.2lbs my eating was 3000-4000 calories a day ..

    a bunch of garage food!!!!
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    Oh, where to begin - breakfast would usually be cereal or wheat toast with PB (something fairly healthy) but then for lunch, I'd have like instant noodles, whole sandwiches with chips and regular candy bars or if I didn't feel like making my lunch it would be fast food - usually BK because that's close to my work. On days I didn't work I often went out for lunch anywhere I wanted - Applebee's (and no 550 cal menu for me!), Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Taco Bell, etc - at my worst, I'd even tell my parents I was going to the Y to work out but I'd end up at a restaurant and then wet my hair in the bathroom to make it look like I'd been sweating. There was another place I liked to go in a nearby town that had a ginormous ribeye with fries - of course I needed an appetizer before that and dessert after.
    Now, I also used to go to church stuff at night a lot more because I was in the choir (I quit in October and the reasons for that would fill a novel in of itself - suffice to say, it was stay and go crazy or quit) and after these activities I'd stop for fast food. Sometimes I'd stop for something like teriyaki and be like "It's healthy 'cause it's teriyaki" - yeah, except it was the combo with all the fried dumplings and stuff....
    All of this, of course, was in addition to snacks throughout the day - chips, pretzels, candy, pastries - I could eat a whole box of fruit roll ups in a day. And all of this food was guzzled down by tons and TONS of soda.

    In December 2012, I weighed 273 lbs - my heaviest ever - I'd long since had to spend $150 on new scrubs for work and my size 20 jeans were starting to get snug. My back constantly hurt (especially if I stood for too long), my knees constantly hurt, I couldn't walk far without getting out of breath and needing to rest. It was time to change.

    I'm now at 245 (I didn't lose much through December - holidays and all - still lost about 6-7 lbs) and March I got a little off track - maybe only lost a couple of pounds there too, although through that I kept up with my exercise so I was still getting in shape. My size 18's are fitting great (and at the end of this current weight loss challenge I hope to be in a 16), I can walk further than I used to without getting winded or needing to rest), my knees and back feel much better (though I am still heavy - especially in the boob area - so I don't expect my back issues to resolve quickly).

    My eating habits are much healthier - I plan out what I'm going to have, often eating at home if possible and when I do go out I get something like a healthy Subway sandwich or something light from Panera. And recently when I got teriyaki, I got just the chicken meal and saved half of it for the next day instead of eating it all in one sitting. My snacks now are fruits, veggies, nuts. I have healthy turkey sandwiches or salads for lunches along with sides of fruit/veggies.

    My biggest hurdle was the soda (though I had cut WAY down on the amount) and I think was one reason I was not dropping weight as quickly as I would have liked, but when I started the new weight loss challenge at the Y, I told myself I would at least give up soda for 8 weeks (and I'm hoping if I give it up that long, I will be able to give it up completely) - it's two weeks in and I'm still soda-free! :)

    So glad I made this change and I'm looking forward to seeing the progress I'll make in the future. :)
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Terrible to say the least.

    Cheap Tuesday meant 2 large pizza's for dinner. Regular visits to KFC and Burger King, sometimes would hit both in the same day. Constant snacking on chips, lollies, ice cream, chocolate, cakes - whatever was around or tickled my fancy.

    In my defence though, I did eat quite a bit of healthy whole foods as well, it was just far overshadowed by the sheer amount of crap I'd eat as well.

    I still eat junk from time to time now, but nothing like before.
  • Linkdapink
    Linkdapink Posts: 128 Member
    Awesome question! I've only just started like 2 months ago so its interesting to see the change.

    Breakfast: Either skipped, or cocopops. Sometimes nutella on toast. Sometimes, McDonalds breakfast
    Lunch: A sandwich - usually CHEESE, packet of crisps, mini cupcake or some kind of chocolate (if I bought it out, it would be a BAR), celery sticks or carrot sticks. Sometimes with a mini bit of cheese, or a babybel
    Dinner: A mix, of pizza, pasta, stir frys, fajitas... all with a lot of cheese. I could eat cheese out of the packet. And when I was grating it, I'd definitely have a little block of cheese to nibble on.

    Doesn't seem TOO bad... but then...

    Snacks: Sometimes on the way home from work, it would be a McDonalds meal. I'd hide the wrappers and still have an evening meal, cos I didn't want my boyfriend to know (he is now horrified cos I read this to him). A big bag of chocolate, or at very least a chocolate bar or two with a coffee, a danish sometimes if I went to the petrol station, usually a hot chocolate with baileys in the evenings. Cheese on toast maybe?

    It's quite a relief to write it down... I would always try and make a healthy lunch, and it would be totally in vain. It's interesting, because I'm horrified by all that food now. Yes... I still get chocolate cravings, but compared to that, having a single bar of chocolate in a week is actually a normal kind of consumption!
  • nomoredoughnuts
    nomoredoughnuts Posts: 130 Member
    I would be cooking dinner whilst nibbling on blocks of cheese, I loved cheese. I would have 4-5 different kinds in my fridge and go through them in a week. I also loved my cereal I would have 1.5-2 bowls for breakfast. Used to eat out a lot as well and have a pint of ice cream in 2 days.

    Anything with carbs and dairy really.

    My name should be nomorecheese really but two months before I started I somehow begun eating excessive amounts of doughnuts.
  • FlowersInTheDirt
    FlowersInTheDirt Posts: 124 Member
    Processed everything.
    Ridiculous portions of processed everything.
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    I rarely ate, but when I did, it was chocolate.
  • kendragetshealthy
    Processed food, lots of coke-regular, fast food and never exercised. Blech!
  • brighteyes124
    brighteyes124 Posts: 30 Member
    I ate a lot of the same foods I do now, but much larger portions. And a huge asiago cheese bagel with veggie cream cheese for breakfast 3-4 times a week- now I limit it to once every other week

    Oh and after dinner was when I would really get into trouble- I'd snack on whatever I could find. Nuts, spoonfuls of nutella, granola and milk.. just snacking all night long