Girl, you don't need to Squat 245lbs



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I hate you.

    I HATE ALL OF YOU (who lift more than I)!!!1!eleven!1

  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    he is silly - squat heavy

    245 for a female is a damn nice left - hella strong, love it!
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Keep doing your squats! Doing a lot of cardio before trying to lift is going to tucker you out. That's probably a big part of why you weren't able to lift as heavy. I'd prefer to save any cardio for a day when I'm not lifting. Leaning out should happen primarily from diet, not hours of cardio.

    I wish I could squat as much as you...

    In conclusion, squat.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    MY GOD! How the hell do you squat 245lbs!!! Thats 100 kinds of awesome! Jeezzzzzzzzzzz! :love:
  • toniju
    toniju Posts: 23 Member
    That's AWESOME...I hope to get there one day. I started lifting about 6 weeks ago & I LOVE IT!! You go girl...keep squatting!!