I tell people I don't work out, to embarrassed on progress



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    There is some weird information on this thread

    It sounds like a combo of over training/under eating. You don't need crossfit or some crazy non-soy non-gmo diet. Up your calories, get more protein, and look into some heavy lifting programs (I think someone mentioned Stronglifts).

    I'm cosigning this. Lift more. Eat more. Leave all these Beachbody programs behind and get a solid lifting program with the proper volume of lifting for your current fitness level AND STICK TO IT. Of course the fitness magazines have a new workout every month. That's because they have to sell you a new magazine every month chock full of ads for supplements that you don't need. Use the mags for motivation but not for information.

    I repeat, get a solid lifting program and stick with it.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    There is some weird information on this thread

    It sounds like a combo of over training/under eating. You don't need crossfit or some crazy non-soy non-gmo diet. Up your calories, get more protein, and look into some heavy lifting programs (I think someone mentioned Stronglifts).

    I'm cosigning this. Lift more. Eat more. Leave all these Beachbody programs behind and get a solid lifting program with the proper volume of lifting for your current fitness level AND STICK TO IT. Of course the fitness magazines have a new workout every month. That's because they have to sell you a new magazine every month chock full of ads for supplements that you don't need. Use the mags for motivation but not for information.

    I repeat, get a solid lifting program and stick with it.

    ^This. All of this
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So here's the thing......don't complicate things. There is a lot of information out there, for sure, but you need to take some control and do some of the work to finding out what will work best for you.

    There are many sites where you can find out your BMR and TDEE but here is a link to one of them....at least this will get you started:


    You are really not a big guy and my guess is that if you started a solid lifting program you would notice a big difference. Do cardio on a couple of non-lifting days if you really like, but not balls to the wall 2-3 hours of cardio.....like 30-40 minutes. Give yourself 2 rest days. I also think that you could stand to eat at TDEE for awhile....I really don't think you need a deficit but if you feel inclined, then maybe 10%

    www.stronglifts.com is one of the greatest beginner lifting programs. It's very straight forward and it does get results. Starting Strength is also fantastic. Although I didn't see you mention if you have access to a gym??

    Also, I think that it would be a good idea to seek some counseling about your relationship with exercise and food as it really doesn't seem to be all that healthy.

    Yes, your hunger at night is quite possibly caused because you aren't eating enough.

    Another great resource here is the thread for In Place of a Road Map. Unfortunately I don't have the link for it, but I'm sure someone does or you can search for it as well.

    Eat well, sleep well, rest well, and train hard and your results will come. There are also lots of people here to support you!
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member

    Okay, so why can't diabetics take their insulin orally?
    What level of antibiotics are traceable in consumable meat, how much of it enters the consumer, and how much is required to knock out the gut microbiome? What strains are reduced by what antibiotics fed to consumable livestock?
    Yes the adrenal glands affect metabolism, but they do not regulate it.

    *edit to add, silly quote isn't posting for me! : )

    Insulin is a protein, rbst is a peptide hormone--proteins are digested, peptide hormones are absorbed. Assuming that you are referring to rbst? I am sure you have read about the clinical trials for oral insulin?

    As for your other questions, you can research the answers for yourself. It seems that after reading your profile that you might be aware of the answers. Since antibiotic use in livestock was completely unregulated for over 30 years--and over 30 million pounds of these drugs are used in livestock in just one year, it isn't hard to believe that it is absolutely traceable.

    Pituitary regulates metabolism.....adrenal assists directly....which is also a regulatory response.

    Sorry, I know its off topic a bit, but insulin is a peptide hormone made up of amino acids. So you've just said that one peptide hormone (insulin), is not absorbed in the GI tract, but that another peptide hormone (RBST), can be?

    Did I miss something?
    Dammit you beat me to it! Agreed.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    One soy protein shake isn't going to eff up his hormones especially since exercising big muscle groups spike testosterone. Meal timings don't matter. There is no such thing as anabolic windows. You don't need to drink a shake 30 minutes after you lift... you don't need to only eat oatmeal and chicken breasts... Hit your carbs, protein, and fats in correct proportion that's all that matters. Programs like Insanity even suggest it's not for building muscle and it's more of a cardio routine.
    People often make the mistake think losing weight will get them the body they want. They really need to look into body re-composition requires more than just a caloric deficit in most cases.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    There is some weird information on this thread

    It sounds like a combo of over training/under eating. You don't need crossfit or some crazy non-soy non-gmo diet. Up your calories, get more protein, and look into some heavy lifting programs (I think someone mentioned Stronglifts).

    I'm cosigning this. Lift more. Eat more. Leave all these Beachbody programs behind and get a solid lifting program with the proper volume of lifting for your current fitness level AND STICK TO IT. Of course the fitness magazines have a new workout every month. That's because they have to sell you a new magazine every month chock full of ads for supplements that you don't need. Use the mags for motivation but not for information.

    I repeat, get a solid lifting program and stick with it.

    ^^^ this

    and regarding the gut, to get rid of it you need to lower your body fat percentage. The way to do that is to do the above, i.e. a proper lifting programme, and eat at a very slight deficit, e.g. TDEE - 10%... this means calculating how many calories your body burns each day, and eating 10% less than that. The threads "in place of a road map" explains how to calculate how much you're burning each day (i.e. your TDEE)

    If you're not doing the lifting, then when you try to cut (i.e. eat less than you burn) you'll lose lean body mass along with the fat, you'll get lighter, but the gut won't go away. There are lots of people with 6 pack abs on this site and they all do heavy lifting. Also, even if you're lifting, if you're eating too little, you will lose lean body mass along with the fat. To lower your body fat percentage, you need to do everything you can to protect your lean body mass, while burning only fat. Hence, very small deficit (only 10% less than you burn off each day) and doing heavy lifting so your body knows you need those muscles. And you need the prescribed amount of rest. If for psychological reasons you feel unable to take rest days, then please seek counselling/therapy for that before you run your body entirely into the ground. Try to focus on health, first and foremost. Exercise is extremely healthy provided you give your body a chance to rest and recover and also feed your body properly.

    If you're eating less than you burn off, you won't bulk up. Bulking up doesn't happen by accident, you need to eat more than you burn off for that to happen.
  • smokescr33n
    I can see many people agreeing with you, I will do this.

    Another member mentioned Stronglifts.com as a site to get a beginner lifting program, would you happen to know a place where I can get a good lifting program to follow and stick to.

    I shall calculate everything, I had no idea it was a math game as well. I also did not realize that the extra veggies I am eating are not helping me which is all great information you all have provided to me.

    I have to go to work now but when I get home I will do all of this, I am embarrassed to admit I don't even know what TDEE stand's for so I am looking forward to this knowledge.

    I do not have access to a gym but I do have a bunch of dumbbells, kettle bells, and I do have a home gym system that my girlfriend bought for our house but is in the box but I now have started to put it together after starting this thread and reading the comments.