Is being a jealous woman something wrong?



  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    people confuse jealousy and envy and insecurity all the time.

    I envy Mirey Gal's abs. I wish I had abs like Mirey Gal.
    I am not jealous of Mirey Gal. I have no negative feelins about Mirey Gal.

    I am insecure about my softish belly because there is so much pressure in our culture for women to be thin.
    I am not jealous of thin women with abs, I do not have negative feelings about thin women with abs. My negative feelings about my own body is something I need to work on.

    Jealousy is the fear of someone taking something from you and it is a negative feeling directed at a specific threat. A classic example is your boyfriend spends time with another woman and you fear that he will leave you for the other woman. You become jealous of that woman. Maybe you envy her body. Maybe you are insecure about your body. But your feelings towards her are negative because you are jealous and perceive her as a threat. This is not healthy, not ok, and something that you need to work on in one way or another as it is destructive to carry those feelings around. Either your jealousy is unfounded, or your relationship needs work.



    Jealousy - true jealousy creates nothing but damage. It damages you, it damages your relationship and it damages the other person. If you are feeling jealous, you need to figure out why, discuss it, treat the cause so it won't continue to harm you.

    Insecurities will pop up, and that's normal. We all feel challenges in our relationships. It should drive you to be all you can be -- to work to be the best you that you can be. Jealousy does not do this. It causes people to try and tear down others and yourself.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member

    Jealousy - true jealousy creates nothing but damage. It damages you, it damages your relationship and it damages the other person. If you are feeling jealous, you need to figure out why, discuss it, treat the cause so it won't continue to harm you.

    Insecurities will pop up, and that's normal. We all feel challenges in our relationships. It should drive you to be all you can be -- to work to be the best you that you can be. Jealousy does not do this. It causes people to try and tear down others and yourself.

    :drinker: :love: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart: :love: :drinker:
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Well that depends on what your jealousy stems from. Is there an actual reason for it or just a perceived one?

    Also, there is a difference between "jealousy" and "envy".

    -The main difference between envy and jealousy is that envy is an emotion related to coveting what someone else has, while jealousy is the emotion related to fear that something you have will be taken away by someone else.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    You cray cray.
  • We are the same... We could help each other if you accept me. Im going to request you. Its NOT FUN feeling that way. I domt think ANYONE likes it.
  • Love it.....hug him tighter and stare at her til she looks away. Good one!
  • michelleLynette
    michelleLynette Posts: 289 Member
    I have a shirt that says. I KNOW , IM JEALOUS OF ME TOO:)
  • Yep
  • Yep
  • True
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    its fine if you dont mope on it
  • mteague277
    mteague277 Posts: 145 Member
    I notice that the older I become, the less jealous I seem to be. I still have my moments but I am much better than I used to be.