How to get a dancer's body



  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    Why would anyone even want a dancer's body?


    EWWW, so bulky!

    How about this?


    Mmm, Misty Copeland <3
  • dazzo62
    dazzo62 Posts: 78
    I understand how these pictures show a dancer with gigantic muscles but dancing is their lives. I was just saying that the Pilates exercises made me look thinner and less bulky. Probably longer because my posture is different!
  • DarkSable
    DarkSable Posts: 36 Member
    Well, this DVD sounds interesting to me and like I might enjoy it. Thanks to the OP for the suggestion! :smile:
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    Reading back through the comments I see a bunch of PMS sufferers must be on the loose. If you don't want to do a dance workout then why did you come in to comment? Does EVERYTHING HAVE to be an argument? Why do you people insist on coming out to inflict yourselves on others for no reason other than your poor little egos need a feeding? Grow up and stop looking for reasons to pick fights with others.

    I'm sorry, I thought the OP posted this question to get more information and understanding, not to have a bunch of people prancing around shouting nonsense and congratulating themselves on their ignorance.

    It wasn't a question, it was a recommendation for a DVD. The absence of a ? in the thread title should have given most people the clue that she wasn't asking for advice. But then a small detail like that wouldn't stop most MFP posters from posting the same old rubbish.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
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