


  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    The planche lean variation of a straight arm plank is most certainly not bad form.

    The form in that photo is darn near perfect.

    Look at his back! Perfect?! omg
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    The planche lean variation of a straight arm plank is most certainly not bad form.

    The form in that photo is darn near perfect.

    Look at his back! Perfect?! omg

    You have to strongly arch the upper back to engage the lats and pull apart the shoulder blades as far as possible.

    If you don't think is that hard, try it. Virtual lock that you faceplant if you try to lean as far as he is.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    You - 0.jpg

    Me - plank-e1348982703685.jpg

    I DO know what I'm talking about here, I teach yoga teachers. :)

    His or your? form is bad.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Supporting your weight on your elbows makes them substantially easier.

    Same plank without feet:

    Sorry to break it to you, but that is not bad form...


    ...those guys in the Olympics, just awful, awful form. I mean look at his back. Clearly guys with such bad form don't win gold medals.

    And your bent arm elbow lever is hilariously easy in comparison.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Double post. (damn MFP and its mini-pictures)

    You teach yoga teachers, yet you can't see how crap the form is in the pic of the girl on the grass....? Collapsed/winged shoulder blades is never, ever, ever good form. Look at how collapsed her belly is, my goodness, her back looks like she's doing wheel.

    Anyway, that's not me in that picture. Don't have any photos of myself doing planks/leans.

    VVVVVVV Closest is me holding a dragon flag for time. VVVVVVV
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I've studied with Iyengar in Pune, I know what I'm doing and teaching.
    let's take this elsewhere? Are you on the IAYT boards? Or one one of the other yoga forums?
    We are just wasting space here at MFP. :)
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Am I the only one who thought planking was when you lay down across a surface you would normally not lay across. See, you learn something new everyday :)

    Well that is planking too! Just... the internet version instead of the fitness one. :)

    As for fitness planks, I love to hate them. I do them at the end of every lift session (...and I dread them the entire time lol). I'm up to over a minute now. I was pathetic when I started. :P
  • jen3741
    jen3741 Posts: 2
    I'm doing Jillian michaels 6 week 6 pack I can't do the side planks yet so I tried substituting it with planks. Today was my first attempt and could manage 20 seconds.
  • cece_lily
    cece_lily Posts: 8 Member
    I do planks on my forearms (straight arms are too easy), and then stretch out an arm and the opposite leg so I only have one arm and one foot touching the floor. It's hard, but satisfying, and people are always amazed, ha.