

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well since it's after midnight here I can officially say Happy Mothers Day! There are so many different Moms. There are the traditional Mom's, the ones who gave birth to us or adopted us. There are the Moms who never had children for one reason or another and took a child under their wings at church, ball game, scouts or just a neighborhood. There are the teachers who their mothering of some children are the only mothering that young child may never have. There are the Mother in laws who hopefully take us under there wings and tell us how wonderful their boy is and how lucky we are to have them! Then they tell us their secrets to keeping that boy happy all his youth so we can continue in our marriage and pass on to our daughter in law. Then there are the Dad's who had to be both.

    I had a wonderful Mom who loved all of u for who we were and for what she knew we could be. She scolded us when we needed to and then held our hands when we cried because we were scolded. She showed us how to have fun and to embrace any unusual quality we had and to sue that to help us succeed in the future. She held her tongue when as a wife we made mistakes since she knew we had to make them in order to learn.

    I also have a wonderful Mother in law. She has paranoia schizophrenia and had numerous shock treatments before I met her so I may never know who she was when she was younger. My husband was very hesitant to introduce me to her when we were dating. But just told him that she had to have been wonderful to have made him into the young man he was since she didn't get 'sick' until he was in the Navy. She accepts me for who I am, holds my hand, praises me, lets me know that I am important to her. Sometimes a little to clingy but of her 4 kids only 2 of them have anything to do with her, my husband and one other brother. Her daughter doesn't see her anymore now that she is a nursing home and she can't beg part of Moms' SSI check..

    Well I talked to much!!!!! But I feel sentimental right now since it's Mom's Day. Anyway HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

    Joyce in Indiana
  • nanasorchid52
    A quick post to wish you all a Happy Mother's Day - you deserve it!

    What a wonderful tribute you gave Joyce -such wonderful words.

    Not been able to respond much lately, but still here, logging and drinking my water!

    Have a wonderful day

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    Hello, Happy Mothers Day to all you across the pond.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
    I will spend a quiet day without DH watching my favourite day time foodie show, exercising to 30D and planting out some French tarragon I bought yesterday. Will also sow some basil.
    We managed to get the bean poles up yesterday - in between the showers and hail! And the zucchini are in. I had to go to the garden centre to buy new seeds, hence the tarragon. When I have finished out there I will relax with my South American film.
    I like to watch a foreign language film a couple of times a month to keep up my languages. Living in Europe it's good to have a couple under your belt for trips away. I did French at school, so that has pretty much stuck and I learnt Spanish at evening classes as an adult. Since then I have had a flirtation with German for a holiday and now am having a stab at Italian for a trip to Rome in the autumn. I find at my age, 63, I have to go over and over something new before it sticks. I often do a bit of revision on my trips up to London. I only need 'tourist' Italian, but I like to have a go, even if it's just to say hello and ask for the bill! It's part of my holiday.:happy:
    For those who asked - I am a writer. I wrote twelve children's books which were published. That was a great thrill and led to me teaching creative writing at college. I really wanted to write novels for adults, but never quite managed to get them published, hence the cycle of hope and disappointment I was referring to. I came very near once or twice. It was killing.:frown:
    I have been. 'resting' from my writing for quite a while now, perhaps a bit discouraged, but I am beginning to feel ready to give it another go. The weight loss has increased my confidence all round, including getting rid of a long standing phobia. I want to write a memoir of my childhood, which was pretty disturbed and difficult. We shall see. I think I used to write because I was very unhappy. Now I am happy I can think of better things to do! :laugh:
    I so love to read all your posts. It really helps to keep me going. Love to all :heart:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Happy Mothers Day to all with human babies and fur babies!!!! Hope your day is filled with love and fun:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: !!!!

    Joyce:smile: What a lovely post, thank you for sharing!!!

    I have a busy day today, looking forward to it! I get to boss the "boys" this morning:devil: , and then spend time with my daughter, son in law and beautiful granddaughters this afternoon:love: !

    Have a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Mother`s day to all you mom`s enjoy your day.
    Getting together with family to wish my sister good luck on her move.It will be nice family.There are 10 of us and we only usually get together 2x`s a year.
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    :flowerforyou: *** HAPPY HAPPY MOTHERS DAY ***:flowerforyou:

    To ALL you wonderful moms out there I hope it is a special day!!! My grandbaby's and my daughter (( maybe my son )) Are coming here after lunch....So enjoy having my family here :happy:

    Have a great day!!!
    Liz fr Halifax NS
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    I all ... I saw this thread today and read some posts... what a positive and interesting group!

    This is my first post. I'm 54, 100 lbs overweight, back on track again now. Of course I've been through many diets over many years.
    I live in Slower (Southern) Maryland, an hour south of DC. I'm an environmental scientist, married for almost 33 years, 2 kids in college.

    Logging keeps my honest... I lost 20 lbs in about 2 months last fall on myfitness pal, with exercise and 1600 cal/d. Put it all back on in a burst of deadlines at work and the holidays (as usual).

    This time I'm going to try to up the protein:carb ratio. I've been swimming, but don't get in as many days a week as I'd like. Bad knees keep me from doing many things and pain saps my energy/enthusiasm for most physical work, but swimming is great.

    Happy Mom's day to all, look forward to more of your enthusiasm!
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Target (at least near us) has edamame w/o shells.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    :drinker: Happy Mother's Day :flowerforyou:
  • chrissiew1953
    chrissiew1953 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, everyone. I live in the UK, in Kent. I've been overweight since my teens (and I'm now 59!). The more times I diet and fail, the harder it gets to start again and be motivated - guess a lot of you know that too?

    Trying again after a nearly a year, because I'm too fat and out of breath to enjoy life. Would like to lose about 50lb but have failed too many times to risk any hard goal.

    I'm starting with "being aware of everything I eat".

    ... and I'm trying the fasting every other day diet, so I only have to stay focussed for 24 hrs at a time. It seems to be easier to get back on the wagon as well.

    Love this web site to store my recipes and count my calories for the "fast" days.

    Hope you're all doing ok half way through May x
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Happy Mother's Day Ladies

    Getting ready for our family coming this afternoon for a barbque but it is snowing yes I said snowing!!!&&& winter will jusy not go away this year.

    @jb Thank you for sharing your music so talented

    Welcome to all the new comers thoughts and prayers to those in need, Congrats to all those who are being successful

    Have a great day everyone
    juanita in snowy yuk sudbury
  • m3x43
    m3x43 Posts: 40
    Good morning ladies and Happy Mother's Day! I just found your group today and am glad to see I am not alone, lol! Thank you all for being willing to share your experiences and knowledge!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Mother's Day!:heart:

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cheryl: You’re looking very stable at your current weight. If you feel good and move well, there is no reason other than personal desire to keep pushing. Enjoy the crawfish and drink plenty of water. Beer doesn’t help reduce swelling. :wink: I mentioned it because my family always served beer with crawfish. Good memories.:bigsmile:

    Brooke: Good luck on the royal sighting. I love the idea of wounded warrior games. We have so many veterans who've survived with serious injuries. We need to honor them. :flowerforyou:

    bucky: Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    Moxie: I managed to lose a few pounds while traveling for my son’s wedding and family holidays last winter. It isn’t easy, but it can be done. Be sure to log your food and you’ll do fine.:flowerforyou:

    Jb: Love d the OMG message. Thanks for the smile.:bigsmile:

    Grandmallie: Congratulations! You have two great NSV’s. The first is your wise decision to order a take out box with your meal, and the second is your new, smaller scrubs. You are doing well!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Happy Mother’s Day to you. Love the gifts and card, but can’t imagine the cleanse. Well, I imagine something, but probably nothing realistic.:laugh:

    Sunshine: I hope you got your sleep. My daughter lived in Alaska for a while and had problems sleeping with so many daylight hours in the summer.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I hear you on the singing. My mom once said I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket. :noway: I can occasionally sing on key, but it has to be the right song in the right key, and I have no idea what key that is. It feels totally random to me. :ohwell: I can, however, sing lullabies to my granddaughter. :heart: That makes it okay with me.:bigsmile:

    Joyce: Happy Mother’s Day. You are lucky to have a great mom and MIL. They are lucky to have someone as appreciative and loving as you. I hope you enjoy your day.:flowerforyou:

    cityjane: Writing children’s books is such an important career. You have enriched the lives of children and brought them a love of reading. I can’t think of a better gift. I wonder if I have read any of your books to my students over the years.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Happy Mother’s Day to everyone! I have the good luck to be able to go out for brunch with DH and our DIL. I wish my son and daughter could be here, too, but that isn’t possible this year. I’ll give my daughter a call later today.:smile:

    I think of my own mom, the way she sometimes exasperated me, but always gave me a sense of belonging and being wanted. :love: I had hoped to get flowers to her at the cemetery by today, but that wasn’t possible so I’ll get them to her during the week. :heart: The cemetery where my parents are buried is about a hundred and sixty miles round trip from here. We make the pilgrimage several times a year and I always chat with my folks to let them know how my kids are doing. It helps me feel connected.:heart:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Renny - are the highways in Canada like the ones in the US? You can bike on them? Do they have special bike lanes?
    Michele in NC

    Yes, Michelle, you can bike on the highways in Canada. There are no special bike lanes. So, the only way to ride it is riding on the shoulders. And they often have plenty of debris on them, thanks to automobile traffic and crashes. Hence my question to the highway maintenance business to get cleaning and sweeping that junk away.
    Renny- The author of Lean In spoke at our local university and donated copies for all of the teachers at my school. I haven't had a chance to read it yet- probably won't until after school is out, but it sounds interesting. If it is, I may send copies to my daughters and nieces. I too am beyond wanting or needing to climb the corporate ladder, but they are all at a good age for the advice I assume is in the book.
    Deb in rainy, dreary CNY

    Nice, Deb. That is what I am thinking of doing too once I have a chance to read it. I am going to do what Brooke is doing: putting a hold on the book at the local library.

    @Brooke - I do think it is harder to get the position of choice once you are at your level. As part of the executive levels there are fewer opportunities.

    I had a book on hold at the library called "The Plan", by Lyn-Genet Recitas, which I am now reading. Anyone read it? If so, what did you think? I might try going through a 20 day testing period to see which foods are "reactive" to me. Her message mainly is, if I understand it correctly, that there are foods that - although healthy - may in fact not be healthy for an individual and hence, a person would have difficulty losing weight, or have other unhealthy conditions that don't seem to be going away. It also has a part about thyroid issues. Since I have Hashimoto's (taking daily meds) this is of great interest to me. I knew already that there are some foods I should not be eating at all or only very occasionally, such as soy and cabbage, but others I did not know, such as kale. And you know how I've been promoting eating kale!!! I want to look into that some more.

    Have a great Mothers Day, my lovely MFP friends.

    :heart: Renny
    from rainy Vancouver Island, BC
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Mother's Day to all you Mom's.

    Just stopping in to say Hi and let you know I'm still busy as ever. Will get up pictures from #3 Son's graduation and hair cutting sometime this week. He was able to donate 13" to Locks of Love after growing his hair for his three years while doing his double Master's. He really did get his Mom's hair:bigsmile:

    My new picture is of Son #2 from Friday night when he played the piano at a reception for Prince Harry who was in Colorado for the Wounded Warrior Games. My son said he was very nice and enjoyed the short chat he had with him. It's another picture to put on the wall :wink:

    Will be headed out to Son #3's again tonight for dinner but until then I have laundry to finish and meals to prepare for the work week.

    :flowerforyou: Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I haven’t had time to read the posts again, so decided to read just two pages before I leave for the day. I’m sorry that this has been such a bad time for me to be supportive of everyone here. Please know that I’m rooting for each and every one of you! :drinker: :drinker:

    Dad was in the hospital again for 7 days, and it was lucky that we took him in as he turned out to have a blood infection along with several other things. They said he wasn’t “safe to go home,” so we had to send him to a rehab facility on Friday. I’m not sure how long he’ll be there, but probably at least a month. This will mean picking up Mom and taking her there daily, and I’ll still be going to the doctor appointments at the VA with him (2 more on Monday!). I took his dog to visit him yesterday, and he was really happy to see him!

    I’ve decided to try to have both glaucoma and cataract surgery on at least one of Mom’s eyes while Dad is away (we couldn’t do it while he was home, because his care would have impaired her chances of a good recovery). This means yet more appointments, but it will be great to have her able to see better again. :glasses:

    I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed and easily stressed out. I need to follow Barbie’s goal of learning to be more agreeable, but it’s hard right now. I’m upstairs on the computer, and hubby just left. He immediately called on his cell to say would I come down and move a car, since it was in front of the one he wanted to drive and he was already outside. I said “and I’m upstairs trying to log.” I started saying “where are the keys” but he had already hung up on me and now isn’t speaking to me. If things are true to form, he probably won’t speak to me for at least a week now, which is going to add to the stress of everything else. Should I be more agreeable? I don’t know. I didn’t say it in a mean way, nor did I say I wouldn’t do it. My brother is also calling to tell me all of the things I should be doing for our parents, such as moving in with them, (he doesn’t live here), which would mean no life at all for me. I already spend at least 7 hours each day on my parents, which leaves me little time for work, my own family and home, or myself. Sorry for my “pity party.” I don’t really mean it that way, as I would never chose not to be doing these things. I just need to rant a little, as I have no support here.

    Brooke – I do love the smell of roast beef cooking. Good luck spotting Prince Harry! :wink:

    Deb – We all do what we can, when we can. The exercise you’re getting in is definitely better for your health and sanity than none at all!

    Peachstategal – Your antique jewelry sound fascinating and fun. Where do you sell besides Ebay? Isn’t it odd that we lose common interests with our spouses after so many years of marriage? It seems like it should be the opposite.

    JB – I haven’t had an opportunity to read the posts. Did you put a link to your music? If so, would you please send it to me, as I’d really enjoy hearing what you do.

    Cityjane – I’m so envious of your language skills! I think that’s a great advantage that Europeans have over us. We’re so isolated here, that we tend to think we don’t need to interact in the world community. I had a close French friend a long time ago, and she was amazing at languages. I keep working away at learning Spanish, but it’s slower at this age.

    Chrissiew1953 – I think that most of us here have tried and failed many times over. The important part is that we get up, dust ourselves off, and keep on trying. Good for you in making a new beginning!

    Jane in Colorado
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Where to start? First of all, Happy Mother's Day to those of you who celebrate it; and, MOST especially to those of you who have a family like mine who totally and completely ignore it. When my daughter was little, of course I always received those cute cards they made in grade school and have saved every one. As she got to the difficult years, around middle school, I did ask my husband one year about the lack of acknowledgement and was promptly told that I was not his mother. Well, until that time (we had probably been married about 20 yrs. then), I had been sending one to his mother as well as my own.......guess who never got sent another Mother's Day card by me???? (and if she's holding her breath waiting for him, she's well blue) This is also the woman who told me I was spending too much on postage sending her snaps of her granddaughter; a 5x7 mailer about every 4 months across the country
    have you ever heard of a grandmother who didn't want photos????? I also realized when we were married about 28 yrs. (I'm a bit dense when it comes to the automatic social gestures) that, although my daughter and husband got birthday cards every year.........I had never received even one; another wasteful practice on my part ended! I can only hope my daughter comes around someday; I can't do anything about him at this point......but I do know SHE was raised better..........
    Sorry, I know this has been an absolute rant.........but some days, that's just how life is..........

    yanniejannie.....miserable, angry, frustrated........and I miss my own mom
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    Happy Mother's day everyone!!!
    today was sort of a nightmare for me... my computer really screwed up on me.. got a hold of microsoft and they wanted me to pay them 250.00 to fix it.. got a hold of Dell and went through everything. and they basically had to set it back to factory default.. so lost everything I had in here, but I will just build it back up again.
    I had to call the DD,she is missing Ct. and us,but she has to make the decision on her life..
    My son had to work today and he did stop by after and gave me a minature rose plant which is beautiful.. and I got a few text's from my friends wishing me happy mother's day..
    So other than that it has been a half way decent day. did hit the gym this morning.but only for about 30-40 minutes. just wasn't feeling it..
    im adding on here..
    we will be cancelling our cruise:frown: with everything going on, we just dont want to over extend ourselves.. we already have plane tickets but we will be calling to see if we can fly our furbabies with us and just go to our place in florida for the week.
    I am a bit disappointed but,we need Oil for the winter, a new fridge.. and to pay off a few bills, so paying out so much for something like that just doesnt feel right. right now anyway..
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Janhadji, you have so much on your plate. You should be given a reward for being there for your parents. I feel so guilty because my mom (87) is showing a lot of signs of dementia and I am unable to help her as I live over an hour away. She has lived by herself for many years and has been very independent about taking care of her needs. Now she is forgetting to pay bills on time and misplacing things and thinking someone came in and "stole" or "moved" them. She can't remember appointments or things like when to put the garbage out. I have 3 brothers and a sister that live in the same areas as she and I know they think I don't do enough.

    Yanniejannie, you are entitled to your rant. It hurts when we give so much of ourselves to our family and they overlook times when it is your time to be special.

    Healing for those who are hurting inside and for those who are ailing.