Politics make me grumpy.



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Gah, I LOVE Jon Stewart. I'm going to marry him one day.

    And, I'm a political science major, so I've heard it all. It makes me frustrated at times (especially sweeping generalizations about ANYBODY) but I ♥ politics so much!

    Not if I marry him first! I have a thing for older dudes. And no, I don't have daddy issues! lol

    We can always share! I'm a pretty sharing person, so I wouldn't mind. You down for that?

    Oh, and I tend to like older men too. I don't know why, but I do.

    I'm down! I like his gray hair *swoon* :love:

    Hell yes! I like his... EVERYTHING! He's just so perfect! :heart:

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I don't discriminate, I hate both parties equally! I don't care if you're democrat or republican I think the moron's up on Capitol Hill just need to get their s*** together!

    side note: I'm not saying I actually hate anybody in particular, or that I would discriminate against people... I just don't like what's happening right now, and I think both parties are in the wrong!

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Back to the OP's observation, the bumper sticker crudely expresses what I have seen, is that a portion of those that call themselves liberal, have no allegiance to the US. Criticizing is great, but these people simply don't like the US.

    :-/ Since when is wishing for government reform and being dissatisfied with the current state of affairs "having no allegiance to the U.S."? I love my country, I really do. I just wish that more people in power would act like they do, instead of wasting what little money I make on sessions that accomplish literally nothing...

    I am a registered Democrat but I did not vote for Obama. I don't have anything against him personally, but I don't want to feed into the 2-party system. For this next election cycle I will be supporting a third party candidate and fighting to get them the media coverage they deserve (but are often denied). Will they win? Almost assuredly not. But people in the U.S. need to realize that the reason there are "only" two choices is because... well... they keep voting for them!!

    OH! Me too, me too!

    ETA: "PAAAAAAAAAAAARTTAAAAAAAAAAYYYY SSYYYYYYYYYYSSSSTEMMMMMMMMM!" boom, badaboom bada chsh. dadum Chsh. <===man it's hard to beat box on MFP.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Well, lately reading DailyKos has been making my blood boil over. There's an anti-abortion terrorist who is walking free, another one who claims she's a minister so her conversations with a convicted terrorist are protected.......oh wait, you're not a terrorist if you're white and supposedly Christian in this country.......

    *steps off soapbox and takes a couple of breaths*
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Gah, I LOVE Jon Stewart. I'm going to marry him one day.

    And, I'm a political science major, so I've heard it all. It makes me frustrated at times (especially sweeping generalizations about ANYBODY) but I ♥ politics so much!

    Not if I marry him first! I have a thing for older dudes. And no, I don't have daddy issues! lol

    We can always share! I'm a pretty sharing person, so I wouldn't mind. You down for that?

    Oh, and I tend to like older men too. I don't know why, but I do.

    I'm down! I like his gray hair *swoon* :love:

    Hell yes! I like his... EVERYTHING! He's just so perfect! :heart:


    "Hardest hitting" I hope by this he means "I like spanking." :laugh:
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I enjoy politics when I'm discussing it with someone intelligent, with a moderated and informed view, and who is capable of understanding opposing viewpoints. By any measure running a country is a complex business, and understanding it isn't as easy as most would like to believe.

    So much truth in this statement.

    I agree with this too! I'll gladly discuss politics with people who don't agree with me (mostly because I'm a grown adult and I understand that not everybody will) but only if they actually know what's going on. I don't like the people who are just really rude and disrespectful to other views (even those that I disagree with) and I don't like the ones who can come up with a conspiracy for ANYTHING!

    This this this. Though, unfortunately, my Poly Sci teacher has now planted the seed of conspiracy in my brain about the Boston bombing, saying that it could possibly be a diversion attracting national attention away from the negotiations with North Korea... I'm not saying I buy into it, but the seed is there and now I can't get it to go away. :-/ lol

    If any of my poly sci profs said this, I would ask for their diploma and then proceed to wipe my *kitten* with it. :laugh:

    ETA smiley face. I realize how mean that came off to be. It was a joke, though. Kind of.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    On the day of the Newton school shootings, I asked someone I know, who is ALL ABOUT gun rights AND God, "what are your thoughts about guns in the home of mentally unstable people?" It was an honest question, and I truly wanted to open a dialogue with her.

    Instead, I got "Doesn't matter what you think, the Constitution says we can own guns, and I'm pretty sure God is okay with this, too, because this country is all about Constitutional rights and Christian principles."

    I pretty much lost all remaining respect for her after that.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    On the day of the Newton school shootings, I asked someone I know, who is ALL ABOUT gun rights AND God, "what are your thoughts about guns in the home of mentally unstable people?" It was an honest question, and I truly wanted to open a dialogue with her.

    Instead, I got "Doesn't matter what you think, the Constitution says we can own guns, and I'm pretty sure God is okay with this, too, because this country is all about Constitutional rights and Christian principles."

    I pretty much lost all remaining respect for her after that.

    Does she have god on speed dial so she can call and ask him?
  • KinzieElise
    KinzieElise Posts: 584 Member
    I enjoy politics when I'm discussing it with someone intelligent, with a moderated and informed view, and who is capable of understanding opposing viewpoints. By any measure running a country is a complex business, and understanding it isn't as easy as most would like to believe.

    So much truth in this statement.

    I agree with this too! I'll gladly discuss politics with people who don't agree with me (mostly because I'm a grown adult and I understand that not everybody will) but only if they actually know what's going on. I don't like the people who are just really rude and disrespectful to other views (even those that I disagree with) and I don't like the ones who can come up with a conspiracy for ANYTHING!

    This this this. Though, unfortunately, my Poly Sci teacher has now planted the seed of conspiracy in my brain about the Boston bombing, saying that it could possibly be a diversion attracting national attention away from the negotiations with North Korea... I'm not saying I buy into it, but the seed is there and now I can't get it to go away. :-/ lol

    I know the feeling. I was in a Govt in Film and Lit class and we had just watched Wag the Dog which, if you don't know, is about a President hiring a film crew to create a war so he could look better for the election. A week later Osama Bin Laden was killed and given an at sea burial. I was all in "conspiracy mode" until I realized how ridiculous I was being...plus, the timing was all wrong! lol
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