Raw Food Challenge!! Trying to eat a cleaner unprocessed di



  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Okay so for an update I have been doing pretty good since my fridge is full of fresh produce. I'm still having a hard time avoiding coffee in the morning though. I should probably try going to bed earlier. haha

    My sprouting didn't work, the lentils ended up smelling bad. I'll try again some other day.

    The thing I like about this life style change is that I get to pig out and not feel bad about it. Instead of watching a movie with candy I sit down with a bowl full of fruits.
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Wonderful to hear Ummbinat!! Your list looks amazingly yummy! As far as some specific answers to your items....(please also remember this is a difficult transformation and while everything might not be absolutely raw and perfect you are still making huge changes and that is the important thing. Over time things will streamline & become simple & easy.)

    -Blanched isn't really considered raw, as far as nuts go they will say raw if they are but this item probably isn't really taking up a huge amount of your daily food as you probably just use it as garnish or what not - I wouldn't worry too much at this point. Although slicing up your own almonds is fairly easy :)
    -Did you know they blanch veggies prior to freezing? Most raw foodist will eat frozen fruits (these are not blanched) but will not consume frozen veggies - unless you freeze them yourself :)
    -Really any oil is fine as long as it says cold pressed, unrefined, unfiltered. I haven't tried making almond butter yet but will soon as DH is consuming more - so let me know how it goes if you do!!
    -As far as Apples go - yes they are laden with pesticides - the shiner the fruit the more preservatives are locking in those pesticides. If we don't get organic I usually just peel them.
    -Pears - whatever you enjoy, I don't really like them so I have no idea even what kinds are out there :)
    -Raw Sugar: I know this was up for debate many times in a couple different forums I frequent as to what temperature this is processed (the term Raw used in this sense just means not bleached/refined but they still need to dry the sugar out & use heat). If you choose to use this just don't stress about it. Some alternative options could be: pure raw cane juice, agave nectar (which really isn't raw either), honey (but then not vegan - if that's something you are shooting for), and I just use dates/date paste (just blend some dates up with water).
    -Toothpaste - I use JASON Healthy Mouth with Tea Tree - I looove it! It doens't list alcohol unless its hiding under a different name & no flouride. I started oil pulling again after your post in the veggie swap. I had been doing that for quite sometime and then started to forget. So thanks for the reminder!! Toothpaste is really the only body product I still use other than the occasional makeup & black soap to wash it off. Love this site for all that stuff: http://www.coastalscents.com/cfwebstore/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_id=146

    So wonderful to hear how well you are doing MammaKisses - yes coffee is a hard one to kick, how bout making a goal to drink 2-3 glasses of water before your coffee maybe that will help slowly eliminate the morning coffee routine. I never tried sprouting lentils although I have had success with alphalpha, mung bean, and adzuki beans. If they smelled bad either the soak was too long, they were too wet, or not enough rinses. I feel ya on the pigging out - the other day the hubby & I sat down to watch a movie and he had popcorn while I had a bowl of mangos (like 6-7!!) . He ate his popcorn, got a headache, and was still hungry while I pigged out on mangoes and ended up being happy, full & sticky :)
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319


  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member



    Congrats on the juicer - they are amazing little tools!!! When juicing try to keep savory and sweet pulp seperate so you can reuse. For the pulp you can make:
    Crackers - carrot, celery, cucumber, pepper pulp blended with some soaked ground flax & herbs - dehydrate or you don't have to dehydrate & use for wrap fillers or patties - you could definitely use savory veggie pulp for that recipe I posted for gardenburgers!!
    Cakes - fruit pulp mixed with almond pulp/flour and dates -or- look up raw carrot cake
    Crusts - fruit pulp with almonds formed into a pie crust
    Dessert treats - Take apple pulp and blend with dates, nuts & cinnamon!
    Salad!! - Carrot pulp, chopped apple, raisins & a bit of liquid sweetner of your choice!!
    Fruit leather - blend banana & juice or water with fruit pulp and dehydrate for "fruit rollups"
    Granola bars - take your fruit blend (such as cranberry/apple or apple/pear) and add raisins, sunflower seeds, sliced almonds, cinnamon, and liquid sweetner fo your choice - process up and form into bar shapes - either dehydrate or refrigerate!!
    I have even dehydrated veggie pulp and used that as seasoning like herbamare.
    Almonds - after making nutmilk just use the pulp as flour for anything & everything.
    !!You can also make facial & body scrubs!!!! http://www.wittyliving.com/recipes/facial-mask-recipes.html

    And you can always feed it to the dog or compost it!!

    Quinoa can be sprouted over night and eaten on salads, wraps, cereal whatever really. Just soak it in three times as much water and let it sit over night. In the morning rinse it and you should have little tails. If not just let it sit again for a couple hours and then rinse again. Keep doing this until you get the sprouts - then the enzymes are awake and it becomes a living food. You must rinse very well prior to use....if there is a smell to it then keep rinsing until it goes away! The sprouts are nutty & soft but if you let them get really long the flavor changes.
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    Wonderful to hear Ummbinat!! Your list looks amazingly yummy! As far as some specific answers to your items....(please also remember this is a difficult transformation and while everything might not be absolutely raw and perfect you are still making huge changes and that is the important thing. Over time things will streamline & become simple & easy.)

    -Blanched isn't really considered raw, as far as nuts go they will say raw if they are but this item probably isn't really taking up a huge amount of your daily food as you probably just use it as garnish or what not - I wouldn't worry too much at this point. Although slicing up your own almonds is fairly easy :)
    -Did you know they blanch veggies prior to freezing? Most raw foodist will eat frozen fruits (these are not blanched) but will not consume frozen veggies - unless you freeze them yourself :)
    -Really any oil is fine as long as it says cold pressed, unrefined, unfiltered. I haven't tried making almond butter yet but will soon as DH is consuming more - so let me know how it goes if you do!!
    -As far as Apples go - yes they are laden with pesticides - the shiner the fruit the more preservatives are locking in those pesticides. If we don't get organic I usually just peel them.
    -Pears - whatever you enjoy, I don't really like them so I have no idea even what kinds are out there :)
    -Raw Sugar: I know this was up for debate many times in a couple different forums I frequent as to what temperature this is processed (the term Raw used in this sense just means not bleached/refined but they still need to dry the sugar out & use heat). If you choose to use this just don't stress about it. Some alternative options could be: pure raw cane juice, agave nectar (which really isn't raw either), honey (but then not vegan - if that's something you are shooting for), and I just use dates/date paste (just blend some dates up with water).
    -Toothpaste - I use JASON Healthy Mouth with Tea Tree - I looove it! It doens't list alcohol unless its hiding under a different name & no flouride. I started oil pulling again after your post in the veggie swap. I had been doing that for quite sometime and then started to forget. So thanks for the reminder!! Toothpaste is really the only body product I still use other than the occasional makeup & black soap to wash it off. Love this site for all that stuff: http://www.coastalscents.com/cfwebstore/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_id=146

    Oh yeah obviously blanched isn't raw. I have blanched and sliced almonds before lol. I use them in cooked foods for DH all the time anyway. I bought whole unblanched almonds as well. I like making http://www.recipezaar.com/recipe/Almond-Milk-Almond-Drink-Base-174601 or http://www.recipezaar.com/recipe/vegan-almond-milk-425598 and will be looking for a raw almond butter recipe soon.

    I never buy frozen vegetables since I know they are not healthy. I can always get fresh anyway.

    I peel apples also when I don't buy them organic. Oh my does organic fruits and vegetables taste better!!! They are just so expensive.

    Well I was never a fan of pears before I encountered a muesli recipe.

    I don't like to use sugar so I didn't buy any. I do use date syrup too and raw honey although I am thinking the vegan route.

    Thanks so much for the Jason toothpaste review I will get it when I stop by the health food store soon. I like Jason deodorant, it's what I use.

    When you feel ready please review the oil pulling it is really such an interesting practice. Can you tell me which type of oil you personally use?

    Also umm do you have "good" makeup recommendations? I use Dior :s I tried some health food store brands but they are :/ on. I guess I just have to eat fruit to look vibrant like you :)

    Going to sprout some quinoa and get to bed. We must get sleep at the proper times to be healthy < talking to myself.

  • moreveggiesplease
    I'm here! Thanks for invite! I already juice and make smoothies, etc.... but need to sprout more. So that is my goal this week!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    suggestions on a dehydrator? I want to get one as soon as I can I have a thing of pulp sitting in my fridge.
  • robinsonmsn
    robinsonmsn Posts: 16 Member
    Good online resource for raw / vegan eating: www.lovingraw.com , www.renegadehealthshow and www.therawfoodcoach.com..
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    anyone know how to make hummus, is this raw?
  • MrsE2010
    MrsE2010 Posts: 63
    I would love to try this raw foods diet. Please give me some advise on how to keep myself on this diet and still cook for my family of four. I might have to start off slow..like maybe one meal per day for two weeks. Surely even this will give me more energy. I'm not too sure about going 100% yet.
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    anyone know how to make hummus, is this raw?

    Hummus isn't raw as the chickpeas in it are cooked... I don't think there is a raw type but I am new to the raw diet.
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    I would love to try this raw foods diet. Please give me some advise on how to keep myself on this diet and still cook for my family of four. I might have to start off slow..like maybe one meal per day for two weeks. Surely even this will give me more energy. I'm not too sure about going 100% yet.

    I think you could always do breakfast and lunch pretty easily on your own all raw. Lots of fruits, salads....
  • moreveggiesplease
    Yes, you can make hummus dip raw. There are lots of recipes out there. If you google, "raw vegan hummus recipe", you can find some that way too. Here is one I found. You may have to try a few before you find you favorite recipe. :)

  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
  • gnme4243
    gnme4243 Posts: 120
    I'm in too, family (Husband, 11 yr. old son) has been doing 100% raw for 32 days now. I wanted to say THANK YOU for posting the recipe links, especially http://www.the811recipespot.blogspot.com/ and http://bananaislandrecipes.blogspot.com/!!

    I really want to be able to prepare something new once in awhile, just for a change, however as you mentioned too, alot of the gourmet recipes are LOADED with nuts. I am all for incorporating healthy fats, but cannot stand to eat those nut based things. Talk about overload.

    Right now I am trying to really get familiar with the proper food combinations, and this week we are all trying for simple simple simple.

    Made some homemade "crackers" this week from veggies and a little ground flax- they turned out good, low cal/low fat, and pretty! Kind of a maroon red! :smile:

    Anyway, thanks so much for all the time and energy you are putting into this and all the great info you are sharing, it's so helpful, and very much appreciated!!!
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    WOW you have been busy!! Great to have you CWheat & GNME!

    CWheat, take a look through some of the recipe sites & tips given previously. I do think the hardest situation to be in is a wife or mother who cooks for others that are not on this diet. What is wrong though with increasing everyone's raw food intake? If its good for you its good for them. I know change is hard and not everyone is easily swayed but I would give anything for my parents to have pushed more raw foods on me at a younger age. Anyway, fruit for breakfast is the easiest start! Start your day with a big bowl of bananas and pineapple or whatever really - just eat until your satisfied! Then for lunch either do it again or have a fruit smoothie followed by a salad. If your still doing the cooked thing then have that for dinner with the family. Then slowly just have a salad, soup, wrap for dinner instead.

    Gnme, wow that is a huge accomplishment!! Glad you enjoyed those link - definitely two of the most amazing finds I've had over the past couple months. I found those through 30bananasaday.com - they have a couple other recipes in the forum there. Can you share any changes your family has experienced in your time raw? Was your son in school since going raw & how did that work? Just curious as any tips might help others as well :)

    RMcCully, as far as dehydrators go Excaliburs are the best and oh how I dream of owning one some day!! However I find that the cheap ole $40 Nesco works just fine. The Excalibur comes with teflex sheets which are so convenient and have plenty of room for loafs & to shape tortillas and such. The Nesco is circular with a retarded hole in the center so I just get giant doughnut shaped things (the newer models might not have this??). I don’t mind it much as I’m not a raw food chef & don’t need to take amazing pics of my creations. I would stick with either Excalibur, L Equip or Nesco brand however just because they are the best rated. (Blenders….dreaming of a Vitamix as well :) )

    RAW HUMMUS!! My favorite!! That recipe looks very yummy Leah!! I have seen folks use soaked & sprouted chickpeas for hummus & just throw in some tahini, lemon, garlic, red bell pepper, evoo, whatever. However larger beans tend to be harder to digest for some folks so the broccoli/zucchini hummus would probably be better. I have also seen recipes just using zucchini like this one:
    2 cups peeled zucchini, chopped
    4 Tbs. olive oil
    1 and 1/2 lemon, juice of
    3/4 cup ground sesame seeds or tahini
    3/4 tsp. sea salt
    2 garlic cloves
    1 tsp. paprika
    1 t ground cumin
    Cayenne to taste
    Process til smooooth!

    UmmBinat, what a great recipe to use sprouted quinoa in! Must be hard doing the ZWT while raw - yikes!! I will review the oil pulling today - I had just done so many reviews I didn’t want people to get sick of seeing my post constantly in the veggie swap so I wanted to wait a couple days :) I use unrefined sesame - I’ve never been able to find sunflower anywhere I look; however, I don’t get headaches with it and I don’t mind the taste so I’m cool with it.

    As far as makeup…I really only wear makeup maybe once every other week so I don’t go through a lot. I got a round of Bare minerals/escentuals a long time ago and I’m still using that although I will not be buying from them again. The only problems I have with Bare Minerals is that they use animal hair for brushes and the mineral veil has parabens in it. I’m not the type of person to throw things out and buy new so I’m just using what I have and then moving on after that. I have looked into a couple different companies but there are just so many! Its difficult with makeup & body products because they can say natural/organic but they don’t have to be because there aren’t rules set up like for food. I have heard that to be on the sephora.com website companies aren’t allowed to test on animals so maybe checking out the natural/organic section (http://www.sephora.com/browse/section.jhtml?categoryId=C17824) and filter out the ones with ingredients you don’t like. The website I posted for the soap that I use (coastalscents.com) also sells very pure mineral makeup and I might give them a go although I am waiting to hear back if their suppliers test on animals & some of their products do contain iffy ingredients…..read & reread labels!! The Body Shop is a great company as they don’t test on animals & they support fair trade - they have a mineral line as well as an organic skin care line. However!! I am really enjoying this site as they have a bit of everything in one place: http://holisticbeauty.net/ - they have sunblock & tanning oils!!
  • moreveggiesplease
    I am in the same boat as Mindy. I want to use up what I already have before purchasing new...don't want to waste money.

    I cannot attest to how well it works because I have not yet purchased it, but I plan to try "100% Pure" next. Sounds fun and interesting!

  • MrsE2010
    MrsE2010 Posts: 63
    Thanks. I am going to give it my best effort!:happy:
    WOW you have been busy!! Great to have you CWheat & GNME!

    CWheat, take a look through some of the recipe sites & tips given previously. I do think the hardest situation to be in is a wife or mother who cooks for others that are not on this diet. What is wrong though with increasing everyone's raw food intake? If its good for you its good for them. I know change is hard and not everyone is easily swayed but I would give anything for my parents to have pushed more raw foods on me at a younger age. Anyway, fruit for breakfast is the easiest start! Start your day with a big bowl of bananas and pineapple or whatever really - just eat until your satisfied! Then for lunch either do it again or have a fruit smoothie followed by a salad. If your still doing the cooked thing then have that for dinner with the family. Then slowly just have a salad, soup, wrap for dinner instead.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Yesterday and today I haven't been as good on my raw diet. Yesterday I had a light angel hair pasta with some roasted veggies about 1 cup, and I got cramps. It's hard to say goodbye to the food I love cause I love cooking. Plus I have been very hungry lately I just can't feel full. Is this normal in the transition process?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    CWheat I was thinking that maybe I didn't give you enough info....I don't really have much experience with children and raw food however I know that when kids come to my house they are delighted to get bananas & apples. Kids know whats up. Anyway here is a link to the forums on Raw Food Talk - its the Raising Raw kids forum (I know you were looking more for being raw while cooking for family) however this might help a bit and if you wanted to start transitioning them. http://rawfoodtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=16

    MammaKisses, I know how ya feel about the love for cooking! Cooking for my husband pretty much keeps me satisfied though. You defintiley could have "uncooked" some zuchinni pasta and did a sauce with veggies for it. In the transition period its totally ok to make some of the more complex meals and still feel like your "cooking". If you are feeling hungry then maybe your not eating enough early in the day. Also, are you drinking enough water? I would need a typical days food to see if there is a problem there. Also are you just grazing all day long? This was my problem before - I would just eat a little bit here & there and never get the "full" sensation & then think I was starving. It also could just be the addiction to cooked food playing games with you. Did you know that true hunger is felt in the throat like thirst? We just associate our stomachs with food but when we feel those "hunger pains" its just our stomach shrinking back to the normal size after food has exited. Since your eating easier to digest food this happens faster. Typically if your still hungry then your not eating enough, if your food and water intake is good to go then I would give it some time for your body to full adjust.

    I mentioned this in another thread but I don't think I brought it up here. For those of you having problems getting fresh produce or want fresher with less chemicals & such ....check out CSA's if you haven't yet in your area. Plug your zip into the website to see the farmer's in your area. Make sure to get all the info you need regarding pesticides, fertilizers and such prior to joining one.