My favorite dessert has 1550 calories in one slice



  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    Longhorn Chocolate cake is 2180 calories, to be fair it serves 2 people but still...haha


    I think I just gained 10 pounds by looking at that
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    Or burn some extra calories that day - you get to eat back exercise calories!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Keep in mind that regardless of the calories the desert may contain it cannot add more weight to your body than it physically weighs. So unless that thing weighs more than a 1lb have it once a month or so and be happy. Eating it and thinking you have to exercise it off immediately is bound to detract from the value of the treat eventually.


    That is some interesting broscience right there.

    Two words: peanut butter.

    There are 1540 calories in a pound of cotton candy.. If you ate a pound of it.. you'd gain nearly half a pound (3500 calories in a pound)

    There are 2700 calories in a pound of peanut butter.. still not enough to make you physically gain a pound of weight..

    What about BUTTER? 3200 calories in a pound. Still not enough to make you gain a pound of fat.

    You can't have something that weighs a pound and have it contain more than 3500 calories is what he's saying.
  • transparentenigma
    transparentenigma Posts: 565 Member
    Don't deny, it only hurts you in the end. (i.e. splurging and non-sensical eating). Once a week I have my ice-cream cheat. BTW it's strawberry cheesecake. I don't worry about the calories, I don't think about the fat grams, whether or not it will push my caloric intake overboard, its my treat, my reward for being a good girl all week, exercising and weighing, and denying, because lets face it, I can make an order of Chinese Curried Pork Chops with Combination Rice disappear quicker than a Fiver at a Police Raid. Not trying to brag, but Just Saying:)

    So have your Cheese cake, and enjoy, whether in one sitting, two, or even three, but will you enjoy it that much if you split it into that many parts? Won't it make you crave it more than if you ate it all and got it over with?

    p.s. Though with THAT many calories, I wouldn't suggest a once a week, but maybe a once a month treat to the slice.
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    My favorite eat out dessert is the chocolate eruption cheesecake from Pizza Delight! OMG!!! Orgasm on a plate right there! lol. I save it for special occasions (my birthday) and try to split it over the course of a few days :) And it's not even a big piece!! haha. Meh, the way I look at it, I get to enjoy it for even longer :)
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    For my birthday my family made me a giant 2 layer chocolate cake with chocolate icing (it wasn't what I asked for but it was cake right?) Anyway they all had a piece after dinner and I was left with half a cake. So I cut into like 6 slices and then took it apart in layers. I now had 12 pieces of cake at about 250 calories a serving. I wrapped them in plastic wrap threw them in the freezer and for the next month I could take a slice out when ever I craved some cake. Added bonus, popping it in the microwave for about a minute and I had ooy goooy goodness.