Exercise...no...not for you fatty.



  • storm15918
    storm15918 Posts: 88 Member
    Some people are horrible. You can either stick the headphones and ignore them or you can exercise and lose the weight which you are trying to do, which is great. Just consider yourself lucky you are white and heterosexual (just guessing) and you don't have to deal with other forms of discrimination that you can't exercise away.

    Annnd I'm also done with this thread. It's a real shame that instead of letting the OP vent and offering support and advice (not just telling him to stop making excuses since he clearly wasn't), all you guys want to do is belittle everyone and derail this thread with things that have NOTHING to do with the original topic. Why can't you (general you) just let someone express a frustration in their life without making them feel like complete crap about it? You all need to grow up, seriously.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Some people are horrible. You can either stick the headphones and ignore them or you can exercise and lose the weight which you are trying to do, which is great. Just consider yourself lucky you are white and heterosexual (just guessing) and you don't have to deal with other forms of discrimination that you can't exercise away.

    Annnd I'm also done with this thread. It's a real shame that instead of letting the OP vent and offering support and advice (not just telling him to stop making excuses since he clearly wasn't), all you guys want to do is belittle everyone and derail this thread with things that have NOTHING to do with the original topic. Why can't you (general you) just let someone express a frustration in their life without making them feel like complete crap about it? You all need to grow up, seriously.

    If someone just wants to "vent'..that's what the blogs are for. When you post something on a public forum, you are opening up to ALL means of suggestions, advice, comments, etc...both positive, negative...snarky, coddling, etc.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    so they can charge extra for special equipment
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I was thinking that I wanted to buy an exercise machine. I knew I would have to wait and save up and lose a lot of weight to be able to use a machine. But, now I think even if I do have the money and I lose enough weight to use the machines, I am not going to buy one. I have been reminded in this thread of a couple of things and I do some of those things currently and it's working.

    1. Walking is free (what I am doing now)

    2. Dancing in your living room is also free (also do this occasionally)

    3. There are instructional walking in your home videos out there somewhere, but I don't see the point of paying someone to teach me how to walk in place.

    4. Squats are a good way to burn calories and there is no upper weight limit (well if you are too big it could be a health issue, but other than that)

    5. I was inspired to look up information on Stability Balls and I'm going to buy one of those very soon. There are weight limits but now that I have lost some weight I will be able to find one for my weight class.

    6 Exercise bands, very portable and also pretty cheap, no upper weight limit that I am aware of.

    7. I think I might get a stair stepper, I don't think I am too heavy for one of those platform thingies, but I will check the specks. These are also pretty cheap.

    So while I have a lot of sympathy for the OP being in the same boat, I am still very grateful for most the comments because they inspired me to think about all kinds of indoor exercises besides the couple that I already do.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Strength comes at a price. Thicker gauge steels, higher grade bolts, more resilient foam. In order to keep the price low for the average consumer, they don't build everything to commercial standards.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Why do people get the cheap $100 stationary bikes from Walmart and then complain that the manufacturer didn't put enough quality into the discount brand model to handle heavier folks?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member

    3. There are instructional walking in your home videos out there somewhere, but I don't see the point of paying someone to teach me how to walk in place.

    Go to Youtube & look for Walk at home... trust me it's more than just walking in place. I do 6 mines instead of her 5 miles & I'm working up a great sweat about 2 miles in..... 4 miles in I wanna stop... 6 miles I'm killing myself but loving it. Considering I use leg weights & had weights as well during the full time.

    It's more than just 'walking in place'
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member

    3. There are instructional walking in your home videos out there somewhere, but I don't see the point of paying someone to teach me how to walk in place.

    Go to Youtube & look for Walk at home... trust me it's more than just walking in place. I do 6 mines instead of her 5 miles & I'm working up a great sweat about 2 miles in..... 4 miles in I wanna stop... 6 miles I'm killing myself but loving it. Considering I use leg weights & had weights as well during the full time.

    It's more than just 'walking in place'

    Oh that's awesome. I didn't know that. It might actually be worth it to get the dvd then. And it's still cheaper than a machine, win win.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    Machines are overrated and last time I checked a squat rack is made for everyone. Bodyweight exercises are also a good place to start for obese people since there are other issues that can play into injuries like joint problems.
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    Slight rant here....why do manufacturers make exercise equipment with stupidly low weight limits on them?
    Damnit if I weighed that low I wouldn't need the machine in the first place.

    That's it...rant over...2 out of 10 not enough swearing, I know.

    Probably because the % of people over the machines weight capacity who actively want to use them is very small and not worth the increased cost of catering for them...
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    The reason is because they can use less/cheaper materials to make it with, thus reducing the price. You could buy ones with higher weight limits usually, but at a higher price.

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Why do these size 32 jeans only fit people with 32 inch waists?

    Don't cha know? Right?

    I have a race bike that has pedals rated to 75kgs, seat is rated to 80kgs and wheels to 90kgs. I've busted the pedals and the seat a few times (racing weight was 79 kgs many a year ago.).

    Damn them.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I am sure someone has already given you a proper answer (maybe one out of 100) - but you can buy equipment with a higher weight limit but those will be more expensive as the production costs for making them safer/using better materials will be higher as well.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member

    3. There are instructional walking in your home videos out there somewhere, but I don't see the point of paying someone to teach me how to walk in place.

    Go to Youtube & look for Walk at home... trust me it's more than just walking in place. I do 6 mines instead of her 5 miles & I'm working up a great sweat about 2 miles in..... 4 miles in I wanna stop... 6 miles I'm killing myself but loving it. Considering I use leg weights & had weights as well during the full time.

    It's more than just 'walking in place'

    I agree. Those videos are a great full-body workout. They're only called 'walking' because they are low impact and use a marching motion as the fall-back position.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I was thinking that I wanted to buy an exercise machine. I knew I would have to wait and save up and lose a lot of weight to be able to use a machine. But, now I think even if I do have the money and I lose enough weight to use the machines, I am not going to buy one. I have been reminded in this thread of a couple of things and I do some of those things currently and it's working.

    1. Walking is free (what I am doing now)

    2. Dancing in your living room is also free (also do this occasionally)

    3. There are instructional walking in your home videos out there somewhere, but I don't see the point of paying someone to teach me how to walk in place.

    4. Squats are a good way to burn calories and there is no upper weight limit (well if you are too big it could be a health issue, but other than that)

    5. I was inspired to look up information on Stability Balls and I'm going to buy one of those very soon. There are weight limits but now that I have lost some weight I will be able to find one for my weight class.

    6 Exercise bands, very portable and also pretty cheap, no upper weight limit that I am aware of.

    7. I think I might get a stair stepper, I don't think I am too heavy for one of those platform thingies, but I will check the specks. These are also pretty cheap.

    So while I have a lot of sympathy for the OP being in the same boat, I am still very grateful for most the comments because they inspired me to think about all kinds of indoor exercises besides the couple that I already do.

    I like how you think!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Annnd I'm also done with this thread. It's a real shame that instead of letting the OP vent and offering support and advice (not just telling him to stop making excuses since he clearly wasn't), all you guys want to do is belittle everyone and derail this thread with things that have NOTHING to do with the original topic. Why can't you (general you) just let someone express a frustration in their life without making them feel like complete crap about it? You all need to grow up, seriously.

    so venting is a one way street? the OP can vent, but if anybody vents about the OP's venting they are in the wrong? why is it ok for you to insult the other posters in this thread? how can you be so sure that when the OP was posted, that support and advice are what the OP needed and was looking for?

    what if i don't wanna grow up?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Why do these size 32 jeans only fit people with 32 inch waists?

    Don't cha know? Right?

    I have a race bike that has pedals rated to 75kgs, seat is rated to 80kgs and wheels to 90kgs. I've busted the pedals and the seat a few times (racing weight was 79 kgs many a year ago.).

    Damn them.

    I Agree!!! Racing bike pedal manufacturers are soooooo elitist! Damn them and weight shaming! Why can't they make a super duper lightweight pedal that supports everyone and sell it for the same price as the 75kg rated one?

    Why can't the entire world revolve and me and my specific needs? WHHHHYYYYYY?!?!?!
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Definitely get what you mean mate, I had to lose weight to start using the Wii. There's no bucking that, I flat out told me I was too heavy for the balance board! LOL! But have you ever noticed they don't have weight limits on amusement park rides? That's scary, I always wondered, when they build a roller coaster, do they put a fat *kitten* like me in the seat to see if the restraints will hold? Ponder that buddy!!

    When I went to Busch Gardens with my hefty ex and he wanted to go on a roller coaster-type ride, he had to wait to one side while others got seated so they could put him in the special fat seat. He was mad and humiliated of course....

    But really, you guys who weigh 275 and are complaining, what weight do you think every piece of exercise equipment should be rated for? 275? What about 400? 500? If I weigh 150, should I have to buy (and pay for) a stationary bike rated for 400 pounders so that guy doesn't feel left out and insulted? No. They do make equipment for heavier weight people but it costs more. Because it has to be made with more and sturdier materials. This is pretty obvious I think.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Whomever said not having weight limits on amusement rides...wrong. They do it just depends on the company owning and the policies they have in place. I live not far from Tampa where Busch Gardens is and they definitely have weight limits, I've seen people turned down before.
    True. I was at our local fair last year waitibg in line at the Ferris Wheel. I was 295 and my husband was about the same. The carny was embarrassed, but said we "had to wait until more people 'our size' came along to 'balance it out." I nearly died. :embarassed: It was a big motivating factor for me to get that weight off. And I am never getting on a Ferris Wheel again, after learning how delicate they are.:laugh:
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Because not just overweight/obese people exercise?


    Double WOW! some people!!!

    Triple Wow. I literally went slack jawed at this. Why would having a higher weight limit on a piece of equipment be of any relevance to somebody who was well under the weight limit?

    Maybe if more equipment did have a higher weight limit more people wouldn't fear it so much.

    What? The reactions to this are ridiculous. People will literally take offence to the most ridiculous of things.

    The point I am making is exercise equipment is not designed for people who are 250lbs+ because chances are, that isn't their target audience.
    Most people who exercise are within a weight range to use exercise equipment.
    Damnit if I weighed that low I wouldn't need the machine in the first place.
    My reply is in response to this ridiculous comment made by the OP. People who "weigh that low" - chances are they do because they use that equipment and look after themselves. Therefore making them the target audience.