A 5 yo killed a 2yo with a gun!



  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    Maybe I am a crazy parent, but I bought my 5 year old books and board games and spent time playing them. My 2 year old I played building bricks and stuff to encourage him with hand/eye co ordination.

    I didn`t leave either child unsupervised at any point, they were always with an adult, so why would I need to provide them with a a gun?

    I am not trying to provoke an argument, I am just asking why a responsible parent would gift a small child a gun?

    Scenrario...your child goes to a birthday party. They are playiong hide and seek. Your child hides in a closet way in the back behind all the heavy coats where the father keeps his loaded shotgun. While the child is in there waiting what happens? My children will know. A) A gun is always Loaded B) dont touch the gun with out dad or another adult around. C) Where the trigger, safety, muzzle, is and how they each function... Etc

    your child knows nothing. good luck

    or the children will know not to touch a gun, you don't need to own a gun or familiarize your child with guns to be able to tell them that guns are dangerous and if they see one they should tell a responsible adult they trust and not touch it....

    you think thats all it takes>? Do you have children? do you know how curious children are?

    i do, which is why i wouldn't show them where the safety is

    You are clueless about children. I watched as my 2 year nephew learned how to circumvent a child proof door handle on the bathroom in under 5 minutes... you think a simple switch is going to stop them... This is why they need educated. Lack of education causes accidents.

    first of all, i wouldn't allow my 2 year old to be playing hide and seek in a house that has a gun...so it really isn't me that is clueless there bud. i would watch over my children far better than that.
  • bethgrayster
    bethgrayster Posts: 56 Member
    The parents were negligent at best. Responsible gun ownership included locking up all weapons, and keeping them away from children when not being used with constant and direct supervision. They had a gun, sitting in a corner, and didn’t know it was loaded. This incident was 100% preventable and 100% the fault of the parents, not the fault of the gun.
    AND these parents had gotten the gun for their son, why was he was pointing it at his sister! Did they not even go over gun safety with their child? Rule 1: NEVER point a gun at something or someone you don’t intend to shoot.
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member

    Can I ask you a simple `yes` or `no` question

    If the gun was not available would this `accident` have happened?

    If we ban cars, not more auto accidents. They kills a lot more than guns.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member

    if that is your child, and you were located in my province, i would report you. hope no one in your family gets killed by a gun!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Maybe I am a crazy parent, but I bought my 5 year old books and board games and spent time playing them. My 2 year old I played building bricks and stuff to encourage him with hand/eye co ordination.

    I didn`t leave either child unsupervised at any point, they were always with an adult, so why would I need to provide them with a a gun?

    I am not trying to provoke an argument, I am just asking why a responsible parent would gift a small child a gun?

    Scenrario...your child goes to a birthday party. They are playiong hide and seek. Your child hides in a closet way in the back behind all the heavy coats where the father keeps his loaded shotgun. While the child is in there waiting what happens? My children will know. A) A gun is always Loaded B) dont touch the gun with out dad or another adult around. C) Where the trigger, safety, muzzle, is and how they each function... Etc

    your child knows nothing. good luck

    Where I come from that gun is to be locked in a cabinet that is not accessible without a key... not kept in the back of a closet behind the coats..

    I also never grew up around guns, I still knew where all the parts were, how they functioned and not to touch it if I found one.

    Cause every one is the same as you and your family every one follows those rules Oh yes of course. Not to worry children all guns will always be unloaded and locked away to protect you. You dont need to know anything else.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    you cant fix stupid though that could be the same woman who leaves her prescribed narcotics out or leaves them unsupervised...obviously she did.

    I don't think stupidity is an argument for gun control if that is the case then I'm all for IQ tests or mandatory sterilizations at puberty.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member

    if that is your child, and you were located in my province, i would report you. hope no one in your family gets killed by a gun!

    not my child, yanked from google... I don't live in a province. What would you report? LOL thats funny
  • chels0722
    chels0722 Posts: 465 Member

    Can I ask you a simple `yes` or `no` question

    If the gun was not available would this `accident` have happened?

    If we ban cars, not more auto accidents. They kills a lot more than guns.

  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member


    Can I ask you a simple `yes` or `no` question

    If the gun was not available would this `accident` have happened?

    So...your solutions is to rid all the world of guns to bandaid poor parenting skills?

    You did not answer yes or no?

    Cause your logic is invalid. thats not a feasible solution.

    The logic is very simple it is a yes or no answer

    I will put it very simply,for logic's, if the 5 year old did not have access to a gun would the `accident` of killing the 2 year old sibling have occurred?
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Maybe I am a crazy parent, but I bought my 5 year old books and board games and spent time playing them. My 2 year old I played building bricks and stuff to encourage him with hand/eye co ordination.

    I didn`t leave either child unsupervised at any point, they were always with an adult, so why would I need to provide them with a a gun?

    I am not trying to provoke an argument, I am just asking why a responsible parent would gift a small child a gun?

    Scenrario...your child goes to a birthday party. They are playiong hide and seek. Your child hides in a closet way in the back behind all the heavy coats where the father keeps his loaded shotgun. While the child is in there waiting what happens? My children will know. A) A gun is always Loaded B) dont touch the gun with out dad or another adult around. C) Where the trigger, safety, muzzle, is and how they each function... Etc

    your child knows nothing. good luck

    or the children will know not to touch a gun, you don't need to own a gun or familiarize your child with guns to be able to tell them that guns are dangerous and if they see one they should tell a responsible adult they trust and not touch it....

    you think thats all it takes>? Do you have children? do you know how curious children are?

    i do, which is why i wouldn't show them where the safety is

    You are clueless about children. I watched as my 2 year nephew learned how to circumvent a child proof door handle on the bathroom in under 5 minutes... you think a simple switch is going to stop them... This is why they need educated. Lack of education causes accidents.

    first of all, i wouldn't allow my 2 year old to be playing hide and seek in a house that has a gun...so it really isn't me that is clueless there bud. i would watch over my children far better than that.

    So you search peoples homes before letting your child out? That's bizarre.
  • cindylu35
    cindylu35 Posts: 43 Member
    You can engineer all kinds of safety devices for firearms, but you cant engineer the stupid out of people.

  • meredithgomez
    meredithgomez Posts: 33 Member
    I'm not on either side of it. I believe some people should have guns, and there are people that shouldn't. But what ever happened to the "12" year old rule??? I thought little boys got bb guns or whatever little gun at 12 or 13? A 5 year old doesn't have the common sense most of the time to know what killing a person really means

    I still don't think that 12 year olds should have guns. Or touch them. Actually, I don't think they should have them around...
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member

    if that is your child, and you were located in my province, i would report you. hope no one in your family gets killed by a gun!

    not my child, yanked from google... I don't live in a province. What would you report? LOL thats funny

    i would report your child being in possession and using a firearm, to children's aid, you know...child protective services.
  • unicornlady77
    You can engineer all kinds of safety devices for firearms, but you cant engineer the stupid out of people.

    lol! love this! a
    5 yr old should not have a gun,mom is stupid for giving it to him
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm pretty anti-guns in my own world but I don't think it's fair to stereotype a region of the country, like people are saying "oh of course it's Kentucky"--accidents with kids and guns happen EVERYWHERE--it's not the geographic area, it's the parents. This situation seems to be an issue with parental supervision (lack thereof) and parental stupidity (loaded gun, even if it was a gift for the child, should NEVER have been left LOADED (unless he loaded it? which I didn't get the sense of from the articles I read) where he could access it without a parent present to supervise). However, to anyone who says they're going to teach their kids to shoot and/or they were taught to shoot guns themselves at a very young age--that's completely within your right, but my objection to that is that a 2 year old or even 5 year old doesn't truly understand the concept of death being permanent. I even know of older children who don't understand it. I don't think we should give a kid even supervised access to a lethal weapon until they understand that concept.

    In any event, a really sad occurrence and what a horrible thing for a child to have to live with for the rest of his life.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member

    if that is your child, and you were located in my province, i would report you. hope no one in your family gets killed by a gun!

    wow, so tell me what is wrong with the picture if it occurred within the United States (see you said province so I assume you think this picture is taking place in Canada)? This child is taught how to safely stand, she's being taught how to aim, and she has ear protection.
  • BleedsCoffee
    BleedsCoffee Posts: 247 Member
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member

    if that is your child, and you were located in my province, i would report you. hope no one in your family gets killed by a gun!

    not my child, yanked from google... I don't live in a province. What would you report? LOL thats funny

    i would report your child being in possession and using a firearm, to children's aid, you know...child protective services.

    That's not illegal. Its not even unsafe. This little girl probably knows more about firearms then you do.
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    This is so ridiculous. Handing a 2-year old a gun?!?! What the actual F?! You people must be high off your a$$es. Thank God I'm not living in your country. There's never been a kid shooting another kid here, never been a school shooting. I guess maybe we're doing something right.

    If somebody wants to do something evil, they'll find a way to do it. Banning guns isn't the way to stop evil people.
    But it would make it much more difficult for them...
    What a sad world we live in where parents think a 2 year old needs to know how to kill :(
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