"Lifting Heavy". What does that really mean for women?



  • sugarmonster80
  • c_30
    c_30 Posts: 12
    Bumping to read later :)
  • PrimalPixie
    PrimalPixie Posts: 69 Member
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I define it as whatever weight within a given rep range. I started with dumbbell workouts (13 lbs each, then 18, 23, 27). With a barbell, I started at 40 (excluding my standard bar) and got up to ~150 lbs for squats and deadlifts, before I had to stop for a bit.

    Getting back into it. Have pain with real squats and dls. So for leg-involved movements, I now mostly use machines (esp the cable machine) or do single-leg things with dumbbells. Right now for a 1-legged RDL I am using a 45 lb dumbbell. I think there's a max on what I can do with that, bc my wrists complain. So will probably have to go up to 20 reps again.
  • OhLibra
    OhLibra Posts: 221 Member
    Bump to read later.
  • baino83
    baino83 Posts: 1
    * SAVE *
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    Thank you for this. I have enjoyed "Lifting Heavy" even though my gains are not as high right now as other women (of whom I am in total awe by the way) since I started about a month ago. I am really surprised at how much I enjoy it.
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    I've been wondering this too so I did a search and am happy to have found this thread. It's only recently I learned of the term "heavy lifting" and wanted to know how it was different from the plain old lifting I've done most of my life. I agree with the OP, at least in that his definition matches my own understanding. I've always lifted with the assumption that I should use as much weight as I safely can while completing at least 10 or so reps. Also, the reps should be done more slowly than quickly; I see some women speed through sets but it's the momentum doing more work on those weights than the woman's muscles.
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Thanks for this! And for other females who can't even do a single squat or press with an olympic sized barbell, do get a standard barbell to start off with, which is only about 20 lbs or less.
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    Bump...Thanks for posting!!
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I always just figure if I am making sure the weight is heavy to me then I'm lifting heavy. As your body adapts to weight the weight is no longer heavy, so you add more to make it heavy again. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone but me.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Funny this post is from May, but happened to pop on my side of interesting and active threads just as I had been talking to my husband about this very same topic this morning!

    I have dropped 10 lbs since joining this site, but am not sure how much more weight I feel comfortable losing. If I lose 10 more I'd be back at highschool weight...but do I really want that? I'm a woman now, 2 kids deep, and don't feel like I need to be that skinny again. It's just my stomach - I carry my weight there and while it has gotten smaller, it is nowhere near where I would feel comfortable wearing a bikini. Heck, just last week I got asked if I was pregnant. Granted, the source itself was ummm, not exactly one that I am sweating about, but still.

    Any who, I keep reading the suggestions that if you don't have a lot to lose, but it is the way your body looks you are concerned with, you should lift more. I like the idea of it. I enjoyed taking BodyPump at the Y. But that was 3 years ago. I'n not fraid of getting bulky......more afraid that I just can't do it. In the approx 7 months I was a memeber of the gym, I did add minimal weights to my bar....cuz I totally started with just the bar! I've always been petite and never felt like I had much upper-body strength. Some days in the class I felt so out of place, but it was fun and I really wanted to try. And there was usually this "creaking" feeling in my shoulder and elbows, like my joints are not well-oiled enough for this. But I only took the class 1 day a week and I have been told that is really not enough to have reaped the benefits. (FYI: I still get the creaking feelings doing biceps curls with my 3lb purple weights at home)

    Joining a gym now is not really an option, so what I have been wondering is can you get the same sort of results using something like a Total Gym? (This may have been previously addressed, but I am at work and have already wasted too much time writing this, lol)
  • Sooze_1975
    Sooze_1975 Posts: 89 Member
    Happy Friday!
    I have a strength session with my trainer today and I can't wait; it's my favorite session of the week. I started lifting maybe 6 months ago, with a couple of breaks during that time (fell off the wagon a little). Below is what I remember starting with and what I do now:

    Shoulder row: 45/95
    Bench Press: 65/120 (last week, couldn't believe it)
    Deadlift: 95/165 (my best last week as well)

    I see no definition, however, cause I'm still pretty overweight. I feel fantastic tho!! Sometimes I get frustrated that my reflection in the mirror doesn't show how good I feel on the inside, but I'm getting there.
  • alliebeth88
    alliebeth88 Posts: 59 Member
    1) starting bench press? current bench press? how long have you been doing bench presses?
    2) starting squat? current squat? how long have you been doing squats?
    3) starting dead lift? current dead lift? how long have you been doing dead lifts?
    4) starting overhead press (OHP)? current OHP? how long have you been doing OHPs?

    Start/Current (been lifting 2 months except first month didn't have a squat rack so stalled at 70 lbs and no bench so only been benching for about 1 month):

    Bench: 45/72.5 lbs
    OHP: 45/65
    Squat: 45/120
    Deadlift: 90/175 (!!!)
  • beyondmywildestdreams
    beyondmywildestdreams Posts: 79 Member
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I don't technically lift heavy. It's not a goal in and of itself, I have some injuries and it's counter to my aesthetic goals because I do get bigger when I lift. Accordingly, there are certain exercises I avoid. But for the exercises I do I lift the heaviest weights of which I'm capable although I don't exercise to failure.
  • bedot
    bedot Posts: 86 Member
    Wonderful info! Saving for later :)
  • itcanbedone13
    bump for later
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I'm a newbie to this and was wondering where to start with dumbbells. I've been using 5kg on each arm but I don't think his is nearly enough. I'm a bit of a wimp in the arm department.

    I just started strength training and use 10lbs dumbbells which is pretty much 5kg. It's not wimpy. We have to start somewhere!
  • JaneO7155
    I have been lifting heavy for about 8 weeks. I'm 125 lb. The 45lb barbell was enough for me my first week. I can now dead lift 105lb. Squat 70 lb. Press 65 lb. Do 4 sets of 8 pullups. My workouts are shorter, and more fun. And I've taken 1/2" off my waist and hips.