Raw Food Challenge!! Trying to eat a cleaner unprocessed di



  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    I am in the same boat as Mindy. I want to use up what I already have before purchasing new...don't want to waste money.

    I cannot attest to how well it works because I have not yet purchased it, but I plan to try "100% Pure" next. Sounds fun and interesting!


    My goodness!! That is amazing! Thank you so much for that link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can even eat it!! That's what I'm talking about!
  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    I'm just curious how you get in your protein??? I eat a mostly raw diet, but I use beans and a protein shake everyday.
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    WOW you have been busy!! Great to have you CWheat & GNME!

    CWheat, take a look through some of the recipe sites & tips given previously. I do think the hardest situation to be in is a wife or mother who cooks for others that are not on this diet. What is wrong though with increasing everyone's raw food intake? If its good for you its good for them. I know change is hard and not everyone is easily swayed but I would give anything for my parents to have pushed more raw foods on me at a younger age. Anyway, fruit for breakfast is the easiest start! Start your day with a big bowl of bananas and pineapple or whatever really - just eat until your satisfied! Then for lunch either do it again or have a fruit smoothie followed by a salad. If your still doing the cooked thing then have that for dinner with the family. Then slowly just have a salad, soup, wrap for dinner instead.

    Gnme, wow that is a huge accomplishment!! Glad you enjoyed those link - definitely two of the most amazing finds I've had over the past couple months. I found those through 30bananasaday.com - they have a couple other recipes in the forum there. Can you share any changes your family has experienced in your time raw? Was your son in school since going raw & how did that work? Just curious as any tips might help others as well :)

    RMcCully, as far as dehydrators go Excaliburs are the best and oh how I dream of owning one some day!! However I find that the cheap ole $40 Nesco works just fine. The Excalibur comes with teflex sheets which are so convenient and have plenty of room for loafs & to shape tortillas and such. The Nesco is circular with a retarded hole in the center so I just get giant doughnut shaped things (the newer models might not have this??). I don’t mind it much as I’m not a raw food chef & don’t need to take amazing pics of my creations. I would stick with either Excalibur, L Equip or Nesco brand however just because they are the best rated. (Blenders….dreaming of a Vitamix as well :) )

    RAW HUMMUS!! My favorite!! That recipe looks very yummy Leah!! I have seen folks use soaked & sprouted chickpeas for hummus & just throw in some tahini, lemon, garlic, red bell pepper, evoo, whatever. However larger beans tend to be harder to digest for some folks so the broccoli/zucchini hummus would probably be better. I have also seen recipes just using zucchini like this one:
    2 cups peeled zucchini, chopped
    4 Tbs. olive oil
    1 and 1/2 lemon, juice of
    3/4 cup ground sesame seeds or tahini
    3/4 tsp. sea salt
    2 garlic cloves
    1 tsp. paprika
    1 t ground cumin
    Cayenne to taste
    Process til smooooth!

    UmmBinat, what a great recipe to use sprouted quinoa in! Must be hard doing the ZWT while raw - yikes!! I will review the oil pulling today - I had just done so many reviews I didn’t want people to get sick of seeing my post constantly in the veggie swap so I wanted to wait a couple days :) I use unrefined sesame - I’ve never been able to find sunflower anywhere I look; however, I don’t get headaches with it and I don’t mind the taste so I’m cool with it.

    As far as makeup…I really only wear makeup maybe once every other week so I don’t go through a lot. I got a round of Bare minerals/escentuals a long time ago and I’m still using that although I will not be buying from them again. The only problems I have with Bare Minerals is that they use animal hair for brushes and the mineral veil has parabens in it. I’m not the type of person to throw things out and buy new so I’m just using what I have and then moving on after that. I have looked into a couple different companies but there are just so many! Its difficult with makeup & body products because they can say natural/organic but they don’t have to be because there aren’t rules set up like for food. I have heard that to be on the sephora.com website companies aren’t allowed to test on animals so maybe checking out the natural/organic section (http://www.sephora.com/browse/section.jhtml?categoryId=C17824) and filter out the ones with ingredients you don’t like. The website I posted for the soap that I use (coastalscents.com) also sells very pure mineral makeup and I might give them a go although I am waiting to hear back if their suppliers test on animals & some of their products do contain iffy ingredients…..read & reread labels!! The Body Shop is a great company as they don’t test on animals & they support fair trade - they have a mineral line as well as an organic skin care line. However!! I am really enjoying this site as they have a bit of everything in one place: http://holisticbeauty.net/ - they have sunblock & tanning oils!!

    It is very hard doing ZWT I wish I didn't sign up for it actually. I am really upping my raw food intake at this point and learning about this wonderful way of living. It is hard because I am still cooking for DH and DD (toddler) as well. I think over time my DH may get into this somewhat after he sees how good it is for us and how healthy and how much energy it brings!! In fact I couldn't believe how good I felt and how much energy I had after drinking, http://www.recipezaar.com/recipe/Super-Raw-Smoothie-261302 I wanted to clean!!!! Before that I had eaten raw in the morning.

    DH, DD (toddler) and I are already on a restricted diet for health reasons from sensitivities/allergies and amazingly or in fact with this knowledge, not surprisingly at all, this raw diet eliminates most of what we are avoiding anyway!

    Now what I want to do is really learn how to combine foods properly after feeling the effects of not properly combined foods. After ZWT is over I will eat raw more often. So far today I am doing well but if DH wants to eat dinner with us tonight (he will come back from work to eat possibly) I will eat cooked with him and DD :(

    Thank you for the review on http://www.recipezaar.com/recipe/oil-pulling-422807 it is a nice practice.

    Holly molly we are not going to be sick of you. I look for your posts!!!

    Thanks for the info on makeup I am still looking for the perfect one. But I really feel eating raw makes my skin look more vibrant.

    Now I have some additional sprouted quinoa I am going to find something to do with. The tails became longer since it has been in the refrigerator 3 days I did drain and rise it a second time and left out water but I didn't dry it properly so it continues to grow!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    my dinner was so yummy....

    sprouted quinao with raw sunflower seeds and sesame seeds, organic garlic scapes from the farmers market from last night. I also added fresh chive, cilantro and fennel from my garden. added some cayenne pepper and a little oil. It was soooooo yummy.

    did i do good?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    RMcCully, that sounds amazing!! Wish I was having dinner with you! My husband left yesterday for a month and I was stuck eating all the leftover produce that he left behind. Definitely some stuff that I normally wouldn't eat but still raw. I should get a dog for occasions such as this!

    Ummbinat, every bit helps and its all part of your amazing journey! That smoothie sounds really yummy as well!! Yes & thank you for reviewing my Lemon Cream dressing - I didn't realize that was already so similar to a dip but makes sense since tahini & dates are so widely used there & its so delicious!! I guess I'll share it here...my favorite new dressing!!
    Lemond Cream Dressing
    1 large date (soaked or if not just chop up a bit)
    1 tbsp tahini
    1/2 lemon (I just slice the whole fruit minus the peel instead of juicing & what not - too much work!)
    2 tbsp water (plus or minus to get desired consistency)
    Blend this all up til creamy. I have been pouring this over baby greens, celery, cucumber, basil, and a small bit of shredded red cabbage....YUMMY!!!

    Yentess, I previously talked a bit about protein:
    Protein. First of all if you are getting your amino acids (the body makes protein out of amino acids) from unprocessed uncooked sources then you are going to be able to use all of it. So you don't need as much as other people because the RDA is based on the average person and the majority don't get it from usuable sources. Raw nuts and sprouts are excellent sources. You can sprout quinoa, mung beans, alfalfa seeds, buckwheat, even rice. If they are raw they will sprout. Sprouting lets the seed awaken a magnitude of enzymes. The following are "complete proteins" (contain 8 amino acids): banana, tomatoes, dates, almonds, young coconuts, sunflower seeds, NUTS, quinoa, alfala sprouts, bean sprouts, carrots, broccoli, corn, cabbage.

    There have been studies on many different civilizations who eat primarily vegetarian diets with some fish every once in awhile and continue to do hard labor day in and day out (japanese farming districts/tribes in the Pacific). These people consume about 15-35 grams of protein a day and flourish. Our RDA is like twice that....strange if they have eaten this way for generations and have no problems. Contrary to what people may say excess protein is harmful, the body can only process so much at once and then it becomes toxic because it raises the levels of nitrogen in the blood (causing chronic fatigue - how many people do you know that eat a lot of meat but are always tired?). Protein poisioning is much more common than protein deficiency.

    Personally I have been consuming between 20-30 grams of protein a day. I know I am getting stronger. I wasn't able to do one pull up when I started eating this way and now I can do 2. Only 2 but hey its a huge improvement for me and in a short amount of time.

    I also wanted to add that I've been a bit put off lately. Over the past three weeks the scale has been going up, roughly about 4lbs. I kept freaking out that I've been gaining but I took my measurements yesterday and I have lost inches!! An inch off my thighs & an inch off my hips. So gaining weight but losing inches....unless I have rocks in my stomach I'm pretty sure I'm gaining muscle but yet my protein doesn't go above 30grams - many people would say that is impossible. If you would like specific articles talking about protein and raw foods by doctors let me know & I'll hook you up :)
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    anyone know how to go about finding a doctor who thinks more with nature and herbs instead of just putting you on meds?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Sure just look for holistic or natural hygiene doctors.
    Here is the American Holistic Medical Associations page where you can just put in your zip and what field your looking for (general practice for a regular doctor)

    Also here is the American Academy for Environmental Medicine, you can search their members as well:
    http://www.aaemonline.org/ (not sure if the other did but this one has other countries as well!!)

    TIP on SOAKING/Sprouting!! I wanted to mention this before when you all were doing so much soaking/sprouting/rinsing and I forgot. Don't put the soak/rinse water down the drain - plants loooove this water!! Or even throw it out on your grass if you don't have plants - they will thank you!!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    thank you for the info. I really enjoy it!! keep it up.
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    Sure just look for holistic or natural hygiene doctors.
    Here is the American Holistic Medical Associations page where you can just put in your zip and what field your looking for (general practice for a regular doctor)

    Also here is the American Academy for Environmental Medicine, you can search their members as well:
    http://www.aaemonline.org/ (not sure if the other did but this one has other countries as well!!)

    TIP on SOAKING/Sprouting!! I wanted to mention this before when you all were doing so much soaking/sprouting/rinsing and I forgot. Don't put the soak/rinse water down the drain - plants loooove this water!! Or even throw it out on your grass if you don't have plants - they will thank you!!

    Well that stinks there is nothing in my area. nearest one is an hour away.
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    If you have a particular question you can always talk to Dr. Graham (http://vegsource.com/talk/raw/index.html)

    However going to a regular doctor is still ok. At least for checkups and what not. You don't have to take anything they give you and you always have a choice to go ahead with a procedure or not. I wouldn't waste my time and money going to a Holistic or Natural Hygiene doctor only because the belief is that the body is intelligent and self healing if allowed to. If you are sick then a NH dr would recommend fasting until you feel better - this allows the body a chance to use all energy to heal. Otherwise eat a clean plant based diet & you won't be sick :D

    My husband is in the military and goes away constantly. Everytime he comes back I will get various illnesses (colds, flus, strep throat)(whatever junk he brings back from the boat that he has become immune to)...well this last time around I was in perfect health after his return. HE even got sick & I always get sick before he does. The only time I had any drop in energy was when I ate cooked food.

    I have begun to fast at the change of the seasons for about a week to allow my body a chance to heal any unknown problems. This also resets the tastebuds, cures food addictions, detoxifies, and ensures your system is working as efficeintly as possible. Its also great to center yourself and become closer with source energy. I really love it :)

    Through diet, exercise, and fasting when needed there shouldn't be a reason to see a doctor other than routine checkups. I have seen more personal health related problems/symptoms cleared in the past 4 months then my entire life combined plus I feel better than I can ever remember.

    Have you checked all http://www.rawfoodexplained.com/science.html
    Two great sites for Natural Hygiene info:

    The great thing about NH is that all of the information is here for anyone to learn. There are no secrets. It all makes sense and is easy to understand because it is natural and pure.
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Otherwise eat a clean plant based diet & you won't be sick :D

    I wanted to elaborate more on this because sometimes I simplify things a bit too much as we've seen before :) Diet is just one of the many areas of life we need to learn to balance to ensure health & happiness. Here is the actual breakdown of the essentials of life per Natural Hygiene:

    The nineteen factor elements for optimal well-being are listed as follows:

    Pure air
    Pure water
    Cleanliness—both internal and external
    Temperature maintenance
    Pure wholesome food to which we are biologically adapted
    Exercise and activity
    Sunshine upon our bodies
    Rest and relaxation
    Play and recreation
    Emotional poise
    Security of life and its means
    Pleasant environment
    Creative, useful work
    Expression of the natural instincts
    Indulgence of aesthetic senses.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I'm interested! I'll keep reading to catch up :)

    That documentary you mentioned on your very first post (yes, I only saw your post for the first time a few moments ago) has great reviews, so I tagged it on my Netflix to watch! Looking forward to it, thanks for all this great info.:drinker:

    Becca (you can just call me Becca)
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Hi Becca!! Food Matters was a great documentary, not as exciting as many that I've seen lately HOWEVER very good information based on reputable studies. This was definitely more of a get knowledge into your brain rather than scare you type documentary.

    RMcCully, I water fast at the start of each season. I did a water fast earlier this year to kick off my raw food lifestyle (basically to get my organs working more efficiently, to get the fat out of my blood, to heal my digestive system, to cure food addictions, and get closer to nature). I just started my first change-of-the-season water fast yesterday.
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    Hi Becca!! Food Matters was a great documentary, not as exciting as many that I've seen lately HOWEVER very good information based on reputable studies. This was definitely more of a get knowledge into your brain rather than scare you type documentary.

    RMcCully, I water fast at the start of each season. I did a water fast earlier this year to kick off my raw food lifestyle (basically to get my organs working more efficiently, to get the fat out of my blood, to heal my digestive system, to cure food addictions, and get closer to nature). I just started my first change-of-the-season water fast yesterday.

    so your saying nothing but water for a week?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    LOL yes :) Digestion takes a ton of energy and when we don't consume food that energy can be put into other things. This is why naturally when we get sick we are not hungry...because our body would like to use that energy for other things. Animals don't eat when they are sick and children don't want to either but we are told to eat for strength! I follow Dr. Herbert Shelton's fasting studies - very thorough & extensive experience.

    If you are interested you can check out my fasting videos:
    Who Want When & Why of fasting: http://www.youtube.com/user/sweetp888t#p/c/CDB40BADA66754F8/2/YUmD1idju58
    And fasting tips: http://www.youtube.com/user/sweetp888t#p/c/CDB40BADA66754F8/21/lNbOZJ-2e7c

    In the description of the videos are the links to information on the subjects I discuss. I'm currently on Day 2 and feeling amazing. Some people might think that its starving - but it isn't. Our bodies have enough vitamins & minerals saved up for weeks - and in some people months.

    **There are wrong ways of doing this & I don't recommend anyone doing this without research and talking to a doctor**
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    30bananasaday.com just made an amazing new pamphlet to help folks new to LFRV - check it out!!


    Also another really cool FREE ebook I was enlightened by today:
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    so i am curious with your large banana intake. bananas are high in carbs so now i am way over on my carbs.

    I put them in the blender so i could drink them. I went to the store today and found a large basket with ripe bananas for 9 cent a piece but the girl just gave them to me and only about half were worth taking.

    So my plan was to use them tonight and tomorrow. But they are high in carbs? so is that not a good idea?
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    2. Get some sun! Pure vitamin D is essential & many are deficient! Skip the sunblock - healthy bodies don't have cancer!

    Healthy bodies DO get cancer. Limit the sun exposure and be sure to use sunblock after a limited time in the sun. Also wear sunglasses as you can get melanoma of the eye as well. Take this from a healthcare professional...

    Thank you for beating me to this one! That was such a 1960's statement, I literally lol'd in disbelief when I read it. Sure, go raw but wear sunscreen - just like Baz Luhrmann says ;)
  • Miko44
    Miko44 Posts: 1
    Hey ibe and i am going to try to go all raw food. I am going to work my way up to all eventually though since i visit family its a little difficult. But i am probably going to have fruit for breakfeast and veggies for lunch and something protein for dinner until i read up on the diet and get more info about it. Thanks for the help and the challenge and I am going to be 100% raw food eater in two years or less (this is my goal anyway).