How do you talk yourself OUT of late night snacking?



  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    To the OP, I have the same problem. A lot of good info on here!
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member
    Frozen grapes! They give you that little bit of an icecream type craving satisfaction and you can't eat a lot of them.
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    I usually have a few calories left at the end of the day and IF I want a small snack I will grab TWO cookies, no more than that though, along with a cup of tea. If after mouth still wants food, I will climb into bed.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I have some tea. No calories, and it's a nice comforting snack.

    If I leave myself calories for the end of the day, it's hit or miss whether I'll get to use them, since I have a little one who takes a few tries to settle down for the night and sometimes I just give up and go to bed.
  • ElaineRN100
    ElaineRN100 Posts: 201 Member
    For me I had to cut late night snacking out entirely. Even if I ate something healthy - it just started a chain reaction where I would just keep going back for more. I don't miss eating late now, thank goodness. A lot of good advise here - you just have to experiment until you find a solution that is right for you.
  • Linda5678
    Linda5678 Posts: 32 Member
    Honestly what helped me most to not snack at night is go to bed. I've also been super careful with what I'm bringing home. If I don't have junk at home then I can't eat junk
  • Linda5678
    Linda5678 Posts: 32 Member
    Isn't it funny how the junk foods in your cupboard call out your name when it comes to night time?

    Some good tips that I have heard that has helped me:
    - brush your teeth
    - drink water / hot tea
    - keep your hands busy (e.g. tidying your room, crocheting, wtever)
    - don't buy the junk food in the first place
    - go out for a short walk
    - safe some calories for the night time snack and make sure it's something good that you will feel satisfied afterwards
    - close your eyes and count slowly from your CW to your GW, take deep breaths
    I love the last one. I am going to start doing that!
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    Oh yeah, about what some are already saying:

    We usually eat right before bed (I know a lot of diet-savvy people would advise against this cuz it'll "go straight to your thighs" LOL) but I eat dinner RIGHT before bed usualy. Especially when i work nights. I get off work, grab a bite, and go to sleep, sometimes with the plate on the nightstand!!!! Take that end-of-day cravings!!!!
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    Honestly what helped me most to not snack at night is go to bed. I've also been super careful with what I'm bringing home. If I don't have junk at home then I can't eat junk

    I did this for months, until I built up some discipline. Now i have junk in the cupboard again but am very careful to measure it out. Sometimes I eat snacks directly out of the measuring cup--it even has a handle on it, so why pour it into a bowl?
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    If I have the cals after dinner I eat a Quest Protein bar. It takes me about 10 minutes to eat and then sits in my stomach like a brick...negating any hunger pangs I had. I also drink a glass of water with dinner. If for some reason I'm still hungry after that, I do something for about 15-20 mins to distract myself and usually the temptation goes away.