How old do people think you are?



  • plumsparkle
    plumsparkle Posts: 203 Member
    I am 45 but i get a lot of people telling me I look a lot younger, My son is 26, and we often get mistaken for siblings!!
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    I get 26-ish.. I am 35 going on 36.
    ISABELBEARD Posts: 15
    im 56 and have 3 kids and 3 grandkids take a horrid photo but I have been told I look younger ..makes me feel good with the weight coming off I feel a lot better and I am starting to look a lot better im so proud of my self . hope to add a better up to date photo soon
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I get everything from 28-35....I'll be 43 in a few months :happy:
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    I get anywhere from 26-19 lol. I'm 24, so not too bad =). I think it depends on what I'm wearing.
    ISABELBEARD Posts: 15
    I am 28 and one of my co-workers thought I am in mid 40s.
    noway you don't look anywhere near 40 get him some glasses you look young
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Most people peg me around early twenties. One person said I looked twelve but that's a rarity thank goodness.

    All of that beta carotene is good for your skin!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    The liquor store clerk carded me the other day but I think he was just hitting on me.
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    In my 20's people saw me in my 30's. Now that I'm in my 30's.

    I'm afraid to ask.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I look younger than I am (51) sadly I think it's because my fat face prevents wrinkles lol. Since I have lost some weight, I am starting to notice more of them.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I am 37...........but have been asked if I was my daughters twin sister so I take that to mean I look 18 :wink:
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    Im 33 and due to my premature greying and weight gain... I usually get told that Im much older than I am.

    Ive had 36 and even 40 at my highest weight (I was 30 at the time).

    When Im thinner and color the hair I'll get 24/25

    So there's def some motivation there to get back in shape.
  • terrappyn
    terrappyn Posts: 324 Member
    I'm going to be 32 in a couple of weeks but most people think Im in my early 20's. When I was 25 acollege professor thought I was 18. LOL She had put my grade in as an F when it was an A and wanted to let my parents know it was a mistake when they got the letter in the mail. I told her that my parents probably wouldn't care especially since I didn't live with them and oh yea they weren't paying for college! HA!
  • ShyGirl89
    ShyGirl89 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 23 going on 24 and I always get mistaken for either 17 or 27. Once someone thought I was 14 O_O
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    I'm 45 but am mistaken for early to mid 30's. Credited to years of no sun, no drinking & no smoking. Basically good clean livin!
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I'm 57 and people think I'm around 45 - 49. My grandkids are with me alot and everyone always says what cute kids you have. Nope I'm the Grammy lol!
  • 20, it's ridiculous.
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    I'm 41 tomorrow and I don't care how old people think I am cos I still feel 25 and that's the way I like it ????
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    I'm 41 tomorrow and I don't care how old people think I am cos I still feel 25 and that's the way I like it ????

    ^^^Love the way you think!!! :happy:
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I'm 41 tomorrow and I don't care how old people think I am cos I still feel 25 and that's the way I like it ????

    I like the way you think!
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    I'm 26. People constantly tell me I look 29-30. It's horrible!

    Maybe I'm just excessively mature?
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I'm 38 (39 next month) and most of the time people think I'm 32 to 34. Maybe they are just being nice. Idk but I'll take it. :tongue:
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Apparently 18... which is a little upsetting as I'm 22. However, when I get older I will be happy about this! :wink:
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    I'm 24 but I've had crossing guards assume I needed help crossing the street, so they must think I'm like 12? -_-
    Other than those instances, I usually get 18-20
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I usually get early 20's, I even get ID'd frequently, I am 32.
  • Nikki_WantsIt
    Nikki_WantsIt Posts: 204 Member
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I'm 23. Three years ago I was carded going into a PG-13 movie and aside from being heavier, I look the same. So I guess I still look like I'm in my early teens, especially without my glasses.

    It'll be great when I'm older, but right now it's a little insulting. lol
  • Joshacham
    Joshacham Posts: 467 Member
    I'm 28 and I keep getting carded when I buy my beer! The hell? When I was heavier I never got carded. Should I be insulted or take it as a great compliment? Should I be bothered that the picture of my driver's license was taken last year at my biggest? I had a friend say I looked 15 when I shaved my face.
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    17...:tongue: Im really 26
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Peoples' guesses usually cluster between 28-30. I'm 36.
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