Doc wants me to do 1100 cals a day-I think she's cray cray



  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    You've seen all the good advice posted here, now use it.

    Do it YOUR way, log everything, exercise, and as many people have posted, the weight didn't suddenly appear, it happened over time, so will weight loss.

    My Dr never told me what to eat/do, but after I found MFP and lost the first 20, she was as happy as me, dancing around the examining room, and hugging me, and high fives. You have to at least like your Dr and feel that they are on your side.

    I didn't do anything special, I was honest with myself, and actually started eating more (snacks mostly) - I had a lot of "whoa" moments when I entered something that I thought was healthy!

    I am 5'2", and eat around 1000 - 1300 a day, I cant imagine doing that at 5'7"

    Then again, I cant see the 5:2 working, but thats just me, I am not a Dr, I am just a normal person that MFP is working out for.
    bump for later
  • RitaB19
    RitaB19 Posts: 221 Member
    First of all, most Doctor's only take 1 course in Nutrition or none. Why not seek the advice of a Registered Dietitian in your area? Many Insurance companies cover the cost to see one as well. I am a Dietitian and in my Prof. opinion 1100 Calories is way too low for someone starting out at 200 lb. You are eating at below your BMR at 1100 calories daily and if you lose the weight too quickly you are more likely to gain it back. Eating below your BMR can also slow down your metabolism, lead to loss of lean body mass. I would suggest eating around 1600-1800 calories per day to safely lose 1-1.5 lb per week. You will probably be hungrier on exercise days so closer to 1800 on those days. And make at least 40-45% of your diet Carbs, keep it low in fat 25-30% and the rest Protein. In addition, if you add weight training to your workout regimen you will build muscle and increase your metabolism, while even at rest. Dumbbells are a great way to start or even circuit training, to build muscular endurance.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    1. Your ticker is awesome.

    2. I am 5'7 and started at 185ish and was losing at 1600 PLUS eating my exercise calories.

    3. Read the other threads that have been linked in here, they have a lot of great advice.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'm not a doctor, and your doctor is. But I still think she's lost her mind.
    Where did you get your psych degree? You would have to be quite advanced to be able to make this determination from so little information.
    It sounds like she's trying to prescribe temporary, quick success.
    That's what the OP said she wanted. A Dr. can only work with what they are given.
    Maintaining that weight loss is the ultimate goal, and I don't think the plan she is giving you will be sustainable long term.

    This statement is based on what professional training?

    Nothing directly against you, just making a point. OP shouldn't be listening to an internet random that claims to be able to "do it better" than a trained specialist. If the OP doesn't like the advice, they should be getting a second opinion, and not from the internet "experts".

    JHC. This thread is a mess full of faux expertise.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Maybe I missed it, but I still haven't seen an answer to this…

    Is it a real, MD, doctor trained in Nutrition (ie, a dietician) who gave this advice. Because a lot of people are scolding the OP and others for putting internet advice above the doctor.

    But I checked out Physician's Weight Loss. It's a franchise diet plan. It looks like there is a "board certified physician" at the center (not sure exactly where this falls, but I assume it loosely fits the qualifications), a nurse, and a bunch of "support staff." So was it the doctor who gave this advice, after going over all your health and weight issues, or was it support staff who is going with pretty much the prepackaged plans.

    Also, 1100 calories is quite generous based on the plans they tout on their site. There is VLCD (800), LCD (1000), fasting, and low-fat diets in the same calorie range. :huh: It sounds to me more like these centers are ways to sell the plan, not a great place for medical advice. And I still think 1100 calories is low and your "doctor" may be, if not cray-cray, then at least toeing the company line.

    You'll be better off going to a Dietician with a respectable medical center. Insurance might even cover it, then.

    ETA: The info I listed above came from their own website. :wink:
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Your doctor is cray cray. The kind of crazy that is so crazy two z's ran away in fear.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Medically assisted weightloss centers thrive on repeat customers.