Worst Wedding You've Ever Attended



  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    All weddings I've been to were lovely in many respects. The one thing I learned and consequently planned different on my own wedding, is that I found it to be really inconsiderate to invite someone for the ceremony, reception, party but NOT for dinner. In the 2 cases I'm referring to, this meant a 4 hour gap between activities in which shelter against the elements and food had to be found in the middle of nowhere.

    So, for me it is allright not be invited to the entire day. Just make sure that the parts I'm invited for are consecutive without a multiple hour gap in which to fend for myself.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member

    Personally, we only offered beer and wine (nice selection) and champagne toast. We know our friends and family and that's what they drink the most.

    I wanted to do that, but my dad and fiancé really like their captain morgan and EJ& coke, so I lost that argument...lol
    You could always do beer and wine for your guests but open it up to everything for the wedding party only. I think that's what my friend did at her wedding. I didn't pay much attention because I don't drink but I think that's what she said.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    My wedding was the worst I've ever attended. I love my husband, and that is the most important thing, but the wedding sucked big ones.

    Hubby's side of the family showed up to our ceremony in jeans and sweaters (his sister showed up wearing a dirty, too small, white button up shirt, long skirt and dirty sneakers with messy hair and bad BO!), his older brother was so drunk at the ceremony that his fiancée had to hold him up. He bought his own drinks to the ceremony despite us requesting not to be drinking during for religious reasons.

    My mother and her ex husband chose the morning of the wedding to announce their divorce to their family, so everyone was still reeling from that.

    I found out that morning that I was pregnant. So pregnant in fact, that I couldn't get my dress done up properly. I had packed it away and not tried it on for 6 weeks, and I'd begun showing in that time (but didn't realise I was pregnant. Must have skipped my mind due to all the stress at the time!). We had to quickly convert my French button dress to a corset back dress with no help. Luckily it stayed together for the whole event.

    My husband's family arrived at the reception at the planned 6.30pm with their children in pyjamas and slippers, ate the food and left before we even had our first dance or cut the cake. They were gone by 7.30 at the latest, due to BIL's aforementioned drunkenness and rowdy behaviour.

    So, while I did my best, unfortunately horrible guests ruined the event. We've thought of a renewal, but it's not going to happen. I'm scarred enough from the first time!

    Maybe you can do a special vow renewal for just the two of you on a cruise or something and make an anniversary vacation of it. I'm sorry your wedding day didn't go as planned :(
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    They had a taco man which was totally cool with me. I love tacos!!


    They didn't have any forks when they brought out the cake.

    I repeat


    I ate cake with my bare hands because I love cake that much.

    Tacos are awesome! I want to have a taco bar for mine. That would be bad *kitten*!
  • nomesw84
    nomesw84 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm getting married in the UK in just over 2 weeks!

    We're having evening guests as the church is VERY small so we really had to limit our numbers during the day, however we have large families and still wanted them to spend the day with us. I don't think that's so abnormal here, I've been to weddings where my other half was just invited along in the evening which was fine with us.

    I'll also be having a cash bar for part of the evening, again, nothing abnormal for over here. There will be welcome drinks and wine with dinner and for the toast so still plenty of opportunity for those who want to get drunk to take advantage!

    It's all going to be very informal and we've not spent much, made lots of stuff ourselves, including the invites. We're happy as long as people have fun!

    As for the worst wedding I've been to, it was very early, no entertainment, a buffet meal (which is fine) but there was nowhere to sit so had to stand and eat. Also we only knew the bride so ended up just stood in the corner all afternoon talking between the 2 of us.... it was all over by 5pm.
  • luvinlaurakate
    luvinlaurakate Posts: 145 Member
    I personally had one of those "boring" weddings - no alcohol, no dancing, just a dinner reception afterwards. We were very young when we got married (18 and 17) so we did what his parents wanted and had it at their church and followed their rules. My husband and I have talked about doing it again OUR WAY for years now!

    As to the worst wedding - my cousin decided to have a cash bar, but provided several kegs of beer on his own. This resulted in a whole lot of drunk people, some of which were quite "questionable" to begin with! Just as we had decided it was about time to shut things down, an older man hit on the wrong girl, and a brawl insued. Older guy at one point hits a bridesmaid (who was his niece and bride's sister), and then got beat up by another bridesmaid for hitting a girl (this bridesmaid was my sister!). At some point the bride herself got pushed down to the ground, and the groom (my cousin) has to physically be held back from getting into it, so that he, quote, "doesn't spend his wedding night in jail". Cops came, fight ended, amazingly no one was arrested. But the man who started it and got beat up by my sister, he went to the hospital with a broken nose and had to have surgery on it!
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member

    I would say that she blocked you from facebook and stopped talking to you because you left her wedding mid way.
    I have been to a few crazy weddings but if they are my friends I will put up with it. Sure it's only a day. Lots of drinking helps lol.

    That could be a possibility....but if I hadn't been still hungry from her horrible supper that I couldn't eat from it being so dry....and I couldn't buy myself a drink because I didn't bring money with me, how could I stay?? I mean really... Oh well. It must not have been too important of a friendship then. I'm not heartbroken over it ;)
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    lmbo! That's cray!

    Well, my cousin's wedding she ran out of food!!!! People were still showing up and she ran out of food!!!! WTF?! Lucky for me I ate before I went to the wedding, but if I didn't, I'd have been pissed. People were still showing up to the wedding and some didn't eat! It wasn't open bar, but they had all you can drink canned beers I think. The topper was that at the end, she was making everyone help her clean the place up!!!! LMAO

    Apparently, with every party she throws she volunteers everyone to do ****, from what I hear. She appoints tasks to people. I get it if you're on a budget and all, but some people shouldn't have parties. If you can't be a gracious or generous host, then maybe just tone it down and not have a party.

    That is HORRIBLE! I think I'd rather overestimate the amount of people and pay more just in case to make sure there is plenty! Plus I'm a pig and like to eat a lot...lol
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member

    You left your "friends" wedding in the middle of it because you didn't approve of her choice of songs. I think she did the right thing ending the relationship.

    I left my "friend's'" wedding because I was hungry, thirsty, and bored because I couldn't bring my significant other who she uninvited at the last minute...AND they played dorky music. Read the thread. :)
  • halflife1978
    halflife1978 Posts: 47 Member
    I've never been to any weddings where I noticed a bridezilla or a breach of etiquette, but mostly because I don't notice these things. My own wedding was at 8:30 on a Monday morning with just me, him, my mother, and the judge in attendance, so I don't know very much about what you should or should not do.

    Logistically, the worst wedding I went to was the one that happened in a tiny church in Texas in June with no air conditioning, the ceremony site was an hour's drive away in a very small town off of back roads that were poorly marked, then as soon as everyone arrived, the power to the entire street went out. After about an hour of sitting around in the Texas heat wondering what to do, they decided to open the doors of the building up to let whatever sunlight there was in, and the mariachi band presented the couple ... in the dark.

    That's when it turned into the best wedding.

    As soon as they got to the stage area the lights miraculously came on, I got happy drunk on Mexican brandy, and the party didn't end until 4am.
  • Fittykitty11
    Fittykitty11 Posts: 124
    For you bridal party:

    -make sure their significant other gets to be one of the tables that can eat first... I went to one and the SO's of the bridesmaids were served DEAD LAST and they had been helping and around all day.

    -having an intenerary for pictures is fine BUT, one bridezilla had it down to the minute and if we didn't get our butts going she freaked out AND we only had a 2 minute space for going to the bathroom. Seriously... it read "1:46-48 Bridesmaids Bathroom Break"... I'm going to the bathroom whenever I want.

    Other than that, the weddings I have attended have been good. OH, don't have you reception be 1.5 hours away from church. Seriously?!
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    Went to a family member's wedding in a beautiful Inn. Following the ceremony we stood around waiting for the standard photos to be done, and we were able to watch. There were some sandwich quarters and sparkling water. Many people just left, I assumed they had moved to the reception area and I just hadn't done so yet. When the photos were done, my cousin and her husband walked around with cake, to find that most had left. Little did I know, there was no reception so I left there FAMISHED! Later that evening my mother and I drove in the fog to find a bar in the local town where there was karaoke, which I guess might have been the reception, but I'm still unsure. All in all, it might have been quite fine had the invitation been specific about the lack of reception and that we should have eaten more than a quarter sandwich (as you don't want to eat a bunch of those and then sit down to dinner).

    Oh, BTW, there was a piano player in the entrance to the Inn, where nobody could see or hear her, so I entertained myself by going out to sing with her.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I tended bar at a banquet hall as a second job for years, so I saw a LOT...I could write a book about bad wedding traditions/moments, "bridezillas", and their guests, bridesmaids, groomsmen. However, one of the top 5 was when a groom got really drunk, went out into the parking lot, barfed all over his tux and himself, and then had his friends take him home (without telling the bride, who was inside screaming at anyone and everyone in her path and refused to go outside to even see if he was dead or alive). She spent the second half of their reception alone there...

    They were both a-holes though, and probably deserved each other :ohwell:
  • ninjakowski
    ninjakowski Posts: 158
    Screw the big party!!

    My husband and I ran away to Gibraltar, got married in a civil ceremony then went up and had an amazing afternoon on the Rock - where a monkey tried to steal my new wedding ring off my finger :laugh:
    Went out for dinner and cocktails, husband had the band dedicate a song to me -- and best of all we didn't have to deal with one single party/guest stress.

    Perfect day :love:

    Anyway, not helpful to you at all I guess lol. Honestly I think the worst thing is not inviting people to the whole thing. If they're not important to be at each part, just don't invite them at all. That's something I've never understood???
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    My wedding was the worst I've ever attended. I love my husband, and that is the most important thing, but the wedding sucked big ones.

    Hubby's side of the family showed up to our ceremony in jeans and sweaters (his sister showed up wearing a dirty, too small, white button up shirt, long skirt and dirty sneakers with messy hair and bad BO!), his older brother was so drunk at the ceremony that his fiancée had to hold him up. He bought his own drinks to the ceremony despite us requesting not to be drinking during for religious reasons.

    My mother and her ex husband chose the morning of the wedding to announce their divorce to their family, so everyone was still reeling from that.

    I found out that morning that I was pregnant. So pregnant in fact, that I couldn't get my dress done up properly. I had packed it away and not tried it on for 6 weeks, and I'd begun showing in that time (but didn't realise I was pregnant. Must have skipped my mind due to all the stress at the time!). We had to quickly convert my French button dress to a corset back dress with no help. Luckily it stayed together for the whole event.

    My husband's family arrived at the reception at the planned 6.30pm with their children in pyjamas and slippers, ate the food and left before we even had our first dance or cut the cake. They were gone by 7.30 at the latest, due to BIL's aforementioned drunkenness and rowdy behaviour.

    So, while I did my best, unfortunately horrible guests ruined the event. We've thought of a renewal, but it's not going to happen. I'm scarred enough from the first time!

    Oh, FFS, you poor thing! I hope y'all had a lovely honeymoon to make up for it!
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    Someone I know told me they got an invitation in the mail asking all the of guests to bring a bottle of wine to the reception! I couldn't believe it, lol

    We have been to ONE wedding with a cash bar, and it was listed on the invitation, so at least we knew. Tacky around here, but whateves.

    The gap between ceremony and reception is very, very common here. Ceremony is usually at 3, cocktails at 6 and dinner at 7.

    The worst wedding I ever went to was my cousin's in 2010, he is now going through a divorce. But it was a full 90 minute catholic ceremony with 28 people in the bridal party. it was the middle of July and 90+ degrees outside and the cocktail hour was outside. Being family, we were directing into the bridal suite area which was 2 large rooms with balcony doors that were right off the area where the cocktail hour was being held.. and the bride stormed me screaming at everyone to get out and we couldn't be in there.. where is all here stuff, blah blah.The introductions.. every couple had their own song and then the bride and groom came down seperately and then together.. this took 50 minutes alone. We got our soup and salad right away but then it took another 2 hours to be served dinner.. and the air wasn't working, so they had huge fans going AND they closed the bar. My aunt screamed @ someone and got them to open the bar while we waited to eat. Everyone was wasted before dinner.

    Then at one point during the reception, the bride turned to me and was like, ummm.. can you get me chamapagne? WTF btch? You have 14 BMs, I don't like you, why the eff are you asking me??

    We ended up having a lot of fun, but I just was smdh at most of what went on because of her btch *kitten*... her poor single mother used her life savings for the wedding.. only for them to get divorced less than 3 years later.. and she served him the divorce papers while he was in rehab! Ugh, never did like that btch..

    Honestly, whatever you are doing, I am sure it is fine. It is a really, really, reallllllllly fast day, so once the day comes, worry only about you and your husband, as everything will fall into place. Take time to soak it all in because before you know it, it's all over.
  • claudie1981
    claudie1981 Posts: 32
    I Don't really have a worst wedding to add but i have to 1 things happen at a wedding and sometimes there is no controlling it and 2 to have a cash bar is not anything to do with etiquette. Some people just cant afford to have one. Besides who wants to pay for other people to get drunk.

    My wedding i planned the whole thing, I even decorated the hall the night before with the wedding party. But on the day our dj just never pitched up and we phoned him over and over and he never answered so luckly my husband was a dj too so he filled in and played a bunch of mixed cds and it was one of his friends that was supposed to do it ... Well they arent friends anymore. So always hire professionals or at least someone who acts like a professional.

    I had a cash bar at my wedding but i bought a bottle of champagne for each table.
  • claudie1981
    claudie1981 Posts: 32
    oh and also if its going to be cash bar put it on the invite so everyone knows. I did that!
  • christy7322
    christy7322 Posts: 31
    My own, I just don't think I'm the marrying type....you know, I don't lie or cheat :bigsmile:

    On the other hand I got three beautiful girls out of it, but who needs a wedding for that!
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    For you bridal party:

    -make sure their significant other gets to be one of the tables that can eat first... I went to one and the SO's of the bridesmaids were served DEAD LAST and they had been helping and around all day.

    -having an intenerary for pictures is fine BUT, one bridezilla had it down to the minute and if we didn't get our butts going she freaked out AND we only had a 2 minute space for going to the bathroom. Seriously... it read "1:46-48 Bridesmaids Bathroom Break"... I'm going to the bathroom whenever I want.

    Other than that, the weddings I have attended have been good. OH, don't have you reception be 1.5 hours away from church. Seriously?!

    Reception and ceremony are going to be at the same place and I'm planning on having the bridal party's SO's sit with us at the head table. I don't want them to feel all awkward out alone in the crowd with the families they don't know. Good tips, though!