

  • MaVieEntiere
    MaVieEntiere Posts: 135 Member
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I am ready to COMMIT! Currently on my 4th day of week 1 of Insanity. I did 2 weeks of P90X Lean prior to this, and I have to say, I prefer Insanity. After these first few days, I am really sore in my legs. I will have to try your suggestion of more water obrien821. I would also like to join your facebook group.

    Hey Valerie!! So glad you joined us!! It'll be a wonderful journey. Water is very important to keep you hydrated and building your muscle mass along with helping you not to be so sore. Looks like we have a lot of people committed and a wonderful support system! The fb page is Just click on the link and ask to join and I'll add you.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    no thanks
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Day 38 down... I felt great after the 45 min workout, but back to sore again... I hate, I mean love this program... Sorry I was thinking out loud. Dig deeper!

    KJ Brown! You sound like me. I told my hubby last night while I was working out that I love to hate this workout. He looked at me and said, "you just hate it. admit it!" Insanity is just one of those programs that you might dread, but feel like a million bucks when you're done, because you know it's working!!

    How have your results been so far? Are you happy with them?
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Fit test results:

    switch kicks 44
    power jacks 38
    power knees 60
    power jumps 19
    globe jumps 6
    suicide jumps 9
    push up jacks 17
    low plank oblique 19

    I am a sweaty mess! If I knew how to post pics... I would share it with all of you.

    Great job with the push up jacks!!! You did very well for your fit test! Just think how much stronger and better you'll be with the next fit test!! Awesome job! I'll post on here in a bit on how to post a pic on the board!! Pictures are very inspirational.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215

    Welcome, Sandra!! Have you started the program yet?
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Nutrition Tip

    Hey All,

    I just wanted to share with you 3 food that I add to my diet sometimes that make me feel like a powerhouse on my next day's work out. If you workout in the early a.m. everyday it is super important you get your nutrition right the day prior. You will experience first hand how eating enough, too little, or completely wrong one day could wreck your work out the next day.

    Quinoa, couscous, and sweet potato are 3 foods that are great for protein and good for you. Now don't go crazy on these foods. But if you eat rice or grains, try using the quinoa and couscous. Just add 1 of these sides; couscous, quinoa, or a sweet potato in your day. I really can tell the difference when I do and don't eat these foods.

    Does anyone have a favorite food they have recently learned to love? Does anyone have a favorite food that they NEED to toss?? I don't know about you, but chocolate is my downfall. Especially chocolate milk!!! lol I didn't have to give up chocolate completely though - I have a piece of dark chocolate once in awhile (even though I would truly prefer milk chocolate, but dark chocolate is better than no chocolate.)
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Plyometric Cardio Circuit

    Here are a couple tips about your workout:

    1) If you can find a friend to work out with, do it. This can be a spouse, a brother, a friend, a kid! Even if they just join you once, it will lift your spirits and make you work harder. I know it does for me. It pushes me to work harder when I have a workout buddy. Maybe you'll even inspire someone to take on their own insanity challenge.

    2) I want you all to focus on your form. This challenge isn't about just "getting through". You need to do it right. When you do in and out abs or ski abs, make sure your butt is down, and your arms are under your shoulders. It doesn't matter if you do 30 seconds less - you grow stronger from proper form. Same with things like high knees - high knees isn't a fast jog, the goal is to engage your core and to get your heart rate up. Bring those knees up! Even on the mountain climbers! Probably most important, engage your core. Keep your abs tight, suck it in back into your spine!! If you don't engage your core, you are going to start to get a lot of lower back pain. This is usually a sign that you are doing it wrong. For instance, in squat jacks you shouldn't be bending over with your back. Your back should be straight, chest up. Make sure you send your butt to the back. This is a lower body move, so don't kill your back over it!

    Here is a thread about keeping your core tight

    These are some mistakes that I usually find myself doing, and I know a lot of you will catch yourself doing as well. It's a learning experience and form will come overtime. Just make sure you focus on good form from the beginning.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
  • tifmar6490
    tifmar6490 Posts: 1
    I'll be honest, I have tried to start doing it numerous amounts of times, but I just cant seem to stick with it after that first break on Sunday :/
  • kjbrown114
    kjbrown114 Posts: 12
    My results have been good. I am trying to loose weight, but it seems that inches are what I am losing(but, I will take it) I bought insanity about 2 years ago and tried to start it twice, but no luck. I weighed 250 lbs in Jan of this year and with the help from MFP and lots of cycling, I lost my first 30 lbs or so, and worked on my cardio. I started 4/13 on insanity at 217 lbs and am now at about 208. I feel stronger and can accomplish more than I thought I could when starting Insanity. This is a tough program, but I am going to stick it out and hopefully what is said about the most results showing up in month 2 ends up being the case.
    Good luck to all, and stick it out. You can do it!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Posting an Image/Picture

    1) Go to an image-hosting site (for example, photobucket or tinypic- photobucket requires making an account (it's free)). Upload your picture. To do this, click the button that says "Browse" and choose your photo from there. When you have selected your photo and clicked "OK", click the UPLOAD button.
    2) Wait until it is completely loaded and shows you a bunch of different codes. We're going to use the URL that's called IMG (or Image) code. Highlight the entire code, right click, and click "copy".

    Placing the Picture on MFP
    1) Get onto your favorite board or wherever you would like to post the picture, and start your message. Now, right click inside this typing/text box, and click "Paste", The code that you copied earlier should show up. You may notice that the code looks something like this: (without the spaces)

    [ IMG ] [ /IMG ]

    Well, that's all fine and dandy, except that we can't have those capital letters in there.

    2) Take the code that you have down, and change the capital IMG to lowercase img (on both ends of the code), so that it looks something like this: (without the spaces)

    [ img ] [ /img ]

    3) Write whatever else you feel like writing in the space, then click the Post button, and you're done!!
  • kjbrown114
    kjbrown114 Posts: 12
    I'll be honest, I have tried to start doing it numerous amounts of times, but I just cant seem to stick with it after that first break on Sunday :/

    After that point, the soreness starts to go away and you will start to see results and its all down hill from there...
    Try again! You will succeed...
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I'll be honest, I have tried to start doing it numerous amounts of times, but I just cant seem to stick with it after that first break on Sunday :/

    We are here to help support you if you want to get rolling again with it! There are a lot of people that joined this group and if you just stay focused, you can do it!! Just have to tell yourself how bad you want it. Keep your eyes on the prize.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    My results have been good. I am trying to loose weight, but it seems that inches are what I am losing(but, I will take it) I bought insanity about 2 years ago and tried to start it twice, but no luck. I weighed 250 lbs in Jan of this year and with the help from MFP and lots of cycling, I lost my first 30 lbs or so, and worked on my cardio. I started 4/13 on insanity at 217 lbs and am now at about 208. I feel stronger and can accomplish more than I thought I could when starting Insanity. This is a tough program, but I am going to stick it out and hopefully what is said about the most results showing up in month 2 ends up being the case.
    Good luck to all, and stick it out. You can do it!

    You have started a journey that will turn your life around for the better! I love hearing success stories like this. You are a wonderful inspiration to others on here. Thanks for sharing your story and I'd like to hear how your results are at the end of month 2!! Keep up the great work.
  • kjbrown114
    kjbrown114 Posts: 12
    My results have been good. I am trying to loose weight, but it seems that inches are what I am losing(but, I will take it) I bought insanity about 2 years ago and tried to start it twice, but no luck. I weighed 250 lbs in Jan of this year and with the help from MFP and lots of cycling, I lost my first 30 lbs or so, and worked on my cardio. I started 4/13 on insanity at 217 lbs and am now at about 208. I feel stronger and can accomplish more than I thought I could when starting Insanity. This is a tough program, but I am going to stick it out and hopefully what is said about the most results showing up in month 2 ends up being the case.
    Good luck to all, and stick it out. You can do it!

    You have started a journey that will turn your life around for the better! I love hearing success stories like this. You are a wonderful inspiration to others on here. Thanks for sharing your story and I'd like to hear how your results are at the end of month 2!! Keep up the great work.

    Thank you!
    I have the same problem some other people have with replacing the calories burned with eating more. It seems like it would reverse the weight loss and I can't bring myself to do it... Lol
    I might try, but I don't think I could eat anymore than I am now...
  • tc41586
    tc41586 Posts: 136 Member
    Posting an Image/Picture

    1) Go to an image-hosting site (for example, photobucket or tinypic- photobucket requires making an account (it's free)). Upload your picture. To do this, click the button that says "Browse" and choose your photo from there. When you have selected your photo and clicked "OK", click the UPLOAD button.
    2) Wait until it is completely loaded and shows you a bunch of different codes. We're going to use the URL that's called IMG (or Image) code. Highlight the entire code, right click, and click "copy".

    Placing the Picture on MFP
    1) Get onto your favorite board or wherever you would like to post the picture, and start your message. Now, right click inside this typing/text box, and click "Paste", The code that you copied earlier should show up. You may notice that the code looks something like this: (without the spaces)

    [ IMG ] [ /IMG ]

    Well, that's all fine and dandy, except that we can't have those capital letters in there.

    2) Take the code that you have down, and change the capital IMG to lowercase img (on both ends of the code), so that it looks something like this: (without the spaces)

    [ img ] [ /img ]

    3) Write whatever else you feel like writing in the space, then click the Post button, and you're done!!

    Thank you!!!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    My results have been good. I am trying to loose weight, but it seems that inches are what I am losing(but, I will take it) I bought insanity about 2 years ago and tried to start it twice, but no luck. I weighed 250 lbs in Jan of this year and with the help from MFP and lots of cycling, I lost my first 30 lbs or so, and worked on my cardio. I started 4/13 on insanity at 217 lbs and am now at about 208. I feel stronger and can accomplish more than I thought I could when starting Insanity. This is a tough program, but I am going to stick it out and hopefully what is said about the most results showing up in month 2 ends up being the case.
    Good luck to all, and stick it out. You can do it!

    You have started a journey that will turn your life around for the better! I love hearing success stories like this. You are a wonderful inspiration to others on here. Thanks for sharing your story and I'd like to hear how your results are at the end of month 2!! Keep up the great work.

    Thank you!
    I have the same problem some other people have with replacing the calories burned with eating more. It seems like it would reverse the weight loss and I can't bring myself to do it... Lol
    I might try, but I don't think I could eat anymore than I am now...

    As long as it's good nutrition for your body, then it's fine. Now, ice cream or brownies is another story!! And I think we all know to stay away from those foods! An occasional splurge is fine, but not every day. So, eat some fruits, veggies or nuts. You'll be fine. :)
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Hey ya'll, quick tip:

    If you are working out with a Heart Rate Monitor, be sure to subtract how many calories you burn due to your BMR when figuring out how many calories you burned in your work out. For instance - if you do Pure Cardio and Burn 600 calories - in that period of time, your body would be burning calories anyway. Prob around 50-70 depending on your height, weight and age. So, you actually burned about 550 in that period of time. * make sense? *
  • kezza8888
    kezza8888 Posts: 75
    I'm not sure I can commit to this rather serious group long term, but it would be great to have some friends on my list who are going through Insanity....

    I did the fit test last week 16th May and these are my results:

    Switch Kicks................................................ 85
    Power Jacks................................................. 54
    Power Knees................................................ 74
    Power Jumps………………………………….28
    Globe Jumps................................................9
    Suicide Jumps............................................. 10
    Push-up Jacks.............................................. 20
    Low-Plank Oblique.......................................34

    I recently completed 30DS and I now run 2-3 times a week up to 5miles a time, so I was feeling as prepared as possible I guess...

    However, I done the 1st session, Plyometric Cardio Circuit, on Saturday and my calves were agony the next few days!! I could barely get down the stairs on Sunday and even Monday was a struggle! I finally managed a short 3.5 mile run today and they feel much better. But I think my first week will be a write off and maybe I should start the 60 days next week?! Then again, due to my love of running I am not sure I will stick to the programme EXACTLY as 1 rest day seems too little!