Hubby still finds me sexy, I don't get it...



  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Often when you love someone, they are the most beautiful thing you've every seen. Don't question it, just go with it.
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    I don't get it because I'm still alot (eek)! So, anyway I bit the bullet today and bought some reeaalllyyy short pajama shorts and shirts to go with them. Gonna surprise him tonight. He's always wanting me to buy teeny shorts because he loves my legs (again,I don't get it) and derriere. Don't get wrong, I love him for it but I just don't understand how he can find a thin woman sexy and at the same time, find me pretty. But as I think about it, I find him sexy too and hes overweight. I guess I just really have a hard time seeing myself as pretty so I find it hard that he would think so. Anyone have similar experiences with their spouse/partner? Or maybe their spouse/partner behaves the opposite? Any thoughts :) ?

    yes... he loves you.
    When you really love someone you don't pick them apart or see them as anything other than perfect.
    Love goes deeper than how much you weigh or how much your *kitten* jiggles
    People lose weight for their own reasons but the people who love them should and often do love them whether they're 'fat' or 'skinny'
  • UrnAsh
    UrnAsh Posts: 207 Member
    Haha my husband is the same way OP! When we got married 4 years ago I weighed almost 250, so he's been with me "through thick and thin". He loves you and finds you attractive. I will put on a thong sometimes even if they don't make me feel "sexy" but I do it because I know he really likes it and I like to surpise him at times. :smile:
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    Same thing over here. When me and my husband started dating i was skinny and hot at 120lbs and 5'6 tall. But over the years i have gained a ton and was my heaviest at 258 (now 245.5lbs) and he still thinks i am sexy and beautiful. I don't get it either but it makes me feel good. So I don't argue too much about it :)

    BTW you are very pretty. So i can see why your husband thinks so as well lol He definitely loves you, which is a good thing. You got yourself a good man!

    Good luck on your journey.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I've never gotten it either, with my husband. We've been married 43 years (high school sweethearts :), and my weight has been up and down so many times that I can't even count any more. Through it all he still tells me he loves me and that I'm beautiful and sexy! I have always been insecure about my looks even when I was thin (and young, lol), but I've also always known that he thinks I'm pretty and that has been all that really matters. I too, am surprised that he finds me sexy at this weight, it is really shocking for me sometimes, because the last thing I feel is sexy :(

    I'm hoping that this time I can get the weight off and keep it off, I'm only a week into it but feeling pretty good. My biggest problem is stress eating, and staying motivated, but so far so good.

    good luck to you
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    My hubby thought I was beautiful before and after losing weight.. sometimes I struggle too, mostly believing him cause of the general perception that men want girls they see in magazines.. but sometimes we have to learn to love ourselves first so that we do not turn off the people who love us the most.
  • Clovergirl143
    Clovergirl143 Posts: 61 Member
    I can only speak for myself, but when I love somebody all my mind really registers is every beautiful quality (physical and otherwise) that they possess. It filters out the rest. Stop fretting and questioning and just enjoy it.

    THIS! I am the same way; when I fall for someone, they instantly become sexier; As I get to know them better, every little personality thing that I like about them, translates into me finding them physically sexier, regardless of their size or shape. Being able to make me laugh is a HUGE turn on, so much so that it's a deal breaker if they can't ;).

    All I can say is enjoy the time with your hubby, and OWN those skimpy shorts! ;)
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    As a man who is married to a larger woman I can say of course he finds you sexy.
    As a man is see that there are a lot of women in the world who are good looking and sexy.
    As a husband there is only one woman who is worthy of my affection. That woman would be my wife and mother of my child. Sounds like your husband feels the same way.

    There is hope in the world. I love this. ^
    You are HIS. So just give all you've got! : )
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    My partner has joined the gym and comes along with me. He doesn't want to keep fit or anything. He just wants to keep me company and loves watching me kick *kitten*.

    Guys who really love you will do anything for their One. Don't put self doubt in front of his love for you.
  • LAMAnRLA91909
    Have you taken a look at yourself? You are a very beautiful woman. I'm sure your husband is attracted to the inside as well as the outside. If he's anything like my husband he fell in love with what's inside the package and not the wrapping. My husband has never referred to me as sexy (and neither have I), but he does refer to me as his lovely, beautiful wife.
  • AESprouse
    AESprouse Posts: 112 Member
    When my husband and I got together 6 years ago I weighed 180. When we got married in 2011, a year after our son was born, I was 240. He has never once told me that I am ugly or fat, instead always telling me how beautiful and sexy I am. I'm 213 now and he tells anyone who will listen that I'm losing weight for me and he thinks I'm perfect the way I am. You and I are lucky. Not everyone has such a wonderful partner.j
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    I go thorugh the same thing with my husband. It comes from the place of self confidence.
    They love us regardless and we need to hold dear to that.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    As I'm reading through this thread, I'm further amazed at the support systems we have. Sure, there are a few folks here who are the standard smokin' hot babes but a good number of us are closer to the fluffy end of the spectrum. And our spouses still find us sexy!!?! How lucky we are.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    As I'm reading through this thread, I'm further amazed at the support systems we have. Sure, there are a few folks here who are the standard smokin' hot babes but. good number of us are closer to the fluffy end of the spectrum. And our spouses still find us sexy!!?! How lucky we are.

    Yes I am seeing after reading these that maybe it isnt so crazy my hubby still thinks im pretty. I mean there seems to be quite a few other supportive hubbys out there too. Like one poster said, I still think my hubby is hot and hes not the standard magazine hunk society says is what's acceptable as hot. (Although he doesnt get why I find him sexy either! Lol) Looks like we both have some confidence issues about ourselves in the looks dept. :/
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and experiences with this!! And for the compliments, that was mighty sweet. Even though I dont get it. Lol. Well you know me! Lol.

    Oh and hubby loved the shorts or rather what was under the shorts lol!! I on the other hand, kept pulling them out of my @ss when he wasnt looking :)