looking for girls thay eat



  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    I'm 5'9". 183 lbs, VERY active, doing TDEE -20% @2300 calories/day(just upped from 2100/day). Lost 2 lbs/week for the last 3 weeks. Feel free to add me.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    I'm 5 ft 1 and pushing 50 so dont eat quite as much as some of you but usually between 1500 and 2000 a day. I workout most days, eat relatively healthy and enjoy my pizza and donuts. Life's too short to deprive ourselves.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I"m 1850/day plus exercise calories. Will work for food! lol
  • GenF32
    GenF32 Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I should have mentioned that I have one evening a week where I eat whatever the hell I want, which usually includes chocolate or icecream. I have a personal trainer who has been an enormous support to me and the 1300-1400 was her recommendation.

    I'm back on the wagon now after a week off exercise with the flu, and eating crap, so maybe I'll use this next week, when I'll be working out every day and trying to stick to my daily limit, as a bit of an experiment, and then the following week up my calories a bit and see what happens.

    Maybe it depends on what you're actually eating within those calories? I eat very few carbs, generally, and lots of protein and good fats. And usually too much sugar :)

    I don't know, I think I see what you are getting at though, if I read between the lines you are saying that if we eat higher cals we are filling up with high calorie 'bad food'? If thats what you mean, I would say no, not true. My protein intake is normally between 170-200 on a good day, so the majority of my cals come from protein, the rest from rice, veg, fruit, yoghurt generally. Higher calorie amounts does not have to equal eating processed 'junk food'. For some of us it's just more of the better choices food wise. No diet foods, just regular full fat stuff, it easily adds to 1900 daily, no problem at all.

    Yup, that's pretty much what I meant. I'm guessing you all still manage to lose weight even at higher calories, because you're still eating 'good' food within that calorie range.

    I tend to eat 6 times a day too, and eat a lot of the same stuff - eggs, meat, tuna, baked beans, lots of veggies. Avocados when they're in season. I don't eat much fruit because my blood sugar is a real problem, and the smallest thing, like grapes after lunch can give me a hypo within a few hours.
  • GenF32
    GenF32 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm 5'9". 183 lbs, VERY active, doing TDEE -20% @2300 calories/day(just upped from 2100/day). Lost 2 lbs/week for the last 3 weeks. Feel free to add me.

    Thanks, will do!
  • eag264
    eag264 Posts: 116
    Feel free to add me. I EAT! I ate 2500 calories today. I'm not gaining or losing right now -- I'm doing a metabolism reset so I am eating at maintenance. But its amazing to me that I can eat so much and not gain. And it's helping my metabolism. I just got my RMR tested a few days ago and its at 1701.

    I ate VLCD (1300) for many months. I also had no energy, hair falling out, nails chipping, and constant infections, etc. Just very sickly. And cold all the time.

    Now that I am eating more, I feel GOOD and I have ENERGY! I have been exercising so much now that I have lots of calories and protein! I love it! I will never eat low calorie again! And I know that the weight will be melting off me as soon as I finish my reset and start eating 15% below TDEE.

    Hey Bettyeditor (or anyone else)
    When resetting your metabolism, how long do you do this for? Im unsure if someone trying to lose 100 lbs should be eating at 1800-2000 caloreis a day, or do the metabolism reset.

    Would love more information on this. I've been eating 1500 a day for 8 weeks now, exercising 3-4 times a week and I've only dropped 6 kgs. I also hardly go over my cals and rarely eat back my calories. I'm just not sure which way to go about this. I'm almost tempted to drop my cals even further to 1350 - help?
  • GenF32
    GenF32 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm no expert as the conversation above would show, but personally I'd be really happy with 6 kg in 8 weeks - it's a steady sustained weight loss, and to my way of thinking you're allowing your body time to adjust, so that you're unlikely to put weight back on if you had to vary from your routine for a few days.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I should have mentioned that I have one evening a week where I eat whatever the hell I want, which usually includes chocolate or icecream. I have a personal trainer who has been an enormous support to me and the 1300-1400 was her recommendation.

    I'm back on the wagon now after a week off exercise with the flu, and eating crap, so maybe I'll use this next week, when I'll be working out every day and trying to stick to my daily limit, as a bit of an experiment, and then the following week up my calories a bit and see what happens.

    Maybe it depends on what you're actually eating within those calories? I eat very few carbs, generally, and lots of protein and good fats. And usually too much sugar :)

    I don't know, I think I see what you are getting at though, if I read between the lines you are saying that if we eat higher cals we are filling up with high calorie 'bad food'? If thats what you mean, I would say no, not true. My protein intake is normally between 170-200 on a good day, so the majority of my cals come from protein, the rest from rice, veg, fruit, yoghurt generally. Higher calorie amounts does not have to equal eating processed 'junk food'. For some of us it's just more of the better choices food wise. No diet foods, just regular full fat stuff, it easily adds to 1900 daily, no problem at all.

    yes exactly, simply eating a serving of nuts can be a difference of 300 cals, still low carb, good protein and fats,
    and portable, easy. those great choices havent' happened recently for me, but your eating doesn't have to be
    'clean foods' or low carb, low fat whatever unless you have a medical reason to do so. eat mostly healthy foods,
    moderate prtotein to retail the muscle, and have a small deficit.
    You WANT TO LOSE SLOW, bc that means you're losing fat, we can't lose anymore than 1 lb of fat a week,
    unless you're overweight or obese. if you are close to the healthy range, you'll need to expect even slower movement on the scale 1/2 pound a week, or less.
  • joey6699
    joey6699 Posts: 2
    I'm new to this whole thing. I have been fat since I was young but only now have I decided to do something about it. I do not understand how the whole calorie thing works but no matter what I try by myself I only gain weight. All my friends are skinny so I have nobody to relate to and track progress and share tips with. A friend would be helpful :).
  • mrswine
    mrswine Posts: 263 Member
    I eat six times a day for 1600ish calories and don't deny myself treats!
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    I eat six times a day for 1600ish calories and don't deny myself treats!

    you can eat as often or not as you want. that part is mental.
    physically, most people can eat at any time of day,
    what matters is having the moderate deficit,
    while maintaining muscle.
  • gymgymdazzler
    im a great believer in eating what you want when you want.. providing you burn it off and drink plenty of water.. i know differnent peoples have different metabolism, but if your burning off what you eat then your weight is maintained?? if you eat less and train more your weight is reduced??
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    1800-2400 cals a day here :-D Gotta fuel those muscles for weight lifting and Insanity!! <3 Anyone can add me, I log everything and try to motivate on your updates and check-ins :)

    PS - I did the Ultimate Reset before starting Insanity which was really low cal in comparison. I was eating probably between 800-1200 cals a day on that and then went up to what I'm eating now when I started working out again after the Reset. Did not gain an ounce so don't be afraid. As long as you are eating clean and working out, you will lose!
  • michellepero
    What's the trick.... I stick to 1300-1500 calories a day. I'm 5'2 and have a desk job. I think I'd blow up if I ate the amount of calories you're mentioning.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    I net around 1600 per day, and usually gross between 1900-2300, depending on the day, and I eat fairly clean. I have been splurging a lot more than I had intended to, lately, and subsequently put some weight back on, so my diary hasn't been as good lately as it ought to be, but it is open. Feel free to add me.
  • 20kb13
    20kb13 Posts: 161
    Feel free to add me. I EAT! I ate 2500 calories today. I'm not gaining or losing right now -- I'm doing a metabolism reset so I am eating at maintenance. But its amazing to me that I can eat so much and not gain. And it's helping my metabolism. I just got my RMR tested a few days ago and its at 1701.

    I ate VLCD (1300) for many months. I also had no energy, hair falling out, nails chipping, and constant infections, etc. Just very sickly. And cold all the time.

    Now that I am eating more, I feel GOOD and I have ENERGY! I have been exercising so much now that I have lots of calories and protein! I love it! I will never eat low calorie again! And I know that the weight will be melting off me as soon as I finish my reset and start eating 15% below TDEE.

    How long are you doing the reset for? I've heard a few people mention this, but I don't really understand it or know if I should be doing it. I just recently as of this week started trying to eat more calories after doing a low calorie diet for awhile with very slow results. I read all about doing TDEE and how 20-30% less of it will help, depending on how much you need to lose so right now I am trying for TDEE -30% but this is a gradual process for me.. I'm having a hard time eating that much especially after exercise. But like you the whole low calorie diet thing was making me tried, sluggish, and FREEZING all the time. Am I supposed to do a reset or am I ok to just work my way up into eating that many calories?
  • sharnellaevans
    I eat 1600 calories sometimes i go a little over but i really am struggling to lose weight all of my friends are skinny they dont know how it feels. I need friends who know what im goin through :) someone add me and we can motivate eachother and be workout besties lol
  • sexymuffintop
    What's the trick.... I stick to 1300-1500 calories a day. I'm 5'2 and have a desk job. I think I'd blow up if I ate the amount of calories you're mentioning.

    Being active and weightlifting. (IMO) Muscle requires more calories even at rest, the more muscle in your body the more calories you burn.
  • knitbytes
    knitbytes Posts: 114
    I'm currently eating 1300-1500 and I am very curious about and want to try eating TDEE-20%. So many people have had good results and it makes sense to my intellectual self, but my emotional self is nervous about trying it- afraid I'll just start packing on the pounds. I work out 5x/week, 3 days cardio and heavy lifting, 2 days yoga (difficult/power yoga, not slow/gentle), and I know that SHOULD be ok... according to TDEE calculators I've found I should be eating 2300cal/day. That just seems like so much that it makes me nervous!

    Any tips on easing into eating this way? I've been eating at my current calorie level for 4 months and have not been hungry often, but I have been feeling weak and tired pretty frequently. I've also hit a couple of plateaus and I've heard you don't get those much with TDEE eating. However at this point I'm so used to eating this amount that I'm not even sure how to go about eating 2300 calories without just eating pizza and burgers! :laugh:

    Any help would be appreciated... I want to get results without hurting my body, you know? And it seems like TDEE-20% would do that!