28 Ilbs or Less Club



  • mrsjones
    mrsjones Posts: 9
    Well Ladies, When we all started this my body reacted surprisingly well and I dropped 15 lbs in 4 weeks! I was so happy! Then I got lazy and arrogant and stupid...Yeah, I started eating A LOT! So I HAD 5 lbs to go BUT I put ON five instead. What a WEENIE! I feel gross and my baby's 1st birthday is September 3rd. I promised myself I'd be thin. So I'm back on the band wagon.I should really lose 15 from here so that if I put on 5 I'll still be ok!
  • mrsjones
    mrsjones Posts: 9
    :explode: I'm getting so mad! Nothing has changed! In fact, the scale at my gym says I weigh 2lbs more than the scale at my dr.s office said last week. There's no way I gained 2lbs in a week. This really sucks!!!!! I just can't make it to the gym more than 3x/ wk, it's 20min away (but has great child care). How do ya'll exercise at home?
    TV work outs usually after kids are asleep. Sometimes they will work out too but usually they jump on me! Desperate times call for desperate measures and dancing through an entire WIGGLES video (60 min) with my little ones just about puts me into cardiac arrest! My husband has a little gym in the basement but I just can't make myself go down there. Actually I shoul be down there right now!