Please, Please, Please no more "diet" threads



  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Well since it is a fitness/calorie counter site, the diet threads are inevitable. Also, this sites search tool is pretty useless. I think for the majority of people who are starting these threads (ill give them the benefit of the doubt) are actually using the search feature to no avail and just posting a topic so they can get answers.

    However, leading them to right group and right information usually clears up these threads rather quickly. So allow the people who do have the patience to answer these peoples diet questions to answer them effectively and carry on with your day.


    It's a fitness/weight loss site. Therefore you will have DIET QUESTIONS. With all the threads going on here, I find it amazing that any of you have the time to go through each one and express your disgust with how this person or that person chooses to approach weight loss. GET OVER YOURSELF. Log off, go outside and get some fresh air. I promise the site and the threads will continue just fine in your absence.

    Why is everyone so defensive?

    So many hangry people...they must've not had their daily dose of coffee bean extract-it makes you more irritable if you miss a day.

    In all seriousness, lighten up a bit and get that fresh air for yourself, hm?

    Also, OP thank you for your suggestion! I'm going to take my raspberry ketone dosage and have one pill every hour instead! Definitely avoiding starvation mode now

    I don't think anyone is defensive except you. You are the one that needs to lighten up with your coffee comment. We are basically saying that posting a thread on the subject you are complaining about is the same thing as posting about that subject.

    Mocking the people who are new to the site and do not know their way around is not the answer is this situation though.

    It was all said in good humor, no defensiveness here.

    Now, calling a light-hearted statement a mockery is quite defensive.

    Also, assuming people who are new to the site are the ones perpetrating the 'diet threads" is also quite unnecessary.

    I guarantee that if you were to go into all these new fad diet/cleanse threads you will find that the people that MAKE those threads are pretty new to the site and have not been here very long. Most of the time THAT fad that they heard is why they joined this site so they ask about it. There is a difference between the people perpetrating the threads and those starting them.

    Are you aware of the definition of perpetrate?
    1: to bring about or carry out (as a crime or deception) : commit
    2: to produce, perform, or execute (something likened to a crime) <perpetrate a pun>

    How in the world is "starting" something different from "bringing about" or producing something?

    I just must be completely inept at the english language, as well as the mastery of figuring out the subgroups of MFP that perpetrate (not produce, mind you) certain types of threads.

    Hmm you know that is really funny? When I look up perpetuate I see "to continue" and "to prolong the existence of"...starting the thread is the original post, the rest of the posts are continuing on the conversation about that certain type of fad diet the original post said.

    You MUST be completely inept at the English language because I don't know how we have gone from simply stating that someone will answer people's questions to grade 9 English class.

    Awfully defensive, my friend.

    Have a cupcake and a glass of whiskey, will ya?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    paleo 4 life yo!

    want to join my cult? :devil:
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    does anyone in this thread even lift?
  • JessicaBR0
    JessicaBR0 Posts: 256 Member
    I'm thinking I'm going to try the Blue Face diet. I eat like I normally do and work out like i normally do, but occasionally hold my breathe afterwords. I paid $100 for a seminar and it seems pretty legit; they had side by side before and after slides during the power point and everything.

    ^ Bhahahaha!
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    does anyone in this thread even lift?
    I do. Wanna workout with me?
  • teehee1211
    teehee1211 Posts: 39
    does anyone in this thread even lift?

    Obviously not, including you...
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    The pink panther sprinkles diet.

    Only eat things that are pink, panthers, or covered in sprinkles.

  • teehee1211
    teehee1211 Posts: 39
    does anyone in this thread even lift?
    I do. Wanna workout with me?

  • insectt
    insectt Posts: 6 Member
    haha. i love skyrim. i do planks during the long load times on the
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    does anyone in this thread even lift?

    Obviously not, including you...
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    does anyone in this thread even lift?
    I do. Wanna workout with me?

    you already know that answer
  • teehee1211
    teehee1211 Posts: 39
    does anyone in this thread even lift?

    Obviously not, including you...

    Nope, just calling it like I see it.

  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    does anyone in this thread even lift?
    I do. Wanna workout with me?

    wasn't asking you
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    does anyone in this thread even lift?

    Obviously not, including you...

    Nope, just calling it like I see it.


    >Pic of Candice Swanepoel
    >mad cause im bulky and beautiful
    10/10 would chuckle again
  • teehee1211
    teehee1211 Posts: 39
    does anyone in this thread even lift?
    I do. Wanna workout with me?

    wasn't asking you

    Wasn't responding to your question.

    More shaking my head at desperation.
  • teehee1211
    teehee1211 Posts: 39
    does anyone in this thread even lift?

    Obviously not, including you...

    Nope, just calling it like I see it.


    >Pic of Candice Swanepoel
    >mad cause im bulky and beautiful
    10/10 would chuckle again

    Don't worry, I'm chuckling.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    does anyone in this thread even lift?
    I do. Wanna workout with me?

    wasn't asking you

    Wasn't responding to your question.

    More shaking my head at desperation.
    How cute. It's actually more desperate to have an avatar of a model that's not even you. At least I look good IRL, but thanks anyways.
  • teehee1211
    teehee1211 Posts: 39
    does anyone in this thread even lift?
    I do. Wanna workout with me?

    wasn't asking you

    Wasn't responding to your question.

    More shaking my head at desperation.
    How cute. It's actually more desperate to have an avatar of a model that's not even you. At least I look good IRL, but thanks anyways.

    You think my avatar is a model? How cute, it's actually me. I'm flattered.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    how come these threads ALWAYS get heated...LOL
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    does anyone in this thread even lift?
    I do. Wanna workout with me?

    wasn't asking you

    Wasn't responding to your question.

    More shaking my head at desperation.
    How cute. It's actually more desperate to have an avatar of a model that's not even you. At least I look good IRL, but thanks anyways.

    You think my avatar is a model? How cute, it's actually me. I'm flattered.
    LMAO you were a blond 5 minutes ago.