June 2010 - No more snacking after dinner



  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Great attitude, everyone! :love: Lorna, love your spirit :wink: and hope your kids will get well in no time.
    It turns out 8 p.m. is just as hard/easy as 9 p.m. for me so far :smile: - what I mean is that, apart from a few minutes (had to wait for the meal to get cooked), I did it! :drinker:

    Dew: 2 - Snacks 0
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    Edel 2 / Snacks 1

    Snacks got me last night, I had a hot chocolate while I was watching Glee,, no excuse really, I just wanted it! But the other 2 days were fine, so I can totally keep this up, snacks will not win!
  • Slipperystar
    Slipperystar Posts: 16 Member
    Just saw this post but have been very good the last few days so I am in!
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Me: 2 vs The Snacks: OO

    Welcome SlipperyStar - glad your off to a good start :drinker:

    Edelq -You are ahead of em :flowerforyou:

    Dew -Yeahhhhh :happy:

    Sorry Lulabelle about the kids. :frown: The snacks won't know what hit 'em :drinker:

    Juledes -Thanks for the evening post - was encouraged by your attitude. :flowerforyou:

    Nikkie - Hope it's going well for you. We are with you. :smile:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Wow, it's awesome how much support we have this month. You all are doing great!!!

    As for me:
    2 me/1 snacks.

    Cut-off for the weekend will be 9 p.m. (bedtime usually 11 pm)

    Have a great one!
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Me 3 vs Snacks OOO

    Stared at a McDonald's cookie almost all night. But was able to keep my rule and eat my good food first, have 1 cookie and make my cut off time of 4:00 am. Cool
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I also made it through one more night :smile: - Dew: 3 - Late snacks: 0.
    Rosemary, I love your O's :bigsmile:.
  • Can I join in too?

    Snacking after supper is the one diet obstacle I have not been able to get a handle on. I do weight watchers, exercise 60 minutes 4-5 times a week, eat a very healthy diet with losts of fruit, vegetables, lean protein, no sugar soft drinks.


    Isabotage my weight loss every day by snacking (light chips, vitamuffins, weight watchers bars, and worst of all, peanut butter and crackers!!) continually from the time I eat supper until I go to bed.

    My short range goal is to see if I can do this tonight by going to bed early, take my book with me so I can read myself to sleep.

    My long range goal is to stop the snacking until the 4th of July and see what happens.

    I'm glad I found this forum and good luck to all of you!
  • nikkieliivey
    nikkieliivey Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for your support! It has been rough for me the last couple of day but I have been through this before. And though its really stinks when food gets the better of you, I am proud of all of us for hanging in there! The one triumph of the week was that I didn't just give in. Usually, if I slip up I have them mentality of "oh well I might as well enjoy everything now that I have cheated. I will start again tomorrow". This time I caught myself. It is embarassing, but I literally had something half way into my mouth, and was just about to let go, when I thought "why am I doing this...everytime I start losing weight on a diet I self sabotage. I am not even hungry"..still my hand lingered there but I was able to get back control and toss the food in the garbage. It may seem small but that was a good thing for me...it signaled that this time is going to be the last time. No going back. no binging. no excuses. I'm sooo tired of constantly feeling like I need to lose weight, and constantly looking in the mirror and wishing this looked like this and that this bit was a tad thinner. I sooo sick of going to beach and wishing I had the body I always wanted. Yes, I have lost 50 pounds and kept it off, but it is time for those last 30 to go. They have been hanging around here for nearly 4 years and they have totally worn out their welcome! I am starting South Beach diet officially on Monday, though I am easing myself into it now. I know this is going to work, because I am finally at the place where I refuse for it not to work. Your support has really helped! I know that I can do this. I will kick 15-20 of those pesky pounds by August 21st because I have done it before and I am going to do it again!
  • nikkieliivey
    nikkieliivey Posts: 76 Member
    Can I join in too?

    Snacking after supper is the one diet obstacle I have not been able to get a handle on. I do weight watchers, exercise 60 minutes 4-5 times a week, eat a very healthy diet with losts of fruit, vegetables, lean protein, no sugar soft drinks.


    Isabotage my weight loss every day by snacking (light chips, vitamuffins, weight watchers bars, and worst of all, peanut butter and crackers!!) continually from the time I eat supper until I go to bed.

    My short range goal is to see if I can do this tonight by going to bed early, take my book with me so I can read myself to sleep.

    My long range goal is to stop the snacking until the 4th of July and see what happens.

    I'm glad I found this forum and good luck to all of you!

    You could not have said it better! I eat extremely healthfully, so much so that my friends tease me lovingly...but it is sooo hard for me to lose weight b/c I snack. You basically captured my weakness in a nutshell! I am a sucker for peanutbutter and crackers, and those stupid vitamuffins are sooo good, especially the chocoate ones! Still, I know we can do this! We can kick this habit! I am so happy you joined the group! Good luck! I know you can do it!
  • Julem22
    Julem22 Posts: 107 Member
    Hello to the new ladies!! We are all in the same boat. RIGHT NOW is the time I want to eat. I just drank some tea and I am going to brush my teeth. Today is the 4th day I have stuck to NO eating over my calorie goal. It is very hard but if I can do 4 days I can do 4 more right! Happy Friday.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Nikkie - I LOVED the snack in the trash story. You are getting stronger! :flowerforyou:

    Juledes -Way to go 4 in a row :flowerforyou:

    Elizholmes - Welcome, you will love it here. The accountability really works on you more than you might think. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Dew! :flowerforyou:

    Me 4 vs Bad Snacks OOOO
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Well, last night, due to scheduling, I wasn't even able to eat until 9 p.m., but I am going to consider it a success because even though it was "date night", I did not have any wine and no dessert and kept my dinner very simple with salad and shrimp and was done by 9:30. So huge_smiley_with_tongue_out.gif to snacks

    3 me/snacks 1

    I'm going to try for 9 again tonight.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    You rock, Lorna! :flowerforyou: - very appropriate smiley :laugh:.

    I had to eat (dinner) late, but it was really late. Just felt like I had no choice, somehow :smile: - plus, I did not go over my calories too much. So I'll admit defeat, but still don't fell down :smile::
    Dew: 3 - Late snacks: 1.

    I intend to read the other posts later. Glad we have a growing team :flowerforyou:.
  • nikkieliivey
    nikkieliivey Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for your support! I like the scoring you guys are doing...so I think I will start today!
    Nikki:1 Snacks:0

    I dont know if this would help anyone out there, but I found that if I eat my "dessert" (60 callorie sugar free jello) in my bedroom or not in the kitchen, I am lest tempted to go for more. I just just log onto to MFP and look at our group while I finish and then I am good to go! I remember why I want to stop snacking! I remember that it makes you feel good for a grand total of about ten seconds and then bad for goness knows how long!

    You all are amazing!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Well, last night, due to scheduling, I wasn't even able to eat until 9 p.m., but I am going to consider it a success because even though it was "date night", I did not have any wine and no dessert and kept my dinner very simple with salad and shrimp and was done by 9:30. So huge_smiley_with_tongue_out.gif to snacks

    3 me/snacks 1

    I'm going to try for 9 again tonight.

    Thanks for telling me about this group. I am going to give it a try. I knew I was not alone but wow!!! Like now I am not hungry because I was snacking last night. Keep up the good work:smile: !
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I am not sure how well this would work for me since most nights I do not get in until 8 to 9 pm. I will think about it over the weekend. But I can make a eddict that I do not eat anything else after I eat my dinner. Thanks again and have a great weekend!
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    I am not sure how well this would work for me since most nights I do not get in until 8 to 9 pm. I will think about it over the weekend. But I can make a eddict that I do not eat anything else after I eat my dinner. Thanks again and have a great weekend!

    Hi Mollie - I have to fit the "rules" around my lifestyle, since I work nightshift (all night) 3-4 nights during the week. I usually never have a cut off time by the clock since I don't go to bed. At work my cut off time is 4:00 am since I want to go to bed at 8-9:00 am when I get home. I try to stop eating 2 hrs before I go to sleep - no matter if the sleep is daytime or nighttime. Then my rule of "Not eating other food until my good food is gone" saves me from Snack Attacks at work.

    And the weight loss thing you have accomplished is TRULY amazing. :flowerforyou:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    WOW, some AWESOME posts :flowerforyou:.

    nikkieliivey, don't know if it occurred to you how motivating YOU are actually to the rest of us :wink:. I also think your food in the garbage story is HUGE. It's the attitude - right now, this moment is what I have. Maybe tomorrow I'll be at a party, maybe I'll crave sweets because of that time of the month, but at least I ate 300 calories less today. That sure means something! So keep up this spirit - after losing those 50 lbs you are already a winner. And you can get much further, like you say :flowerforyou:.

    Mollie, definitely make your own rules. As Zaza once said (hope she rejoins our group), for this to work you have to be reasonable. As lulabelle, feel free to adjust the cut-off for special occasions. Like Rosemary, feel free to make your own rules about what and when you eat. I am like Lulabelle: all or nothing, because even if I start healthy (an apple) I end up snacking on too much of whatever (usually carbs) - and too much of ANYTHING cannot be good for you. Although, since I am old at this challenge, I must say that I have not binged at night in a long long time. So maybe I did learn something from it :smile:. These days, even when I give the point to snacks it's usually because I know I can do better or I have to be honest about my cut-off and not because I have doubled my in-calories for the day in a few hours at night.

    Good luck everyone and stay strong! It's great to be in such a motivational team. We can do this, I know we can! :smile: :glasses: :flowerforyou:
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Nikkie - interesting thought; the idea that the indulgence makes you feel good for 10 seconds but bad for a long time. Hadn't thought of it like that. :glasses: :flowerforyou:

    Lulabell - Love the smiley - you tell 'em :flowerforyou:

    Dew - I don't think you should give the point to the snacks. It was dinner, a necessary part of your day. (words spoken by the Unscheduled Woman) - I'll give you a flower! :flowerforyou:

    Today was crazy food wise. Was desperate hungry when I got off work. Got some cheesy potatoes from the cafeteria before leaving work (an old fav), went grocery shopping on the way home and had chicken at home. Went over my cal for the day but I am good tonight against the Snacks. I was under my cal for a couple of days. Did that make me so hungry today? Anybody know?

    Me 5 vs Snacks 0
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