Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ June '10

June Thread for the Fit & Fun Sized Group! Petite size group 5'4 & under. Any short people who need support are welcome!!!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: jzbaby, thanks for starting the new thread......I have new goals for June that look a lot like the goals I had for May

    In May I maintained my weight and then decided to redouble my efforts because the treats I allowed myself were starting to increase (I certainly lost perspective about how much peanut butter a TBS would hold :laugh: ) so this month I've lowered my calories and lowered my goal weight by three pounds...when I weighed 183, I thought weighing in the 130's would be just fine, since I got to the 130's I've changed my goal about five times....there are still too many "jiggly parts" to suit me

    I've started to get a routine with the yoga I've been trying to do for helped that DH said he wanted to do yoga every morning with me, and for over a week we've done 20 minutes of Rodney Yee's "Yoga for Beginners" before breakfast.......I like the way it stretches some of the muscles that I've used in more strenuous activities the day before.

    I had hoped that we would walk together a lot but the weather here has been rainy and drizzly all through May so my walking has been with the dogs......I have high hopes for better weather in June.

    I love the support I've gotten from this thread.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I have a family reunion in a few weeks and it would be nice to have a few more pounds off by then.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Just updated my ticker...but it's going in the wrong direction! (Not surprised!)...Reality Check! :sad: Hoping some of it is water weight. I ate good so far today. Now I just have to make a good choice for dinner.

    ~Goals for June~
    *Work out AT LEAST 4 days a week
    *Weigh-in EVERY Tuesday
    *Log ALL food
    *AT LEAST 6 cups water EVERY DAY
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread! Still plugging away here... not really weighing myself but trying to stay under calories. :)
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    I would like to join this group. I"m 5' and in maintenance mode and have been for 4 years but seriously struggle with weekends, holidays, parties, ect.... and truthfully summer is very tough for me with all the events and activities. I am great with working out but the indulging gets me everytime. I look forward to getting to know you and sharing tips and ideas.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    JZbaby - Thanks for starting the new thread.

    My goal for June is to loose 2 pounds and get a new middle number in there that I haven't seen for a long, long time.

    Our Yoga instructor quit today and I am heart broken for me, but glad she got a better job. So, I will start to use the Wii again for Yoga & strength exercises.

    Thanks about it for now.

  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    Ready for June!!!! I usually don't set goals because I don't seem to keep them (even though I did lose that one pound I set my eyes on..that was a plus). It's going to be rough this month because this weekend I am going to the Dells (but Rob did find a hotel with a fitness center...we saw it on line) and then I'm going to Arkansas for a week with my cousin, but she motivates me too...hoping the weather is nice enough to go out running every morning...we'll see...I'm hoping to lose 5 pounds this month..I really hope to lose 2 pounds a week which would be a total of about 10 but, I know I won't be to do that, so I'll say 5 pounds (I'm keeping my fingers crossed).

    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!!! :-) And keep up the good work everyone!!
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I got a good cardio workout in this morning. :happy: Glad I actually got my *kitten* up & did it! But oh man was I feeling it!! I havent worked out in about a month, so they were really kicking my butt today! It is beautiful outside, so I am going to take the little guy out to play in his pool & work on my tan lol. Summer is here! That's gives me some more motivation to stay with it. Have a good day ladies! :glasses: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :bigsmile: fabulous line dance class this morning......a bunch of us are going to an all day workshop on Saturday so we practiced a bunch of the dances that will done during open dance's raining again today so no walking or dog park time and two hours at the dentist :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: We did yoga again this morning and I've been on the exercise bike once and will be on it again as well as doing gut 'n' butt exercises before the day is goal is to burn at least 600 calories
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    Man oh man....I just can't win can I...I'll lose one but the next week I'll gain 2...hopefully once school gets out, I will be able to work out more and burn more calories...I have to so work out this weekend while I'm in Wisconsin....have a good weekend!
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Light- I feel your pain! I'm always up & down too. I was down to 140--a couple weeks off my game and I am back up to 145!! AHHhh. I have a hard time staying consistent. I am just now trying to get back into the swing of things. All I can say is just stick with it!! It's just not worth it to quit & be back where we started!

    I got my workout done for today & I stayed within my calories yesterday, so I am feeling pretty good. I can't wait to see the scale go down, because seeing this 145 on my ticker is very disheartening after being SO CLOSE to the 130's!! :sad: But I can only blame myself, so I'm doin what needs to get done. Here's to another day of healthy eating & exercise! :drinker: :drinker:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Light and JZ - I feel the same way. I think the closer we get to our goals the harder it will be.

    Speaking of exercise bikes, I need to get on ours so I can have an ice cream treat tonight and be under my calories. lol

  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I got my hardest workout of the week over with. It feels good to be exercising again! Now I really need to concentrate on not blowing all my hard work by over-eating this weekend!! I've been logging all my food again, drinking 6 cups of water & exercising. So far my 1st week back at it is going pretty good. Have a good weekend everyone!!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I did 60 minutes on the stationary bike. My legs are sore, but I'm glad that I pushed the minutes eventhough I did not push the difficulty.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    The line dance workshop was amazing....I learned new dances and danced many old favorites at the open dance sessions....I could have danced later than we stayed (10PM) but my friends were tired and they were playing dances we didn't know......I went back to the motel and did yoga before bedtime and a few of the gut 'n' butt exercise to help my back stretch and a result, I woke up this morning full of energy and ready to greet the day.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Ladies, I AM BACK! I had an absolute blast in L.A. and would definitely go back for another visit. The only downside was that we didn't get to take in all the sights but we did our best. We hit the ground running last Thursday (05/27/10). We were able to hangout by the Staples Center which was packed w/ppl since the Lakers were playing the Suns. We hit Rodeo Dr., Sunset Blvd and Melrose Ave. We were also able to check out the Kodak Theater (home of the academy awards), the walk of fame and Grauman Chinese Theater. We did a tour of celebrity homes and were able to see the homes of Aaron Spelling, Hugh Hefner, Tom Cruise, Dr. Phil and David Beckham. Now when I say see the homes I really mean see the streets and the gates and some of the house b/c a lot of the celebrities spend lots of money to ensure their privacy so there were alot of trees and things of that nature. Nonetheless the tour was exciting and my girlfriends and I had a great time. We hit the night club a couple of times and even went rollerskating. I had so much fun and it was exactly what I need.

    While in L.A. I exercised EVERYDAY in the hotel's fitness center and then walked miles and miles trying to take in all the sites. My eating was ok but I did indulge. I tried to strike a balance. For instance, if I had fried chicken I ate green vegetables and if I had french fries I had the grilled chicken sandwich on a whole wheat bun.

    When I returned home last week I was EXTREMELY sore so decided to I take the intensity down a few notches in an attempt to allow my body to recover. I still worked out everyday last week but only did Leslie Sansone's walking dvd or P90X's stretching dvd.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon! Today is the final day of my light workouts b/c I plan on bringing it beginning tomorrow. While my back is hurting a little still every other part of my body is cooperating so if I take it easy today I'm hopeful I'll be able to pick up w/P90X tomorrow. Since today is a light workout day I decided to go for a jog/run. This was the first time I've ever jogged/ran on the streets. Usually I'm on a treadmill or at a local park. Jogging/running on the streets is a lot harder than the treadmill or park b/c the pavement is so uneven. It is a warm day here in GA but there is a nice breeze so I was able to catch a good rhythm. Since I had never run outside before I didn't want to bite off more than I could chew so I took a fairly straightforward/easy route. When the workout was complete I had jogged/ran 2.22 miles in a total of 19.25 minutes. For all you joggers/runners out there how did I do? I have no idea if the distance I covered in that timeframe is considered slow, medium or fast paced. I'm thinking about completing a 5k at some point and would like to begin measuring my progress. Any feedback would be extremely helpful.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Since I used last week to recover from my L.A. trip I'm only on week 7 (instead of 8) of the P90X program. Today's workout is my least favorite (after yoga) of the P90X program.....Chest, Shoulders and Tri's. Since I've not completed this workout in over a week I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow.
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    i just turned 30 in name is kizzy...born in california but raised in oklahoma...but now i live in arizona...been living here since january of this year...i stand 4'8" highest weight EVER was 189 ibs that was back in 2002/2003....i vowed to myself that i would never reach the 200 mark and since than i have not....i also joined a couple of weight loss support groups in person in 2002 and i went all the way down to 150's but since i stopped going i gained all but 9 ibs...

    gw by end of this month: 175
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning! Today is week 7 day 2 of the P90X program which means I was suppose to complete the Plyometrics dvd however b/c I was so short on time I switched it out for the Core Cardio and Balance dvd. I'm a little sore from yesterdays workouts so doing push ups and walking planks today really took a toll on my arms.

    Workout complete.