Worst Wedding You've Ever Attended

Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
So, I am planning my wedding and have been researching proper wedding etiquette like a hawk.

Tell me the worst wedding you've ever attended and why.

I'll start...

I went to my "friend's" wedding last summer, in which she had several etiquette breaches, starting with the invitations. I, fortunately, was invited to the entire wedding- ceremony, reception, and dance....my cousin, a mutual friend, was invited to just the dance part...(rolls eyes)

I also had a long term boyfriend and he was not listed on the invitation, which I thought must have been a mistake, so I called and asked if I could bring him- which she said was fine....but 2 weeks before the wedding, she told me not to.

Well, I showed up at the wedding...the ceremony was nice...but afterwards we had to wait almost THREE HOURS to eat! and it was a CASH BAR! I didn't bring any money to the wedding, so I couldn't drink anything...huge bummer...

And then the food was horrendous...the chicken was so dry that I didn't even finish it- which is a big deal for me because I am a pig and will eat anything set in front of me...

And then the dance started and all they played was theme songs to Star Wars, Ghost Busters, and Star Trek....

I left at that point...I had enough of that. I had such a bad time and it was really boring with having very few people there that I knew.

And then she deleted me on FB a week later, I am assuming due to me not bringing her a big fancy gift. I tried talking to her to see what was up but she ignored phone calls and texts.

What's your worst wedding story?


  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    2 words. CASH BAR...
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    Cash bar or no bar at all!

    Or a Summer wedding where the church and reception area didn't have enough a/c to cool the building. It was over 100 outside!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    2 words. CASH BAR...

    beat me to it. Even if not fancy as long as there is booze flowing.

    Actually now that I think about it, I attended a wedding in Texas like 10 years ago, it was a great wedding. But the ceremony was outside in July with no shade, it was not pleasant.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I honestly had no idea about wedding etiquette until I planned my own. Cash bars are the norm here, as are the "dance only" invites (although I always declined anyway even before I knew the breach). Gaps are normal (ie a large gap between wedding and supper; supper and Reception). None of that stuff bothers me (although I did follow etiquette for mine, though most people didn't understand why).

    The worst thing I can think of from a wedding I've been to was one where it was very hot, crowded for the supper and the mother of the bride insisted that each of the bridesmaids talk for 7 minutes each. There were 7 bridesmaids. That's a lot of speeches, Especially when the girls were trying to fill in the time. It was the only wedding I've been to with open bar (and I've been to a lot). The rest of it was actually really fun.
  • FitnessCharl
    FitnessCharl Posts: 166
    I didn't end up attending this one...But...My partners best friend was getting married, originally he was best man, 2 months before that went to usher... 1 month before this went to not even invited to the ceremony, just invited to the after party. This was because the bride didn't like my partner as she thought he was a bad influence on the groom (other way round really)...

    We had been dating for 5 years and I wasn't invited. Heard it was a cash bar in a rough pub, on the 26th December (funny enough that was the date of my 21st birthday).... So we eneded up having a 21st Birthday shin dig and haven't spoken since.

    As long as you don't top that you will be grand :bigsmile:
  • NaomiMc_Ra
    NaomiMc_Ra Posts: 64 Member
    I don't know if you're all fromt he US but it's seems funny that a cash bar would be such a horrendous thing! In the UK (unless you're lucky) most weddings have a cash bar - or are only free up to a certain point or certain drinks. Sounds like I should go to some US weddings!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I don't know if you're all fromt he US but it's seems funny that a cash bar would be such a horrendous thing! In the UK (unless you're lucky) most weddings have a cash bar - or are only free up to a certain point or certain drinks. Sounds like I should go to some US weddings!

    It's not just US, some parts of Canada too. Mention cash bar on a wedding etiquette forum and you'll be roasted.
    Like I said, where I am, open bar is pretty much unheard of.
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member
    The worst wedding...my own.

    I turned up...big mistake :/
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Yes! I didn't know etiquette was a thing until I started planning either! And now I am just bound and determined to be a great host and to not be a rude bride. Open bar all night...no more than an hour between ceremony and supper, etc...and the ceremony and reception will be in the same place.

    And reading about invitations and how much etiquette there is to that...and inviting plus ones and etc...omg! There was so much I didn't know!

    I love reading about awful weddings though! It makes me plan to not do things at my own wedding. Keep 'em coming!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Married the wrong man, realised it at the reception.

    I think as long as you have that part covered, you should be ok.
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    I don't know if you're all fromt he US but it's seems funny that a cash bar would be such a horrendous thing! In the UK (unless you're lucky) most weddings have a cash bar - or are only free up to a certain point or certain drinks. Sounds like I should go to some US weddings!

    I think where it becomes horrendous is that some people spend upwards of $20K on the wedding, everything is elaborate and then you make your guests pay for drinks. If you're spending that kind of money, just take care of the guests. Even if you are only doing beer and wine.

    Personally, we only offered beer and wine (nice selection) and champagne toast. We know our friends and family and that's what they drink the most.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    In some circles, that's generally what happens....they have open bar for an hour up until supper...and then it's cash bar for the rest of the night.

    Nope...not for me. I'm gonna fork out a lot for it, but I don't want my guests opening their wallet at all during my reception. Drinks on me!
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member

    Personally, we only offered beer and wine (nice selection) and champagne toast. We know our friends and family and that's what they drink the most.

    I wanted to do that, but my dad and fiancé really like their captain morgan and EJ& coke, so I lost that argument...lol
  • sangeyvang
    sangeyvang Posts: 182
    One wedding I went to, it was totally unorganized. The night before the wedding, the bride asked me to make a slideshow of her and her husband and kids. She didn't even give me pictures. And, I didn't have a scanner and I also did not have time and I'm not even close with her. During the ceremony, we couldn't find her daughter's dress so the daughter was just naked and had to find something to cover her while a friend went out to the closest store to buy a dress for her. And was also annoying they kept referring the wedding as a military wedding. And, a lot of other crap. haha.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    I went to 2 weddings (same bride :smile: ) both times cash bar, and nibbles only and nothing gluten free:sad:

    both weddings had big delays

    anyone can add me
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    not sure if you are interested, however if you are planing your wedding you might be intersted in some of the good thing what have happened at weddings
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    my friends wedding that i was a best mine too.
    we had to pay for our own outfits and weren't allowed to rent, had to pay the limo cost, the food cost (well i refused but they were insisting we all pay as part of the wedding party)
    I did my speach and the father complained cause i took part of his job
    and the bridesmaid while she danced with me said she didn't want to look at me.
    Yeah awesome fun.

    My brothers wedding on the other hand was pretty good, ceremony in a movie theatre with a homemade movie, reception at a top class hotel and pictures in town parklands with classic cars and a bridesmaid that was not only pretty but we got on really well, once again the best man and one issue after another mostly for the bride as is usually the case but in the end it was a great day.
    The only thing that ruined that was i had to get up at 4am the following day to goto work.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    Where I come from there never is a cash bar, people just put money in an envelope and give them to the groom when they leave. By money I mean a bit more than 100e/person, so basically at the end of the wedding you have a profit for the newly weds to start a life together with. I would prefer a cash bar instead of making a profitable wedding, but can't beat tradition.
  • _castiel
    _castiel Posts: 30
    Worst wedding I ever went to was a family-friend's years back. It was ridiculously sunny after the ceremony, and we weren't allowed inside until they'd set up the dining area so we were left in the sun (in a field with no trees) for several hours. I've never had sunburn like it.
    To make matters worse, the speeches then went on for three and a half hours. Three. And. A. Half. Now I wasn't a close family friend so I didn't understand any of the stories, and believe me, they were so boring that I saw at least three people asleep at their tables.
    The highlight of the evening was the fire alarm going off (complete with sprinklers) and having to wait outside in the freezing cold for about an hour, soaking wet.
    And this isn't even mentioning how the food was disgusting (cold fish, cold potatoes) and how there was a fight and the police had to be called.
    Not fun.
  • smoootka
    smoootka Posts: 67 Member
    Lol, no cash bars here in Slovenia as far as i know. Food and drinks are free and it has to keep coming. Having an empty glass is almost a sin over here (and no, this is not a joke). There's always someone who will refill your glass while waiting for the ceremony and after and basically all the time lol. Have a wedding with guests having to pay for their drinks or food here and you're talk of the town and your wedding is a crash and burn. Hey, if you invite me and i have to bring you a nice gift the least you can do is provide drinks and one hell of a party:))

    Also, long boring speeches... Not a fan either, specially from the priests. Just do your job, get them married, get them to kiss and let's go eat, dammit!

    When you know there will be some waiting, make sure you have some chairs or benches or something. Some people can't stand for long, there are elder people and ladies in high heels. My boyfriend's sister was pregnant at the last wedding we attended and they were so nice to get her a chair from somewhere. Looked weird, tho. Everyone else was standing up and she was the only one sitting. I'd do it differently, but hey that's just me.

    Music is very important here, so DJs and playbacks are not really welcome, that's not a proper wedding for me. Have to have live music, meaning a band that can play a nice variety of songs for all tastes.

    Also, invitations. Never heard of only being invited to the after party. LOL? Are you kidding me? I'm not good enough to be invited to the whole wedding? Well, *kitten* you then:) Here if you're invited you're there for the whole deal and all the traditions and ceremonies. These days couples sometimes decide to have a smaller wedding, mostly family only and then on a later date organize a picnic/party for everyone else. It's just cheaper that way. That I can deal with and understand, but seriously, invitation to only half of the wedding? No thank you. Rather not be invited at all.

    People inviting individuals that they don't really know and only see once a year is annoying too, but "it would be nice to invite them and a proper thing to do" just because they are their mother's cousin's second cousin's aunt or sth, we can't NOT invite them. Blablabla. People that matter in your life should be by your side on that special day, you don't need the whole world there and it's your wedding and not your families. You decide who's there and who is not.

    But that's just my opinion on the matter :wink: