Biggest Loser Week 2



  • futuredispatchhottie911
    Continue with the water only eat out once a week this week try to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. Exercises continue doing 25 sit up and push ups and this week add 50 lunges.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Continue with the water only eat out once a week this week try to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. Exercises continue doing 25 sit up and push ups and this week add 50 lunges.

    Holy Guacamole!!!!!! What have I got myself into????? YAWHOOOO!!!!! This has got to take the weight off!!!! Which one of you is Jillian Michaels undercover?????
  • futuredispatchhottie911
    Lol I am sorry. I just know instead of adding things all at once if we build every week we will stay more accountable and right now we are at abs arms and legs. I do need some suggestions for the upcoming weeks. Does everyone have access to a pool?
    Continue with the water only eat out once a week this week try to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. Exercises continue doing 25 sit up and push ups and this week add 50 lunges.

    Holy Guacamole!!!!!! What have I got myself into????? YAWHOOOO!!!!! This has got to take the weight off!!!! Which one of you is Jillian Michaels undercover?????
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I had my monthly weigh in this morning - only down 1.8 lbs! not too pleased... I did have a horrible eating/drinking weekend. So I will be weighing in again tomorrow and Wednesday to see if there is a change.

    The good thing is it's going in the right direction I know you would have totally expected more but once you weigh in a day or two im sure things will look different hang in there your back on track now and that's what counts!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I don't know where everyone is........I'm just going to post my weigh in here.

    05/24/10 168.4
    05/31/10 165.6
    06/07/10 164.0

    I'm down 1.6 lbs and I had a birthday this week!!!!! So I'm very excited about this!!!! Hope everyone has a good week!!!! Are we doing lunges????

    Way to go Debbie that is awesome!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I lost 5 pounds: -)

    You totally rock that is so awesome!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    So I go to WW tonight and I am not going to look at the weight I am just going to tell her not to say anything either way!!! :happy:

    I really want to know my weight though do you think I should look somebody help:sad: What should I do?
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Lol I am sorry. I just know instead of adding things all at once if we build every week we will stay more accountable and right now we are at abs arms and legs. I do need some suggestions for the upcoming weeks. Does everyone have access to a pool?
    Continue with the water only eat out once a week this week try to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. Exercises continue doing 25 sit up and push ups and this week add 50 lunges.

    Holy Guacamole!!!!!! What have I got myself into????? YAWHOOOO!!!!! This has got to take the weight off!!!! Which one of you is Jillian Michaels undercover?????
    I have access to one but it ain't happening at this point. My schedule doesn't allow for the extra time of that.. SORRY!!!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    cnbethea - its totally up to you hun! I'm sure with your practice running and your 5K that you have lost weight. You could look.. than on the June 15th look one more time. Than try and wait a month for your bday to look again.

    I am glad that I am back on track today! did my 50 lunges and boy do I feel the burn!

    Ive only had one serving of fruit so far.... I better run to the store and pick up some cucumber to go with dinner.. I still have a feeling I wont make it to 5... maybe 4!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I do not have access to a pool
  • ashnichole10
    Hey everyone, I lost 1.2 from last week. I'm going to try really hard to do all of the challenges, the hardest for sure will be the fruits/veggies! lol And I don't have access to a pool.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    So I go to WW tonight and I am not going to look at the weight I am just going to tell her not to say anything either way!!! :happy:

    I really want to know my weight though do you think I should look somebody help:sad: What should I do?

    I have to know my weight constantly.....some say that is a bad thing but I find that it either keeps me motivated or it ticks me off, so I do something about it!! :ohwell:

    I loved WW when I was in. Became a life member and then oopppppsssss!!!!!! So do you count your points or do you do the calories on the food log here on mfp?
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    a9116143t - Should I make a new post for week 3??
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Dows it matter what type of lunges? I can't do forward or reverse lunges, but I can do side lunges. Also, I do not have access to a pool.
    Continue with the water only eat out once a week this week try to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. Exercises continue doing 25 sit up and push ups and this week add 50 lunges.
  • futuredispatchhottie911
    No it doesn't matter I understand some people have bad knees do it however you can it's fine.
    Dows it matter what type of lunges? I can't do forward or reverse lunges, but I can do side lunges. Also, I do not have access to a pool.
    Continue with the water only eat out once a week this week try to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. Exercises continue doing 25 sit up and push ups and this week add 50 lunges.
  • futuredispatchhottie911
    It's up
    a9116143t - Should I make a new post for week 3??