I hate lifting



  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Okay. It's good that you found something you like to do, but why start a thread with a negative comment about something you don't like? Simply promote swimming.

    Things I do:

    Lift weights
    Do bodyweight exercises,
    Run 5-10km (not so much right now because of a knee injury)
    Run interval sprints
    Jump Rope

    For me those work though I'm always thinking of other things to add to the cardio side to keep things fun. Again, I'm glad you found something you enjoy.
  • dcr5452WECHANGED
    dcr5452WECHANGED Posts: 121 Member
    I'm not really into lifting either but I do it anyway because it works the parts of my body that cardio doesnt. I like cardio much better because I enjoy a thorough sweat. I always say it beats a cup of coffee for waking up in the morning.

    I also swim but get bored with it pretty quickly. If you really hate it (lifting), try to find something else that will accomplish the same result. I might not enjoy torturing my core for 15 minutes but it feels great the next day. The muscle aches I get from cardio dont feel quite as good the next day. I know this might not be too helpful but I do know where you're coming from-except for the sweating part. I love a good sweat.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I'm the exact opposite - I love lifting, hate cardio. I'm currently training for a triathlon, don't know why I signed up for it because I hate every minute of running, swimming, and biking I'm doing (okay swimming not so much - it's kind of fun and I used to be on swim team). After I'm done training I'm probably going to do almost no cardio and mainly strength train, which is what I used to do and saw great results.

    If you don't like it, you don't have to do it. I do believe strength training is very important, but at least swimming uses a lot of your muscles. Maybe instead of lifting in the gym, look into some strength DVDs like the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution ('m doing it right now and I love it). It's more of circuit training and it goes by really fast.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I know a lot of people who swim, and they sweat, you just don't feel it because you're already wet.

    Your profile says you enjoy Pilates. Isn't that, technically, a form of bodyweight-resistance work? (I actually know nothing about Pilates so I'm asking a serious question) Pushups, planks, squats, and lunges are all technically "lifting"--you're just lifting your body weight instead of a barbell or dumbbell.

    I love lifting and I know it's good for me, so it's part of my workout routines. (I also run half marathons so clearly sweating is not a concern lol) If you really hate lifting, don't do it, but keep in mind that strength training of some sort will support bone health and can help to prevent issues like osteoporosis as you age. And it will help with things like flabby underarms and all those lovely things we women start to see as we age.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Yes, that's what fitness is all about ... being comfortable and doing only what we like.

    Look, I don't like sweating either. I like cranking the A/C down to about 60 and chilling out and watching movies all day. But that ain't gonna make the magic happen with this body (especially considering my refusal to stop eating steak, cheese, chocolate, and peanut butter). It's not going to allow me to admire my *kitten* in every mirror I walk past. So I do what I have to do. I lift heavy weights.

    I hate any and all forms of cardio, but I still do it (HIIT barbell & kettlebell complexes) because it's good for my heart to get it beating out of its comfort zone.

    I think it's time we all got over the idea that everything we do is supposed to be a fun time.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I do sweat in the pool, I feel the prickle when it starts. I just don't have to deal with it!

    I walk too, so thats good for the bones stuff

    I think it's important for everyone to find some form of exercise they enjoy. The probability for success increases exponentially. Good for you for finding what you enjoy.

    Oh... And, good luck with your "bones stuff". :noway:
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I do sweat in the pool, I feel the prickle when it starts. I just don't have to deal with it!

    I walk too, so thats good for the bones stuff

    I think it's important for everyone to find some form of exercise they enjoy. The probability for success increases exponentially. Good for you for finding what you enjoy.

    Oh... And, good luck with your "bones stuff". :noway:

    Yeaaaaaahhhh, about that....
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    I love to sweat, it feels like the "bad" is leaving my body. I like lifting, and I like how it's shaping my body.

    If you hate lifting, that's fine. Of course you should do what you love.

    I hate running, but I love Zumba, so that's how I replaced that cardio. Maybe there's a way you can add resistance training in your swim routines?
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Maybe I'm the weird one but I love DOMS. When I get sore, I spend all day poking at the sore muscle, just kind of enjoying the ache. I cant stand cardio; painful, wheezing, side stitches, lung pain .. but it works, so I do my 2-3 mile run 3x a week. But I'd rather lift 6 days a week.

    Maybe it sucks, but I think having a multi-pronged approach to exercise is going to do far more than just slim you down. Cardio, strength, and functional (agility, compound movements, that kind of thing) will give you the best over all health, athleticism AND looks
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I do sweat in the pool, I feel the prickle when it starts. I just don't have to deal with it!

    I walk too, so thats good for the bones stuff

    I think it's important for everyone to find some form of exercise they enjoy. The probability for success increases exponentially. Good for you for finding what you enjoy.

    Oh... And, good luck with your "bones stuff". :noway:

    Yeaaaaaahhhh, about that....

  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I love swimming, too. Mix it up! Maybe lift once a week?
  • kelbwjax
    kelbwjax Posts: 89 Member
    Not trying to be provocative but I guess there are others like me out there.

    I love to swim, I am training to swim 2 miles in open water in August. I love moving through water, goign further and faster and I adore the head space training gives me.

    I have tried with lifting, I have done free weights and machines, I have done bodyweight stuff. And you know what I hate it, I hate sweating, I hate forcing myself to do it and I hate the constant DOMS. SO I have stopped.

    It may be that I am doing my body a dis service, and I feel bad about it, but the best way to keep active is doing something you love and can carry on doing

    Not sure what results you are hoping for whether it is weight-loss, or general fitness. However, weightlifting is certainly worth every little bit of sweat produced by your body. If your not willing to sweat, your not going to get the results you want in the long run. Sweating is a sign that your body is working correctly, that it is cleansing itself of toxins, improving circulation, and yes even burning calories. Weight lifting will also strengthen your body and make you a better swimmer. Everyone hates something, and would rather not do it.... But your drive and willpower can overcome anything if it is what you really want (results). Sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone to get the results you long for. Throughout this site you can see success stories and the big difference in these is weightlifting. I, myself began running for a month, my endurance improved, but my body visibly did not, when I did get serious about weightlifting I started seeing results almost immediately. It takes 21 days to make a habit and 66 days to stick with for years or even a lifetime.
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Not trying to be provocative but I guess there are others like me out there.

    I love to swim, I am training to swim 2 miles in open water in August. I love moving through water, goign further and faster and I adore the head space training gives me.

    I have tried with lifting, I have done free weights and machines, I have done bodyweight stuff. And you know what I hate it, I hate sweating, I hate forcing myself to do it and I hate the constant DOMS. SO I have stopped.

    It may be that I am doing my body a dis service, and I feel bad about it, but the best way to keep active is doing something you love and can carry on doing

    Yep, I'm the total opposite. I dislike cardio intensely, but LOVE weightlifting. I never got a runner's high from running, but get that feeling from lifting. It's interesting and most of my friends cannot believe I don't love the feeling of a good run.

    People are different. Your last sentence may sum it up. I prefer the do most of what you love as your main workout. But, consider adding other things as supplements if it's also good for you. I will do the step mill stairmaster thing or treadmill or short jogs outside just a couple days a week even though I don't love it because I do want to maintain some cardio health.

    Is there a shorter lifting workout or some types of lifts that you do like? If you feel guilty or like you are missing something, maybe you could find a short, supplemental workout that you don't hate too much to add in?

    Good luck and keep up the swimming. No doubt that is very good for you. I am a horrible swimmer unless I have a snorkel in my mouth :)
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I LOVE lifting and LOVE to sweat!!! It means you're getting a workout!!! So, I guess you can either work it and sweat or not. Obviously the choice is yours, but lifting is what will make you strong for the long haul.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member

    Recently decided to try heavy lifting as well only cuz I want a well rounded workout. I personally think you need to DO WHAT YOU LOVE. If it's lifting, lift! Cardio... go for it!

    We're all different beings and don't have to all do what everyone else is doing, just do something. I personally have an idea of how I want my body to look, and I cannot get that without lifting. So now, with my cardio, I'm also hitting the weight room.

    To each it's own :happy:

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  • Tricep_A_Tops
    Tricep_A_Tops Posts: 319
    So do I!! Finding the fountain of youth really sucks!
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    I like lifting, but I hate all the macho-wannabe-*kitten* that tend to come with the territory. A shoulder injury is keeping me back from lifting so I've taken up swimming...and I love it. Definitely a lot more than lifting.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    "Stay in school and use your brain. Be a doctor, be a lawyer, carry a leather briefcase. Forget about sports as a profession. Sports make ya grunt and smell. See, be a thinker, not a stinker."
    Apollo Creed

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Meh. If you don't like to lift, don't lift. Lifting isn't required, resistance training is. While it doesn't offer the total resistance of lifting, swimming will probably give you the benefits that you need. And if you love it, do it. I'm not gonna tell you to do something you hate. I hate running, so I don't run. I've found other things give me the cardio benefits of running....except I actually enjoy them.

    To each their own and you damn sure don't owe me an apology or an explanation.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    i LOATHE it. It makes me nauseous every time. I takes me a good 20-30 min of rest after lifting but.... I still do it. Definitely not as often as I should but I know that I'll never achieve my goal without doing it. It's called sucking it up.