I eat like a toddler.



  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I have sensory processing disorder myself and I used have a very, very limited diet.
    I started sort of force feeding myself things that I struggled to eat and after a couple of times, the sensory reaction to them became less bad. I can now eat most things without too much trouble. Still can't eat liquids with bits (yoghurt with bits, chunky porridge etc.) and broccoli without twitching and gagging like crazy from the sensory response, though. Don't think I ever will be able to.

    Take it really slowly, one food at a time and eat them at least 10 times, even though you are really struggling.
  • GnomeQueen84
    GnomeQueen84 Posts: 55 Member
    I have sensory processing disorder myself and I used have a very, very limited diet.
    I started sort of force feeding myself things that I struggled to eat and after a couple of times, the sensory reaction to them became less bad. I can now eat most things without too much trouble. Still can't eat liquids with bits (yoghurt with bits, chunky porridge etc.) and broccoli without twitching and gagging like crazy from the sensory response, though. Don't think I ever will be able to.

    Take it really slowly, one food at a time and eat them at least 10 times, even though you are really struggling.

    In essence, this person is saying the same thing I just did...just in a nice, happy way. If you are having issues with this, OP, go talk to a Dr to get tested out for medical problems and get some professional advice...and then all you can do is keep trying. It's not going to kill you to eat a green bean, no matter how much you hate it.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Speak to a doctor/nutritionist or someone who specializes in the sensory problem that you have. As good as those said food items are you do need more items in your diet. Maybe try smoothies I saw someone comment on that or vegetable juices/fruit juices. If not this then maybe take supplements.
  • Roxana2412
    Roxana2412 Posts: 8
    Start by eating sweet things like: blueberries, bananas, sweet potatoes, etc
    and even if you can't tolerate the taste/texture of vegetables be a big girl and just eat them :) try making juices and just drink them.. Hard work pays off.. good luck!
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    my fourteen year old has sensory integration disorder as well he is soooo fussy I swear he is going to turn into an egg he eats eggs bread and cheese. he does not like veggies if he eats them they have to be raw. He is so skinny not because he doesn't eat he has an incredible metabolism he burns it immediately. I understand your plight. However I feel it is necessary to encourage you to venture past your comfort zone and take no pun intended baby steps to be more adventerous in your food samplings. You say you eat like a toddler. Toddlers are adventerous they want to get their hands on anything and everything they can and put it in their mouth. Start small try making your own nuggets fries or fish sticks there are recipes out there that are easy and very delicious.
  • bokchoybaby
    bokchoybaby Posts: 62 Member
    If you haven't experimented much with various preparation styles that would be my first suggestion. There are massive texture differences between veggies that are raw, steamed, boiled to death and pureed with their cooking water, stir fried, braised, roasted, etc. The mere thought of eating broccoli raw makes me gag but but I love it steamed to just the right point or roasted with some olive oil or pureed in a soup. I feel the exact same with a lot of vegetables but over the years, with a lot of experimentation, I have figured out that what I enjoy is even broader than I first believed. If you have taste AND texture issues this will be a more complicated process but if texture is the only big problem you may be able to work through this easily on your own. If your health is suffering cognitive behavioral therapy is always an option but I personally don't feel like just because food nourishes you're obligated to like it all.
  • knottyceltic
    knottyceltic Posts: 25 Member
    I posted first and have just gone through and read the replies. I think some sound harsh and mine might fall into that category but sensory issues are a choice when you become a teen or adult. Teens and adults (unlike babies, toddlers and youngsters) are able to cognitively know that the sensory issue is just that, an "issue" and 'can' overcome it with hard work. The sensory difficulty itself may never go away entirely but as the adult that you are, you simply have to rise to the occasion and "do it" which is really what people were saying in the harsher postings. Giving in to your sensory issues and eating "like a toddler" as you put it, is bottom line, pandering to your difficulties. What you need to do is get tough with yourself and push though it. My twins were born 3 months premature and oral-tactile sensory difficulties are very common to these kids. We got great help VERY early on in their lives, practically from birth and although they both still have the issues, they are able to push through them and both at 18 years old are actually pretty adventurous eaters. It took a long time to get to that stage but we as parents really pushed them with therapy AND with their food choices to help them overcome and deal with the problems their sensory issues cause.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    well sounds like something is wrong with your system and in terms of survival of the fittest you that you will be the first to fall due to micronutrient deficiency.

    I highly suggest you find micronutrient dense foods that you will enjoy
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Try some V8 and bananas. Get some of those Green Giant frozen veggie boxes or bags that have sauces, like the broccoli with cheese or creamed spinach, and force yourself to eat a few of them to see if you get a taste for them. It took me a while to start liking veggies.

    You gotta find some way to eat them though.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    The smothies and juice were good ideas. Have you tried baking them into muffins or something? Zucchini bread, avocado pound cake, blueberry muffins, carrot bread, pumpkin bread, cranberry muffins... You can usually reduce the sugar in a bread recipe by 1/3 without too much damage, and you can replace butter with avocado in equal amounts, replace applesauce for oil, add a tablespoon of bran for fiber to make a normal desserty bread like this a little healthier.
  • bokchoybaby
    bokchoybaby Posts: 62 Member
    I posted first and have just gone through and read the replies. I think some sound harsh and mine might fall into that category but sensory issues are a choice when you become a teen or adult. Teens and adults (unlike babies, toddlers and youngsters) are able to cognitively know that the sensory issue is just that, an "issue" and 'can' overcome it with hard work. The sensory difficulty itself may never go away entirely but as the adult that you are, you simply have to rise to the occasion and "do it" which is really what people were saying in the harsher postings. Giving in to your sensory issues and eating "like a toddler" as you put it, is bottom line, pandering to your difficulties. What you need to do is get tough with yourself and push though it. My twins were born 3 months premature and oral-tactile sensory difficulties are very common to these kids. We got great help VERY early on in their lives, practically from birth and although they both still have the issues, they are able to push through them and both at 18 years old are actually pretty adventurous eaters. It took a long time to get to that stage but we as parents really pushed them with therapy AND with their food choices to help them overcome and deal with the problems their sensory issues cause.
    Repeated exposure is definitely a valuable tool for broadening one's diet but there are a lot of different foods that fulfill micronutrient needs so I'm not sure I see the value in going there over and over again with any one thng unless it's necessary. It is so easy to sink veggies into foods, smoothies and juices that I don't understand the point of adults suffering through things especially since OP mentioned texture. It's so easy to alter the vegetable that I think it's the best place to start barring known quality of life or health issues.
  • PibblesRun
    PibblesRun Posts: 236 Member
    Some of these answers are really ignorant given the fact you have NEVER been in the shoes of a person like this. This is a REAL issue and its not just that easy to "get over it" Yes shes an adult and knows its just her mind doing this...but the mind is a powerful thing! Don't judge her issues until you have lived in her shoes!

    That being said...I had a boyfriend that was like this. I don't know if it was a sensory issue or what, he never did say "why" he didn't eat anything. Only things he would eat are Ice cream (Chocolate only) Peanut butter crackers (ritz crackers) French fries, spaghetti and carnation instant breakfast packs (made with the ice cream for breakfast) It took me a LONG time to get him to try something new but finally after over a year of begging him to just try...he did...One bite of pizza...and that's all it took. He loved it. And that helped him to slowly work up the courage to try other things...it still took some time and convincing but the fact is once he tried once, he eventually tried again, and slowly he would add more things to his list of foods he would eat! Good luck...Don't listen to the jerks saying suck it up...there just miserable human beings apparently!
  • AJinBirmingham
    If you eat like a toddler, most of your food winds up on the floor, your clothes, and even the people around you - so calorie control won't be an issue.
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    My sister in law steamed vegetables in beef broth because my brother refused to eat anything healthy.

    Smoothies. Puree.

    I have friends with kids that have sensory issues (autistic), so I know it's more than just putting on your big girl panties and trying it. I can't eat cottage cheese or yogurt with fruit because the chunks make me gag.

    ETA: I saw another poster mentioned breads/muffins. I hate zucchini by itself, but love zucchini bread.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I posted first and have just gone through and read the replies. I think some sound harsh and mine might fall into that category but sensory issues are a choice when you become a teen or adult. Teens and adults (unlike babies, toddlers and youngsters) are able to cognitively know that the sensory issue is just that, an "issue" and 'can' overcome it with hard work. The sensory difficulty itself may never go away entirely but as the adult that you are, you simply have to rise to the occasion and "do it" which is really what people were saying in the harsher postings. Giving in to your sensory issues and eating "like a toddler" as you put it, is bottom line, pandering to your difficulties. What you need to do is get tough with yourself and push though it. My twins were born 3 months premature and oral-tactile sensory difficulties are very common to these kids. We got great help VERY early on in their lives, practically from birth and although they both still have the issues, they are able to push through them and both at 18 years old are actually pretty adventurous eaters. It took a long time to get to that stage but we as parents really pushed them with therapy AND with their food choices to help them overcome and deal with the problems their sensory issues cause.

    I am a grown adult who cannot stand chunky and mushy foods in the same bite (fruit pies, oatmeal, etc). I also don't like my foods to touch on the plate, I must have my food plated a certain way before I begin eating (I will move the food around if it isn't, I just don't complain about it), and I'm not a fan of entire meals that fall within the same color shades (for example, corn, au gratin potatoes and chicken breast...not all together!) And just the thought of red ketchup on yellow eggs makes me gag.

    My family has accepted it and I am not interested in "getting over" these habits any time soon. If it's not affecting one's health or nutrition, it really isn't important to fix. However, the OP's limited food choices are indicative of an issue that goes beyond the simple "just do it" way of thinking. I totally understand the OP's quirks.
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    well sounds like something is wrong with your system and in terms of survival of the fittest you that you will be the first to fall due to micronutrient deficiency.

    I highly suggest you find micronutrient dense foods that you will enjoy
    I hate it when people say things along the lines of "you have to eat your vegetables and drink your milk, or you won't grow up big and strong."

    My little brother is the poster child for eating the same crappy things (chicken nuggets, hot dogs, pizza, grilled cheese, chocolate) for almost 30 years, is 6'6", and healthy as can be.
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    I couldn't eat broccoli, the texture made me gag. I wanted to eat it though as it is so good for us. I found something called sweet stem broccoli in my local supermarket (I am in the UK) I tried it and yippee I can manage that, It also taught me, if I cut regular broccoli into very small florets I can manage them. It is just the scratchy feeling on the broccoli head that made me gag.

    Try smoothies, or cut veggies into small pieces and steam them until they are soft (boiling depletes all the vitamins) so you don't have the automatic gag reflex, it may just work.