
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I'm not sure I can commit to this rather serious group long term, but it would be great to have some friends on my list who are going through Insanity....

    I did the fit test last week 16th May and these are my results:

    Switch Kicks................................................ 85
    Power Jacks................................................. 54
    Power Knees................................................ 74
    Power Jumps………………………………….28
    Globe Jumps................................................9
    Suicide Jumps............................................. 10
    Push-up Jacks.............................................. 20
    Low-Plank Oblique.......................................34

    I recently completed 30DS and I now run 2-3 times a week up to 5miles a time, so I was feeling as prepared as possible I guess...

    However, I done the 1st session, Plyometric Cardio Circuit, on Saturday and my calves were agony the next few days!! I could barely get down the stairs on Sunday and even Monday was a struggle! I finally managed a short 3.5 mile run today and they feel much better. But I think my first week will be a write off and maybe I should start the 60 days next week?! Then again, due to my love of running I am not sure I will stick to the programme EXACTLY as 1 rest day seems too little!

    Hi, kizza8888,

    I had to smile when you talked about how sore your calves were, because I felt the exact same way after the first couple workouts. :)

    If you are looking for great results, this program will get you there. You can definitely incorporate other workouts in with it. Some people do a hybrid of P90X w/ Insanity. I myself, am just focusing on Insanity, but feel free to keep up with the posts on here and give feedback on your progress. I just want to see people succeed in their fitness goals and this forum is made for just that!

    Love the test results from the fit test! You did an awesome job. If you decide to keep with Insanity you will see your endurance level rise and by the time the next fit test comes around you should progress!! So, keep at it and do what you can. I am not a runner, so, I give you kudos for going out and running as long as you do! I loved jogging when I was younger, but now I prefer jumping around like a baboon in my living room with a workout program!! :)
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I just want to thank all of you that joined the group and support others in here! It's wonderful to see you all working toward a similar goal and pushing one another to succeed. I try to give helpful tips and share motivation posts, but you all help me keep going, as well, through the journey! So, for that I thank you! Let's keep the posts and motivation going strong! Some people depend on that to get them through their workout each day! It's great having a support system! Don't ya think? :)

  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
  • tc41586
    tc41586 Posts: 136 Member
    Plyometric Cardio Circuit done... I had a very tough time with the Level One Drills!
  • tc41586
    tc41586 Posts: 136 Member
    Sweaty mess! And my dog, Cole, helping me out during stretches.


  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Sweaty mess! And my dog, Cole, helping me out during stretches.



    You look like a hot sweaty mess! That's what I like to see. I know you are pushing through! Those drills are no joke. I'm happy to see you getting through it and staying determined.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Welcome to official work out #3. This dvd is a lot of muscle movement and explosive moves. You are introduced to moves like V-Push ups. Do the best that you can! Remember to jump with the lower body - don't hurt your back! Welcome back to one of your favorite moves as well, the power jump. Do your best! Forget the rest !

    You are going to start to feel sore - if you haven't already, you will soon. Don't use this as an excuse to skip your work out! If you are sore, that means that it is working, and that you are out of shape and your body is getting a harsh wake up call. It is more important now than ever to keep going. Challenge yourself to do the warm up - once you do the warm up and stretch, most of your soreness should be gone and you will be ready to go. It's going to be very important for you to drink tons of water to flush out your toxins and aid your muscle repair. You will learn first-hand the importance of timing your meals - and if you are a morning work outer especially, the importance of your dinner and meals the day before. Some of you work out on an empty stomach - others eat a bar, or 1/2 of a banana. Find out what your body responds best to.


  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    What is your Reason of the Day?

    Please respond with your reason for getting out of bed and pushing play today. Was it because you wanted to improve your health? Was it because you simply wanted to cross one more day off that calendar? Maybe you just want that T shirt.

    My reason of the day? Besides the fact that I just want to lose a bit and tone up. I believe it is important to set a good example for my children to follow. Not only by exercise, but through our eating habits. Living a healthy lifestyle just feels good and people are just happier in life. So, what is your reason of the day?
  • kezza8888
    kezza8888 Posts: 75
    I did "Cardio Power & Resistance" this morning....I was really pleased with how well I got on considering it was 5:45am and I only had 15mins to shake myself awake to fit this 40mins in before work! However, I pushed quite hard and in reference to your comment obrien821, for me it was best to have an empty stomach.....I think I might have been sick otherwise! LOL!

    I feel like this thread might keep me more accountable.....however I am going on holiday next week and I cant guarantee I will be able to keep this up as per the programme!

    My reasons for getting out of bed an hour early to do Insanity......To look HOT this summer and get back to a healthy lifestyle! I spent the winter months comfort eating and sofa surfing and turned into a person I dont want to be! I'll be 30 in 4 months and I am determined to be in the best shape of my life despite this milestone!!!!!!
  • I just ordered this set of DVDs off amazon, and anxiously await them!!! I have been eating right/under calories goals for about a week now. With minimal exercise, I have lost 2lbs and am super excited because I really have watched what I ate, counted, logged and weighed my food! So, I am VERY excited to see results after this DVD package!!!!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I did "Cardio Power & Resistance" this morning....I was really pleased with how well I got on considering it was 5:45am and I only had 15mins to shake myself awake to fit this 40mins in before work! However, I pushed quite hard and in reference to your comment obrien821, for me it was best to have an empty stomach.....I think I might have been sick otherwise! LOL!

    I feel like this thread might keep me more accountable.....however I am going on holiday next week and I cant guarantee I will be able to keep this up as per the programme!

    My reasons for getting out of bed an hour early to do Insanity......To look HOT this summer and get back to a healthy lifestyle! I spent the winter months comfort eating and sofa surfing and turned into a person I dont want to be! I'll be 30 in 4 months and I am determined to be in the best shape of my life despite this milestone!!!!!!

    I love hearing your determination and motivation. If I happen to go away I will take my DVD's with me and workout where ever I'm staying. So, if you have a dvd in your room, use it!! I'm glad you feel comfortable here and be accountable when it comes to fitness. I love hearing your enthusiasm about changing your lifestyle for the better. Stick with us here and we'll all get healthier and in shape together!! Oh and love your "reason of the day". Don't we all want that? It can and will happen if you just stick with it!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
  • emilyx93
    emilyx93 Posts: 2
    I just started yesterday.
    I did the fit test and these were my results:
    swiss kicks64
    squat jumps 30
    power knees 60
    power jumps 20
    globe jumps 8
    sucide jumps 11
    pressup jacks 2
    oblique plank 44

    I cant do press ups hence why the press up jacks were so low :P

    I did the Plyometric Cardio Circuit today! So tired, going to be aching tomorrow!
    But it'll be worth it!
    not sure how much ill be able to do once im back at uni as i live up stairs and there is a bit of jumping around :P But we'll see!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I just ordered this set of DVDs off amazon, and anxiously await them!!! I have been eating right/under calories goals for about a week now. With minimal exercise, I have lost 2lbs and am super excited because I really have watched what I ate, counted, logged and weighed my food! So, I am VERY excited to see results after this DVD package!!!!

    That is wonderful, Nicoletta! I hope you come back to our accountability group here and start crushing it with us. It is very important to watch what you eat. Eating right is about 70% of fat loss and 30% is exercise. So, it doesn't surprise me you have already dropped a couple lbs just by what you are eating. So, keep it up girl and you should have awesome results along with Insanity.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I just started yesterday.
    I did the fit test and these were my results:
    swiss kicks64
    squat jumps 30
    power knees 60
    power jumps 20
    globe jumps 8
    sucide jumps 11
    pressup jacks 2
    oblique plank 44

    I cant do press ups hence why the press up jacks were so low :P

    I did the Plyometric Cardio Circuit today! So tired, going to be aching tomorrow!
    But it'll be worth it!
    not sure how much ill be able to do once im back at uni as i live up stairs and there is a bit of jumping around :P But we'll see!

    Hey, great job, Emily!!! You will find that your endurance and strength will increase as you keep doing this workout. I'm only on week 2, but I see a difference already. I was able to get through the warm-up a lot easier yesterday. It just comes in time. The more you do this workout, the better you'll get and the more you'll see results. Hope you are able to keep at it.
  • kjbrown114
    kjbrown114 Posts: 12
    Good job to all of you starting out on the program. I remember when I was at that section and the soreness that was involved.
    Keep it up! It only gets better...

    Day 40 is done as of 15 minutes ago and I'm still shaking.
    Another 976 calories gone...

    Dig DEEPER!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Good job to all of you starting out on the program. I remember when I was at that section and the soreness that was involved.
    Keep it up! It only gets better...

    Day 40 is done as of 15 minutes ago and I'm still shaking.
    Another 976 calories gone...

    Dig DEEPER!

    WTG!! You are 2/3 of the way done with the program! Good for you. I'm glad to hear it only gets better. I'm only on week two, but I did a lot better on the warm-up myself yesterday. We all got this!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Remember. There is also a private facebook group you can connect with if you prefer instead of through here. That site is I post a lot of the same stuff over there, if not more and people tend to be more active on it. So, if you are wanting support and motivation to get through this program head over there. I have people who have just started and people who have been doing Insanity for awhile. We'd love for you to join us!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Alright, ya’ll. For most of you today is Cardio Recovery, it’s a 30 minute class that consists of balance, stretches and core work, such as; squats, lunges and planks. Some might consider it light cardio work, but I believe it to also be a strengthening session for your core and working on balance. Don’t under estimate it though; it will still get your heart racing when some of the moves pick up to a faster pace. Don’t worry; you aren't going to flop on the floor when it’s over. It’s not that kind of workout.

    However, since the movements are on the slower side you can really focus on your core and keeping it tight. If you do it correctly, you should be able to feel it by the next day. So, really focus on keeping everything tight while going through movements. You can also eat lighter today and keep fueling your body the nutrition it needs to recover from the crazy HIIT days. And get prepared for Pure Cardio tomorrow!! You’re gonna need it!
  • dent5499
    dent5499 Posts: 12 Member
    I plan on starting this program tomorrow morning!! Hopefully I can get through the first few weeks injury free!!