Don't Hate the egg!



  • MrsWells1983
    MrsWells1983 Posts: 160
    i eat eggs
    but the yolks are bad for u


    I talked to an accredited dietitian about eating whole eggs and she was happy for me to eat them. When I have eggs which is a few times a week, I have 2. She didn't have a problem with that!

    Oh I love devilled eggs, but I just use a bit of curry powder and tomato chutney mixed through. In fact I'm going to have some for lunch today! :happy:
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Eggs are gross unless added to a baking recipe. All parts. Blegh, blegh, blegh

    Each to there own i guess!

    My mum hates them too

    And onion! I love them too
  • sangeyvang
    sangeyvang Posts: 182
    Eggs are the best food ever, two scrambled in the morning with minced Garlic and Spinach and I am in heaven. Love the yellow.

    OOO! That sounds really good! With Garlic and Spinach! Will have to give that a go!
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    I eat about 4 eggs almost every day.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    It' s just you.

    Hating on egg yolks was so 90's.

    Pretty sure the rest of the population has caught on.

    Edit: The main time I see people sticking to egg whites nowadays are people trying to cut or are in training for bodybuilding season. Eggs without the yolk are an easy way to maximize protein while keeping calories low. However, I doubt you fall into that category so it's irrelevant.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    I love eggs! I have deviled eggs (made with greek yogurt, how did I not hear of this awesome sooner?)

    ...holy crap... I love deviled eggs, but don't make them frequently, only because of the 'base'/mayo-ish component -- but now you've passed on the amazingness that is 'substitute greek yogurt' (WHY didn't I think of this?!) -- and thus you have the distinct pleasure of (1) having made it possible for me to eat more of my beloved deviled eggs ;), and (2) ya freakin' made my day! ;)

  • takumaku
    takumaku Posts: 352 Member
    I believe it depends on the individual person. Everyone's reasons is unique and personal.

    1) Some choose to eliminate the yolks because they were taught it was bad.

    2) Some are allergic to the yolk of the egg, but not the egg white.

    3) Some choose to eliminate the yolk because it contains fat. They would rather replace the fat found in the yolk with some other fat they feel is more important (i.e. flax seeds, butter, cream, etc.).

    4) Some are sensitive to the leusine found in the yolk. For them, eating 1 yolk may be fine, but not multiple yolks.

    5) Finally, some use the yolks for other purposes. When I am making protein pancakes, I use egg whites only. However, I use the yolks for puddings/custards.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I believe it depends on the individual person. Everyone's reasons is unique and personal.

    1) Some choose to eliminate the yolks because they were taught it was bad.

    2) Some are allergic to the yolk of the egg, but not the egg white.

    3) Some choose to eliminate the yolk because it contains fat. They would rather replace the fat found in the yolk with some other fat they feel is more important (i.e. flax seeds, butter, cream, etc.).

    4) Some are sensitive to the leusine found in the yolk. For them, eating 1 yolk may be fine, but not multiple yolks.

    5) Finally, some use the yolks for other purposes. When I am making protein pancakes, I use egg whites only. However, I use the yolks for puddings/custards.

    Yes i understand that I'm NOT saying EVERYONE SHOULD WHOLE EGGS AND ANYONE NOT EATING THEM IS DUMB,I'm talking about people who can have them but choose to take them out to save purely to save on cals but then go in add a crap load of oil and or cheese to it. I see it as Defeating the purpose of taking them out in the first place! I would rather have whole eggs in my scramble then a whole lot of cheesey oily whites!

    BUT yes i do Agree with the fact people have medical reasons or don't like them. As i said there are a lot of times where i do just use whites..but i don't go and add a whole lot of other things to them!
  • Posesqueen
    Posesqueen Posts: 11
    Whole eggs for me, all the way. But I don't like them when the yolk is cooked all the way through. I cannot and will not eat hard boiled eggs, deviled eggs, etc. A runny yolk is a happy yolk to me!
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Whole eggs for me, all the way. But I don't like them when the yolk is cooked all the way through. I cannot and will not eat hard boiled eggs, deviled eggs, etc. A runny yolk is a happy yolk to me!

    Defo runny is the only way to go!