Goodbye -- Sniffle Sniffle



  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    wow u see u can do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! proud of u
  • FishingFan123
    FishingFan123 Posts: 48 Member
    I threw away my birthday cake from work they get me every year (it's expensive, so threw it away when I got home). I actually only take a picture of it, have one piece & give the rest to my skinny husband & the dogs.

    But this year, the administration let the local pigs at work carve into it before I even GOT to work, & I was pissed, couldn't even take a picture.

    So down the disposal it went. Good riddance!
  • MrsWells1983
    MrsWells1983 Posts: 160
    I ate tiramisu, lemon merenge pie and Better Than Sex cake for a week and a half because if I didn't it would have been thrown in the trash.

    I still lost weight. Sure, it was less than I normally lose in a week, but hey, it's better than wasting all that food. Not gonna lie - you should be ashamed. Should have just, I dunno, not eaten the cake you bought for your child? If my mother did that to me I would ****ing bawl my eyes out. That wasn't your cake in the first place. If you're so out of control that you feel the need to throw away your own child's cake so YOU don't eat it, you have a problem and need to see a doctor.

    Shame on you. That's disgusting.

    Are you f***ing serious? :angry:

    Also, the reason why most of us are fat in the first place is because our parents have drummed into our heads "don't waste food". If you want to jam yourself full of sugar and carbs go your hardest but don't hate on other's who are doing the best for themselves!
  • MrsWells1983
    MrsWells1983 Posts: 160
    I don't need my Nintendo WiiU. Wanna throw it in the trash because you pulled a muscle playing my game and won't stop playing it? I should hope not, because it's NOT yours, and it was a GIFT.

    You people either don't have children, were born with silver spoons up your rears, or are just plain crazy vegan health nuts who think the world's ending because a cow farted.

    Disgusting. Bye.

    I've got kids 3 of them actually and um... it's just cake, right?
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    I ate tiramisu, lemon merenge pie and Better Than Sex cake for a week and a half because if I didn't it would have been thrown in the trash.

    I still lost weight. Sure, it was less than I normally lose in a week, but hey, it's better than wasting all that food. Not gonna lie - you should be ashamed. Should have just, I dunno, not eaten the cake you bought for your child? If my mother did that to me I would ****ing bawl my eyes out. That wasn't your cake in the first place. If you're so out of control that you feel the need to throw away your own child's cake so YOU don't eat it, you have a problem and need to see a doctor.

    Shame on you. That's disgusting.

    The kids don't need it either.



    "you people" is one person that is being ridiculous.

    also why do you need to yell?

    Actually read back and you will see that a lot of people assumed that it was the kid's bday cake.
    And I yelled to get you to talk to me. Duh.

    I was actually in support of the original poster when I replied "The kids don't need it either." I never assumed or insinuated that a childs cake was thrown away.

    OP - I'm sorry that a NSV that you shared has some ridiculous replies. I am one that cannot keep things like that around the house because it's a trigger for me. I would have tossed the extras as well. Good job!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Oh thank goodness! By the title of the thread I thought you were giving up on MFP! Carry on. :drinker:

    P.S. There's some CRAZY people up in here getting all kinds of worked up over those cake scraps. :laugh: Don't sweat it.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Recently heard a cute thing -- you either waste it or "waist" it. Better to waste.

    I am absolutely disgusted by this quote.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I ate tiramisu, lemon merenge pie and Better Than Sex cake for a week and a half because if I didn't it would have been thrown in the trash.

    I still lost weight. Sure, it was less than I normally lose in a week, but hey, it's better than wasting all that food. Not gonna lie - you should be ashamed. Should have just, I dunno, not eaten the cake you bought for your child? If my mother did that to me I would ****ing bawl my eyes out. That wasn't your cake in the first place. If you're so out of control that you feel the need to throw away your own child's cake so YOU don't eat it, you have a problem and need to see a doctor.

    Shame on you. That's disgusting.

    Calm the F*** down. Go eat your own cake and don't worry about other people's scraps.
  • Infauna
    Infauna Posts: 89
    Recently heard a cute thing -- you either waste it or "waist" it. Better to waste.

    I am absolutely disgusted by this quote.
    Me too.
  • JessieePoooh
    JessieePoooh Posts: 27 Member
    oh my gosh I just came back

    Wow is all I can say

    To clarify as others have already pointed out - I did not throw away my daughters birthday cake - She and her friends enjoyed every single last bite of the cake saturday night - I threw out the scraps and believe you me my daughter is not the least bit upset that I threw them away

    You threw perfectly good cake in the garbage.

    There is absolutely no reason why you can't have a slice at the end of the day.


    Fit the cake in your day...measure it next time and enjoy it....I have learned( and it took a while, believe me) that letting go of restrictions freed me from obsessing about food.

    For the most part I use the fit the cake into your day method as I still enjoy my chips and other items that I enjoy - However this is just one of them items that kept me thinking about it

    I ate tiramisu, lemon merenge pie and Better Than Sex cake for a week and a half because if I didn't it would have been thrown in the trash.

    I still lost weight. Sure, it was less than I normally lose in a week, but hey, it's better than wasting all that food. Not gonna lie - you should be ashamed. Should have just, I dunno, not eaten the cake you bought for your child? If my mother did that to me I would ****ing bawl my eyes out. That wasn't your cake in the first place. If you're so out of control that you feel the need to throw away your own child's cake so YOU don't eat it, you have a problem and need to see a doctor.

    Shame on you. That's disgusting.

    The kids don't need it either.

    To the person who said I don't have any self control your right I don't - I admit it - THUS THE REASON I AM FAT TO BEGIN WITH!
    If I had self control I would not be sitting in this group almost 150 lbs overweight - It took me a long time to even come to terms with the fact that I am overweight and yes it's my own fault because I have no self control

    And if you want me to be quite honest I would find it disgusting to myself to eat crap that was not needed for over a week because I refused to throw it in the garbage

    TO THE SECOND poster you are absolutely correct my kids don't need it and they understand completely that they dont need it especially if they dont want to end up unhealthy and overweight like their parents - which is why my kids did not cry when they saw me throw the scraps of cake away

    I don't need my Nintendo WiiU. Wanna throw it in the trash because you pulled a muscle playing my game and won't stop playing it? I should hope not, because it's NOT yours, and it was a GIFT.

    You people either don't have children, were born with silver spoons up your rears, or are just plain crazy vegan health nuts who think the world's ending because a cow farted.

    Disgusting. Bye.

    Well your analogy comparing a $400 piece of reusable electronic equipment in no way at all compares to a $1.59 box of cake mix - However if you want to say it wasn't mine - My children belong to me as does everything they own regardless of if it was given to them by someone else - Until they reach the age of 18 and move out my house everything in this house is mine and I am free to do what I want with it - And if I thought a "Gift" was going to be damaging to my child's health HELL YES I am gonna throw it away

    I think it's great that you did that. And at some point, you'll hopefully be able to have a small piece of cake, count it and just move on. It's important to learn to be able to satisfy those cravings without going overboard.

    But you've got the right mindset. If it's still a trigger, get rid of it until it's not.

    Yah another trigger is Nacho Cheese Doritos ... omg melted with cheese on top LOL

    THANKS to everyone else who gave me the props for throwing away what is clearly not needed and I love it
    "waste it or waist it" I am gonna keep that in mind and putting that on my fridge!

    Nuff said. That angry poster was way out of hand and must be having a bad day to stoop down so low into the swamps and try to insult and bring other people down. And I especially like what you replied to the angry poster.. Well said. And there's nothing else to say that would top it. Straight to the point and 100% correct. You did great throwing it out. I would've done the same thing.
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    Oh thank goodness! By the title of the thread I thought you were giving up on MFP! Carry on. :drinker:

    P.S. There's some CRAZY people up in here getting all kinds of worked up over those cake scraps. :laugh: Don't sweat it.

    No way this is the best thing I ever found - You know I came here and started because my husbands wedding ring started slipping off his finger and I honestly was afraid of him weighing less then me which of course I just could not have - No way could my husband weigh less then me bad enough because of all his muscles I look like I weigh more and I wear bigger size clothes then him but for the actual scale to be more would kill me - I continued doing this after my normal week or two that I would give up because I was proud of my husband and want to stay supportive for him as if I gave up he would have gave up - And I continue to do this because I have become addicted to making my life and my families life better and this is one addiction I don't want to give up