Worst Wedding You've Ever Attended



  • smoootka
    smoootka Posts: 67 Member
    I think where it becomes horrendous is that some people spend upwards of $20K on the wedding, everything is elaborate and then you make your guests pay for drinks. If you're spending that kind of money, just take care of the guests. Even if you are only doing beer and wine.

  • fat_harrie
    fat_harrie Posts: 59 Member
    I don't know if you're all fromt he US but it's seems funny that a cash bar would be such a horrendous thing! In the UK (unless you're lucky) most weddings have a cash bar - or are only free up to a certain point or certain drinks. Sounds like I should go to some US weddings!

    I think where it becomes horrendous is that some people spend upwards of $20K on the wedding, everything is elaborate and then you make your guests pay for drinks. If you're spending that kind of money, just take care of the guests. Even if you are only doing beer and wine.

    Personally, we only offered beer and wine (nice selection) and champagne toast. We know our friends and family and that's what they drink the most.

    Average wedding in the uk is £25k. All that should really matter is the bride and groom!
  • hammomh
    hammomh Posts: 43 Member
    Worst part I find in weddings.. standing around waiting for the endless number of photographs to be taken. It's the worst for those who are not in the photographs, or only in very few as not part of the bridal party.

    Another dislike of the weddings is the seating plans! I hate being put with people I don't know as the bridal party think it is good to mix people to get to know new people, all that happens is people are polite during dinner and as soon as it is over and the evening part happens, everyone moves chairs to sit by who they want to. (maybe I'm just unsociable though :P )

    Other dislikes, I could probably go on forever...

    overly long speeches
    speeches that try too hard to be funny
    having to do the whole line of kisses/hand shakes/congrats to the whole bridal party on entry to venue
    bad food (I don't understand how it is sometimes really bad when usually the bride/groom will have sampled it first and made the selection)
    long waits between anything happening when there is no entertainment or anything going on to occupy the time
    too many children (this is obviously just a personal preference but I don't like too many children to be at a wedding unless bride/grooms children)
    choreographed dances (another personal thing, I just dislike them, the whole start slow then break into some weird rehearsed dance, I don't get it )

    So, there is my list, as you can tell, I am obviously a crank when it comes to weddings :)
  • lexif14
    lexif14 Posts: 23
    I'm in the middle of planning my wedding here in australia. its been a breeze we have been semi traditional. The ceremony is very late in the afternoon so it will be nice and shady in the park. We have organised to have people have a 2 hour wait from the ceremony to the reception however canapes and drink will be served when people arrive at the reception venue so they don't get bored waiting for us. Minimal speeches about 3 per side at the most and thats it nice and simple. Hopefully it all goes off without a hitch Good luck with your I just had my first wedding dress fitting I am sooo excited
  • fat_harrie
    fat_harrie Posts: 59 Member
    The only people that you should be worried about is you and your partner. Surely best part of a wedding is the end result, being married... The day itself is about 2 people making a promise to each other, not promising to feed everyone or provide enough alcohol to inebriate the entire southern hemisphere!

    Chill out about the small stuff and you might enjoy the day more
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    What I find awful is that couples, the brides especially, spend all this effort and money on the wedding, and don't give much thought to the marriage. The couples discuss details like the color of the dresses, but not how many children (or even whether) they want!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    1. Good music
    2. Fun people
    3. Lots of booze.

    Don't waste money on really good food/cake. Most are too drunk to appreciate it anyway.
  • Gracie1214
    Gracie1214 Posts: 120 Member
    Mine ! lovely day but in hind sight I could have chosen a different groom :wink:
  • CarolinaMoon76
    Cash bars are the norm here - I would NOT have a free flowing bar at an Irish wedding. That would be a disaster. The thought fills me with horror at what that would lead to....the mess, the fights, the bill......just no.

    We paid for sparkling wine at the drinks reception with tea and coffee and soft drinks and free flowing wine at the meal (and even at that there were a few casualties who had to down it and pass out).

    Here in Ireland the important things are good food and a good band and DJ to keep going until 3am and a residents bar till 6am if its at a hotel.

    Worst wedding ever was one that went on and on - the speeches finished at 11pm but were due to finish at 8. It was awful and everyone was just sitting there as they were done in Italian and English.....the venue closed at 12 and the evening food was wasted because people weren't able to get up and eat it. There was a DJ hired but of course he didn't get to play......
  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    worst wedding- the one where there's old drunk men yelling obscenities and falling over on people tables and the floor. come on people control your families!
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Well, the marriage is the most important thing, yes. But when you host a reception, you must be a good host. That is also important...at the reception, it is no longer about the bride and groom...it is about thanking your guests for attending your wedding, etc. So put on a good party, have a good time!

    We're definitely limiting the speeches at suppertime...My dad, his dad (if he wants), and then the matron of honor and best man..no more than 2 minutes...no one likes listening to that stuff anyways.

    We don't have a bunch of crazy drinkers so I don't anticipate it getting out of hand..it's going to be a good night dancing and having a great time. I'm looking forward to it!
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Married the wrong man, realised it at the reception.

    I think as long as you have that part covered, you should be ok.

    Sad :(
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Where I come from there never is a cash bar, people just put money in an envelope and give them to the groom when they leave. By money I mean a bit more than 100e/person, so basically at the end of the wedding you have a profit for the newly weds to start a life together with. I would prefer a cash bar instead of making a profitable wedding, but can't beat tradition.

    That's really awkward.
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    First wedding was very nice. Great groom, great food, great music, open bar. Did it right the second time though...Man I knew for 6 months, Vegas and a couple of friends. Here we are 12 years later and happier than ever. SEXY *kitten* man couldnt get rid of me if he tried! :love: :love:
  • BackToFree
    BackToFree Posts: 58 Member
    My wedding was the worst I've ever attended. I love my husband, and that is the most important thing, but the wedding sucked big ones.

    Hubby's side of the family showed up to our ceremony in jeans and sweaters (his sister showed up wearing a dirty, too small, white button up shirt, long skirt and dirty sneakers with messy hair and bad BO!), his older brother was so drunk at the ceremony that his fiancée had to hold him up. He bought his own drinks to the ceremony despite us requesting not to be drinking during for religious reasons.

    My mother and her ex husband chose the morning of the wedding to announce their divorce to their family, so everyone was still reeling from that.

    I found out that morning that I was pregnant. So pregnant in fact, that I couldn't get my dress done up properly. I had packed it away and not tried it on for 6 weeks, and I'd begun showing in that time (but didn't realise I was pregnant. Must have skipped my mind due to all the stress at the time!). We had to quickly convert my French button dress to a corset back dress with no help. Luckily it stayed together for the whole event.

    My husband's family arrived at the reception at the planned 6.30pm with their children in pyjamas and slippers, ate the food and left before we even had our first dance or cut the cake. They were gone by 7.30 at the latest, due to BIL's aforementioned drunkenness and rowdy behaviour.

    So, while I did my best, unfortunately horrible guests ruined the event. We've thought of a renewal, but it's not going to happen. I'm scarred enough from the first time!
  • smokeyg01
    smokeyg01 Posts: 1,064
    Worst wedding i ever attended.....that's easy. MY OWN!!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    seems crazy to start a marriage in debt so that everyone there can eat cake and get drunk...

    but i hate weddings. all weddings. they freak me the hell out.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    They had a taco man which was totally cool with me. I love tacos!!


    They didn't have any forks when they brought out the cake.

    I repeat


    I ate cake with my bare hands because I love cake that much.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Did not have an open bar!
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Ahh all this required ettiquette and rules and being judged if you do something 'wrong' is the exact reason I don't want a wedding - so much pressure over stupid stuff that really doesn't matter.

    When I do get married I am just gonna plan it in a few weeks - get a dress, invite a select few family and friends out for a meal at the local pub, when they arrive tell them "Surprise, we're getting married", get married, eat food, get a little drunk, go home :)