What "tricks" have you found for cutting calories?



  • MicheleWE
    MicheleWE Posts: 179 Member
    I bulk up soups and casseroles etc by adding veggies, especially spinach. I put spinach in just about everything, eggs, chili, soup, etc. Also, while I don't like all of their products I do like to use Waldon Farms pancake syrup, chocolate and caramel syrups, balsamic, and asian dressings and bbq sauce. I get the flavor without the calories,fat, or sugar. I make my own flavored yogurt without all the sugar by using fat free plain greek yogurt and mixing in fresh or frozen fruit, or flavor extracts along with stevia.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I don't do "light" anything and I don't think I care to buy meat with built in cheese. I just exercise more and I get to eat more. Basically I work for food lol

    I went out for a 30 minute walk for extra mayo one night. It was actually a very good thing I did that cuz before that I wasn't exercising at all now I walk almost everyday.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    i didn't read through all the replies...but i would suggest stop putting cheese on sandwiches. honestly i can not tell if the sandwich has cheese in it or not most of the time, and that saves around 100 cal for a slice of cheese plus the fat. just a suggestion :) and no i don't always follow this rule :)
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I don't think it's really a trick, but I weigh and measure my food to get a proper portion size. I serve myself one portion and then wait about 15 minutes or so before I decide whether I want more or not.
  • ApocalypticFae
    ApocalypticFae Posts: 217 Member
    Only drinking tea, coffee, or water. And making sure I don't eat past 8:00.
  • lisaplus6
    lisaplus6 Posts: 3
    I don't do "light" anything and I don't think I care to buy meat with built in cheese. I just exercise more and I get to eat more. Basically I work for food lol
    love this!
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Slowly cutting portions. Started out w 1 cup of oatmeal now at 3/4. 1 cup of yogurt, now 1/2 cup w fresh or frozen fruit. Started w 1/2C brown rice as a side now 1/3C. You get used to stuff.....after awhile it's the new norm. AND anything I don't have self control over has to be bought in pre packaged servings. Like chips and ice cream. Start somewhere.... then you you feel you are managing well then figure out that little bit more you can shave off. The theory goes for everything. If you drink 3 cans of soda cut one out and work your way down. I like to have satisfying meals and calories left over for treat..... so I eat a little less oatmeal, or yogurt or brown rice to have a cup of ice cream later. That's my strategy.
    Thats wonderful! Thanks
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    The main changes I made were to figure out a serving size of my favorite snacks and try to stick to that instead of eating half the box or whatever I was eating previously and to keep protein in my dorm. I don't have a lot of room around here, but if I have just like a bag of deli meat, some jerky, and some cheese sticks I'll reach for them instead of (or at least before) sleeves of crackers.

    also - I look to see if there's a low cal version of a favorite. I love the 100 cal Oreo crisps!
  • Pasukaru2
    Pasukaru2 Posts: 39 Member
    Replaced Mayo in my sandwich by Red hot thick sauce, since I like spicy things (it has a lot of sodium tough)
    Also as many other have said, I weight and measure almsot everything I eat, from the cereals to the veggies, EVERYTHING!
    It helped me out to really know what is enough.
    I also tend to use reduced fat or reduced sugar version of products, but NEVER or almost never the sugar free versions since they *almost* always have splenda in them and the studies aren't clear wether it can have bad effects on our health, so I'd rather stick with moderate amounts of sugar for now.
    Drinking skim milk instead of 2% or 3.25% milk, cuts 40-70 calories every cup for the same amount of protein (130/170 to 90), may not seem like a lot but it quickly adds up!
    Eating white eggs instead of whole also. Lots of protein, low calories and low cholesterol! :bigsmile:
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member

    Probably not going to happen. If its pizza night its going to be running across the street to little caesars and I'll just budget it in.

    Little Caesars?

    My condolences.

    that's what i was thinking...bring on the dominos !
  • BunkyBumBum
    BunkyBumBum Posts: 157 Member
    I tried mashed cauliflower tonight instead of mashed potatoes.

    People who say it's "just like" mashed potatoes are dirty liars. Horrible, dirty, liars.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I only drink water or tea so all of my calories can be allotted to food.

    Other than that, I eat whatever I want and "work it in or work it off".

    this!! ^^
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Only drinking tea, coffee, or water. And making sure I don't eat past 8:00.

  • IamDianna
    IamDianna Posts: 37
    Why not? I like it.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Replace the crust on your pizza with cauliflower mash

    Probably not going to happen. If its pizza night its going to be running across the street to little caesars and I'll just budget it in.

    little caesars? Worst . Pizza . EVER .
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    maaaaawwwrrrr protein.
  • LesaLu4
    LesaLu4 Posts: 83
    I love to make a sauce with yogurt (I use unsweetened plain soy yogurt) and buffalo sauce. It is great as a dressing or as a dip for carrot sticks or on baked potatoes... anything spicy pleases my taste buds and I don't miss the salt shaker!
  • rachaelbarton
    rachaelbarton Posts: 57 Member
    I replaced regular wheat bread with sara lee 45 calorie wheat. Smaller bread means less cheese and meat to make my sandwich look huge. I started using more lettuce, sprouts, mustard, and pickles on my sandwiches to take up room too.

    I also use sweet potatoes as a go-to lunch or low calorie dinner when I've eaten too much throughout the day. They're super filling and I don't feel cheated out of dinner if I use a little bit of Smart Balance, some cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice. :)
  • Ubergeek922
    Ubergeek922 Posts: 10
    Replace the crust on your pizza with cauliflower mash

    Probably not going to happen. If its pizza night its going to be running across the street to little caesars and I'll just budget it in.

    little caesars? Worst . Pizza . EVER .

    I'm guessing you don't have a family of 7 to feed. $5 each goes a lot farther than $18 each. The kids don't mind and as little as we go out, I can't remember what a great pizza tastes like.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Replace the crust on your pizza with cauliflower mash

    Probably not going to happen. If its pizza night its going to be running across the street to little caesars and I'll just budget it in.

    little caesars? Worst . Pizza . EVER .

    I'm guessing you don't have a family of 7 to feed. $5 each goes a lot farther than $18 each. The kids don't mind and as little as we go out, I can't remember what a great pizza tastes like.

    I must be weird, I love Little Caesars. Pizza Pizza! But I don't have it often. I like their square pizzas.