The dumbest diet you ever tried?



  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    Years ago,
    because my parents were,
    because apparently everyone was,
    at that point,
    for some reason.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Easily the master cleanse. So stupid. I managed it for the full 10 days I wanted to and threw up my veggie soup for the next 4 days. Not worth it, didn't work, I didn't feel better, and I couldn't go to the bathroom right for the next 2 weeks. Never ever again.
  • smokinjackd
    When I was way younger I wanted to see if I could lose weight by drinking only beer, I did lose weight actually, but it also led to a lot of partying, sex with women who's names I never knew, friends coming over at all hours, lots of dancing, bar hopping, house part............wait a second, that was the BEST damn diet I've ever been on, what was I thinking, sheesh, I must be getting old, what's wrong with me....carry on.
  • be_patient
    be_patient Posts: 186 Member
    omg my mum has been on a bunch of different meal replacement diets for who knows how long...optislim, optifast, celebrity slim, whatever. it doesn't work.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    The worst diet I ever tried was a low carb diet. A friend of mines was doing it and so I decided to join him since it was obviously working for him. I tried the diet for maybe a week before kindly bowing out. The lack of carbs and food made me super b!tchy! In that week I'd lost about three or pounds too but that was packed on with extra weight to boot.
  • MermaidTX
    MermaidTX Posts: 352 Member
    Late 1970's - Liquid Diet (Slimfast & soup). The resulting diarrhea after the 3rd day was nooo fun!
    Mid 1980's - the Lose 10 lbs in 1 month 1000 Calories a Day diet - gained 5 lbs instead of losing 8!
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    I feel like bumping this
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Seefood diet - See food, eat food, infinitely better then those listed below.

    1200 calories/day
    No sugar
    Low Carb

  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    Not a diet per se, but I was dumb enough to buy into the "super" herbal supplements theory. I got supplements for cayenne pepper, chromium, hoodia, green tea, all those "thermogenic" miracles, and then "detox" ones like apple cider vinegar, black walnut, chickweed, triphala, etc. I lost a lot of pounds from a reduction in brain cells. So glad I bought them though, because I can safely say they absolutely do not work in aiding weight loss whatsoever.
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks for the bump, this was a fun read.
    I took diet pills once in college, don't remember what they were exactly. I took them for a couple weeks, they made me feel weird.
    Also, the paleo diet-- I ate what ever I wanted but no carbs or dairy. Might've worked had I done it at a calorie deficit. Instead I just ate like 8 pieces of bacon a day. And more meat than I've ever eaten in my life! If anything I maintained weight, but then my birthday came a long, I binged on cake and went back to carbs full force after that.
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    I did this diet a couple years ago called "The 17 Day Diet" - anyone hear of it? It's basically a super restrictive diet for 17 days - no sugar, no grains/carbs (except veggies), lean protein, limited fruit, etc. The idea is at the end of the 17 day period, you can gradually work a couple things back in - like say, a small serving of oatmeal.

    While I did follow it for the initial period and ended up losing weight, I couldn't handle the "gradually introduce" part and basically binged on everything I couldn't have during those 17 days.

    I'm now *hugely* skeptical of any diet that's supposed to be followed for a set number of days and diets that encourage you to gradually reintroduce foods after the introductory phase.

    I'm now close to my goal weight doing what I should have done years ago - at a balanced diet, at a deficit, making room for my favorite treats/foods along the way to avoid feeling deprived.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    dtroutman wrote: »
    Ive tried HCG awful. But the worst was when I went with a co-worker and we got our ears stapled to lose weight. It hurt and a week later was so infected they had to pry the staple out it was terrible!!!!!

    I know this is an old thread so not sure if this poster is still using MFP but WT actual F!! what even is the logic behind this?
  • Turning_Hopes_to_Habits
    For me, the worst was Atkins. But then, I'd rather have a bowl of oatmeal and juts than some bacon. Bacon in no way compensated for not being able to eat carbs. I ate a lot of shrimp. I still do, but I eat Pescatarian.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    justal313 wrote: »
    The MEAEL diet. It stands for Move Extra and Eat Less.

    If that's all it took don't you think everybody would be thin?

    LOL..tongue in cheek?

  • Flora_k
    Flora_k Posts: 72 Member
    Without a doubt, the hCG diet. I developed so many health problems from which I had to heal and since stopping the diet, I've been prone to kidney infections.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited November 2014
    The Beverly Hills Diet, a certain fruit for the day. My tongue was sore on pineapple day.

    I did okay on lower carb but my cholesterol went up. I am going to see a dietician and will ask for good macro goals for me (I have health issues).
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    dtroutman wrote: »
    Ive tried HCG awful. But the worst was when I went with a co-worker and we got our ears stapled to lose weight. It hurt and a week later was so infected they had to pry the staple out it was terrible!!!!!

    I know this is an old thread so not sure if this poster is still using MFP but WT actual F!! what even is the logic behind this?

    I willing to bet there is no real logic involved. Crazy, yes. Lots of crazy. Logic, no.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    When I was a kid, my parents were gung ho about the cabbage soup diet for awhile so we all had to eat it every day. I don't think cabbage soup is bad to eat sometimes but it got old pretty fast. It made the house smell weird too. It didn't really help them lose weight.
    As an adult, I haven't really tried any diet I consider dumb or crazy. I tried low carb for awhile but have steered clear of fad diets really. I just remember the huge pots of cabbage soup and it keeps me from trying fads.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    When I was a kid, my parents were gung ho about the cabbage soup diet for awhile so we all had to eat it every day. I don't think cabbage soup is bad to eat sometimes but it got old pretty fast. It made the house smell weird too. It didn't really help them lose weight.
    As an adult, I haven't really tried any diet I consider dumb or crazy. I tried low carb for awhile but have steered clear of fad diets really. I just remember the huge pots of cabbage soup and it keeps me from trying fads.

    Not a fad diet, but my dad wanted to try to incorporate soybeans in our meals (not tofu or eamame but hard cooked beans. He would throw them in spaghetti sauce or chili. I never did like them
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Drinking apple cider vinegar water and eating magical cabbage soup