Have people's concepts of normal become too fat?



  • Squirrel_whisperer
    People read too much into the word 'real'. It's not meant literally. It's a nicer, more inclusive and flattering way of saying something like 'everyday' or 'average'.

    Think of the other times we use this phrase. All the times we say things like 'back to the real world' after looking at some multi-millionaire's mansion etc. Is his life not 'real' either?
  • NordicAlien
    NordicAlien Posts: 110 Member
    And this is exactly why having plus size models, clothing stores & the like have got to go. People now complain if they get charged more on a plane cause they are fat. They complain if there is no 'flattering' clothing to fit them in their size. They complain then when exercise equipment is not built for their weight.

    It's become a world of fat people, an nobody bats an eye at it.

    I agree. Its A harsh reality but it IS REALITY. We have create a culture of coddling that allows people to continue with unhealthy habits.

    Really because the last time I checked there aren't that many plus sized stores and the sections in department stores are rare and at a minimum.

    I think this post is a "fat" shaming post. While I am obese fat, I can tell you there is NO SYMPATHY at all for fat people.

    And calling a size 6, 8, or 12, fat is just plain disgusting to me as a true FAT person. I don't like being fat, I don't like looking at fat people, I don't like shopping in the fat lady's section, and I don't think the world has accepted it as normal at all. This post being the best example of that.


    I agree that there may be a few more 'larger' celebrities out there these days but it is an absolute nightmare being considered 'fat' in the UK. Ok, so you may not be alone but that doesn't make it any easier. Let's not forget, most people who are 'fat' are not walking around proud about it. There are a handful of people who are confident with it and say that they don't care - but that's a rarity. Most people I know, myself included, who wear a size 16/18 are not happy about this and don't feel 'normal' in the slightest. That's why we are on this website.

    Plus sized models in the fashion industry is a UK size 10/12 and above - this is ridiculous. Size UK 10/12 is NOT plus size. I disagree with saying we shouldn't have plus size stores etc Just because someone is a size 18, doesn't mean they should have to dress like their grandma. However, I believe that when people are so large that it effects there health and shortens their lives, it shouldn't be celebrated. We don't celebrate or embrace it when people kill themselves through smoking, so why should it be any different for severe obesity.

    There is definitely a really unhealthy culture in the UK. The binge drinking, the processed foods and the takeaways and eating out. Let's not forget though that there are plenty of women and men out there that drink their weight in alcohol on the weekend but are still skinny. I've known girls who are a UK Size 8 who constantly eat fast food and drink buckets of vodka on a night out - is this healthy? Most certainly not but because you can't see it jiggling on their *kitten*, no one judges them.

    We should all stop obsessing about the exterior and start promoting healthy living. Not just through food and exercise but through less drinking / smoking and drug taking. I've never seen someone overdose and die on a plate of fries or get into a fight on a Saturday night because they had ten too many bacon sandwiches.

    This country and it's residents have many flaws. Lets just encourage each to be better human beings and teach other how to live healthy in aspects of our lives - including mentally - because it's usually a psychological battle to loose weight rather than being lazy.

    Beautifully said. I wish I could put my thoughts so eloquently.

    I think extremes have become more normal. People are fatter, and also thinner, than in past years. It's not so much that "normal" has got fatter, more that people are much more varied than they used to be. "Normal" used to be this wide range in the middle where most people fit; now it's more like a little area on a slider that people adjust depending on where they are. Human nature. Most - not all, but most - people like to think they're special snowflakes, but also that the majority of people think and feel and are the same way we do / are.

    Gosh that was a garbled paragraph. I need a nap.

    Basically - Most fat people think being fat is normal. Most thin people think being thin is normal. Humans are very good at convincing ourselves that whatever way we are is the right and good way to be.
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    Bump. I get told that I look a 'normal healthy' weight. According to my bmi I am just above the line for the obese catigory. At 5'6" and 200 pounds, that puts me about 32 for a bmi. Not AT ALL healthy! I agree that it GREAT we are in an age of body acceptance, but if that acceptance means unhealthy, how great can it really be? We can love our bodies, but also realize that we are unhealthy and improve.
    I realize that that sounds totally backwards to most people, but that's ok. It's my belief and I'm sticking to it.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    People read too much into the word 'real'. It's not meant literally. It's a nicer, more inclusive and flattering way of saying something like 'everyday' or 'average'.

    Think of the other times we use this phrase. All the times we say things like 'back to the real world' after looking at some multi-millionaire's mansion etc. Is his life not 'real' either?

    I agree.
    And it could also be that the ad is in response to the fact that the majority of runway models are between 14 and 16 years old. They are very tall, very thin GIRLS dressed up and made up as women. They generally don't have "curves" yet because they haven't even finished growing up!
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    Ultimately those companies don't give a toss whether you die of diabetes or heart disease as long as they can trick you into feeling all warm and fuzzy and a "real woman" who can look down onto the somehow not real women and have a right ole good *****ing session, so you go buy their stuff and bring them lots of profit... :huh:


    It's not a question of beeing beautiful or feeling good in your body.

    IT'S A QUESTION OF HEALTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Continue to make the overweight people feel great about themselves. They'll continue to overeat and sit on the couch. And then, when they get sick, WE, the population will pay for them!!

    It's time to wakeup people!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Of for crying out loud... not every overweight person is 'unhealthy'!!

    Have we been 'desensitized' to chubby? Sure.

    Most plus sized models are about 5'9 or taller and wear a 12 - 16 (yes, this likely translates to a 1970's 18 - 20, but whatever) which makes them either high average on the BMI scale or low overweight. So plus-sized models are generally AT RISK for health problems. That doesn't mean that they DO have health problems.

    Heavy people need clothes too. No one gets slim overnight. If a company sells larger sized clothes and has models that size wearing their clothes, so what?

    Do you think the answer to solving the obesity crisis in the US is to only make clothes in small sizes? It's a free-market economy. Where there's a demand, there WILL be a supply.

    As for "real" women:
    Thank God men aren't like women! The whole "Real men wear pink" ad campaign would be a bust for men who don't look good in pink!
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I'm speaking about people from the UK here. I'm not sure about other countries, but this is something that i find interesting because i'm 5''10 and my weight is around 135-138 pounds, which is normal under the BMI but people tell me that i look anorexic and that i need to eat a cheeseburger. I don't think it's me that's too skinny, i think that people's concepts of normal have become too fat because now a days there are a lot of chubby/overweight people walking around and that's what people have gotten used to seeing so now it's considered normal to a lot of people.

    Don't worry about what other people think. Your height and weight are healthy and are similar to numerous Olympic Athletes:

    Be careful not to judge other people as well. Body shaming goes both ways and I see a lot of it from people posting in this thread.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    *save for later*
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I'm speaking about people from the UK here. I'm not sure about other countries, but this is something that i find interesting because i'm 5''10 and my weight is around 135-138 pounds, which is normal under the BMI but people tell me that i look anorexic and that i need to eat a cheeseburger. I don't think it's me that's too skinny, i think that people's concepts of normal have become too fat because now a days there are a lot of chubby/overweight people walking around and that's what people have gotten used to seeing so now it's considered normal to a lot of people.

    When the majority of the people you see are overweight, people that are a healthy BMI tend to look underweight. I have been told I've lost too much weight, but I'm finally back where I was before I got pregnant.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I'm from America and started out at 223 pounds at 5' 8" tall when I started out losing weight this year. I was a size 18 and XL to a medium shirt and size 6/8 pants . I have lost 76 pounds also far and look to lose 7more. Everyone tells me not to lose anymore but 140 pounds is still well within the normal range. I'm not too skinny. I'm just a lot smaller than they are used to.
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    I personally say, who cares? Just be happy with your body. Nobody ever has a body that EVERYBODY around him/her was happy with. So why try to fit into what others think is good looking, eh? :)

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