Does the fat smell go away if you become skinny again?



  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    I smell fantastic!

    I need to sniff you to make sure.


    To the OP.... I wonder if what it is that you are putting in your body thats causing this? Maybe an improper Ph level in your body? Maybe wanna look into that?
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It might be something hormonal? You could check with a Dr if it's a real problem. It could be a health issue.
  • LonLB
    LonLB Posts: 1,126 Member
    sorry but I'm siding with the it's not a fat issue.

    There is no excuse for smelling bad. If it's a medical issue fine see a Dr, if not change something you are doing.

    But I'm paranoid about smelling bad. I have a deodorant in my backpack for school, both vehicles, bedroom, bathroom etc
    Ever since the first stinky kid in school I decided I would never be the stinky kid. :happy:
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    This thread stinks.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    It may not be a fat thing for all people but it could be just a fat thing for you! I know I at my heavier weights I did smell sweatier and leave arm pit stains on shirts, but losing weight made the sweaty smell go away and now I don't leave sweat stains on my shirts anymore! So lose the weight and see what happens if it doesn't go away talk to your doctor!
  • MeghanMorrical
    MeghanMorrical Posts: 7 Member
    I highly doubt it is a fat thing. It could due with the foods you eat. Everything we eat alters a lot in our bodies. Example, if you were to eat a nice about of garlic on everything you ate your sweat would start to have a garlicy hint to it. I mean it could have everything to do with genetics...There really is no way to know for certain either way.
  • KristysLosing
    KristysLosing Posts: 683
    I don't recall where I heard it but here goes.. it's a yeast or bacteria growing in the folds of your skin because they can't air out. So I would think it'd go away if the folds go away....?

    This is what I was thinking...
  • LindaEmrys
    LindaEmrys Posts: 73 Member
    It's not necessarily a ''fat'' thing, but losing weight will help with the smell.
  • Erin0164
    Erin0164 Posts: 64 Member
    Try a warm bath with sea salt and baking soda (1/4 cup each). Salt is a natural anti-bacterial. If it is bacteria causing the smell this will help. If it doesn't help then see a doctor! Good luck!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    See a doctor. Been there and done that and I was thin. A dermatologist and another friend, also thin, with a similar issue helped me out.
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member
    accusing a person who may actually have an issue, who may have found it difficult to post such a personal topic, of being either a troll or unwashed? without a scrap of evidence to indicate this? based entirely on your own ignorance of the issue?
    the very definition of mature.

    Oh, because coming in talking about "fat smell" is the height of adult behavior. Give me a break.

    Seriously, though, OP, if this isn't a weak attempt at humor, by your self-description, you aren't carrying enough extra weight to have significant skin folds or a mobility problem that would limit your ability to clean yourself. Like several other people have recommended here, I would suggest seeing a doctor for a metabolic panel. A sudden change in body odor can be an indicator of diabetes, kidney disorders, digestive issues, or something as simple as your body not being a big fan of something you're eating. Either way, it never hurts to give it a look, so you can possibly get it treated and make the odor go away.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    accusing a person who may actually have an issue, who may have found it difficult to post such a personal topic, of being either a troll or unwashed? without a scrap of evidence to indicate this? based entirely on your own ignorance of the issue?
    the very definition of mature.

    Oh, because coming in talking about "fat smell" is the height of adult behavior. Give me a break.

    Seriously, though, OP, if this isn't a weak attempt at humor, by your self-description, you aren't carrying enough extra weight to have significant skin folds or a mobility problem that would limit your ability to clean yourself. Like several other people have recommended here, I would suggest seeing a doctor for a metabolic panel. A sudden change in body odor can be an indicator of diabetes, kidney disorders, digestive issues, or something as simple as your body not being a big fan of something you're eating. Either way, it never hurts to give it a look, so you can possibly get it treated and make the odor go away.
    unless you've seen him naked, you don't know how/where he carries weight.
    i see far lighter people than that with skin fold infections.

    though my argument wasn't that he has one, it was that it is one legitimate reason why he might not smell good.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    my sweat smells like roses
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    maybe it's your dietz.
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    It is not caused by being fat, it is caused by what makes you fat in the first
  • cem614
    cem614 Posts: 54 Member
    Some people do in fact sweat more and have a stronger odor than others. Me personally, as long as I am not doing anything requiring effort, I will be fine. However, if I put on deodorant right before a I work out, I still smell like *kitten* afterwards. Try a different deodorant. I use one of the clinical ones that actually work for me for 24 hours like it says on the package.

    Oh, forgot to add...and NOW I smell phenominal.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    OK, first have you been to the doctor? If you do everything you think you should be and it's not helping, perhaps it's time for real help (medically). There can be several medical reasons for producing a "bad smell" from the body. Just a quick Google search produced: Diabetes, Liver or Kidney Disease, Hyperthyroidism, Hyperhidrosis, Hormonal Imbalance, metabolic disorder trimethylaminuria (TMAU) and skin conditions.

    If your friends stated that it "smells" like garbage, then I would really hit the doctors - metabolic disorder trimethylaminuria (TMAU) which states that "TMAU is a genetically-transmitted disease that inhibits the ability of an enzyme to metabolize or transform trimethylamine (TMA), a chemical compound produced naturally from many foods. TMA has a foul, fishy odor. At lower concentrations, it may be perceived as unpleasant or "garbage-like."

    I'm not trying to be mean or uncaring, if you have tried many things and it's not helping, perhaps there is a reason behind it that once figured out will help you in many ways.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I am fat and I smell ****ing fantastic.

    So no, not a fat thing.

    QFT I've known plenty of overweight guys who smell awesome. It's NOT that.
    No, it's not a fat thing. Some people just have a different scent. It might be something that you are eating. You might try eliminating one thing at a time to find out what it is.

    I have one son who just has such BO. It makes my eyes burn. It started when he was about twelve and has just gotten worse and worse. I don't know why. He showers though, but the smell just won't come off of him.

    I know a skinny person this happened to once. It turned out they were eating foods that were making them smell half way thru the day and people were noticing. People thought it smelled like trash and were looking for the offending item. My friend would point to the trash can and say she saw a lady throw a diaper in there. They felt it was coming from the digestive areas of their body and were on a mad rampage to eat differently and instead of changing one thing at a time, went all out healthy with salads and greens for a few days and THEN phased in one at a time aspects of their usual diet to see which one was the culprit. I don't know which it turned out to be. They stopped sharing with me at that point because they were only asking for my advice on the salad route and I said yes and certain herbs are known to help deodorize your bodily areas too but that the green in the salads is good for that, too. And that my uncle would always make a big joke of eating the parsley on his plate at Denny's and insist to us kids that it helps your breath stay fresh and that since he was eating it he'd be all fresh. *giggle* We were kids, we thought he was so hilarious. Anyway back to this other person, I guess the problem was resolved with this deviation from the formerly scheduled meals and replacing with the 3 day salads fest, because I never heard more about it.
  • sunnyhlw77
    sunnyhlw77 Posts: 204 Member
    I would say its a gland or hormone issue, maybe even be a medication issue. I would recommend going to your doctor, they would better assess that issue and maybe send you to a specialist in the area.