Lose 5 Pounds a Month- June 2010 Challenge



  • MeganFex
    MeganFex Posts: 46
    I'm in! I need some motivation! I have these last 10 pounds to loose and they are STUBBORN

    June 02 : Weight 155

    Goal weight is 145/140 (id be happy with either) :D Hope this helps to motivate me!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Here we go again!!

    Hello Terri, Phyllis, Bru, Kelly, Circus - sorry if I forgot anyone!

    Well I did it again. I blew it over the weekend and woke up June 1st at 190 - grrr. I have been losing and gaining the same 10 pounds since January. When will I learn?!?!?

    Sunday 6/6 is the mini triathlon in Green Bay. I rode my bike on Saturday for the first time (can u say procrastinate?). 16 miles with 70 pounds of toddlers in the trailer - when I got done my back was so sore I couldn't walk and could barely stand, let alone run a 5k. I thought I was screwed, but today I did 16 miles (alone) in about an hour and then 30 minutes on the treadmill and it felt really good. ALL IS NOT LOST!

    Let me say that again. ALL IS NOT LOST!!! I don't know why I keep falling off the wagon, but at least I keep getting up. I will weigh in on Fridays and see how much damage I have repaired before the race on Sunday.

    6/12 I have my first 10k race - daunting but doable.

    On Sunday 6/13 I am going to start HCG weight loss phase 2. My sis just came off phase 2 and is in phase 3 (maintenance) - she lost 28 lbs in 30 days but is struggling her first week off the low calorie diet. We'll see how it goes!

    Welcome everyone - this is a wonderful supportive group you have joined!!

  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    This month I NEED to stop thinking I can eat whatever on the weekends! I do great all week and totally blow it on the weekend! I need to be meticulous about logging everything I eat. When I don't, then I tend to overeat. This month I am adding a treadmill workout to my usual workouts. I do a lot of DVD exercising, but I usually feel like I get a good workout this way. I also have a Gazelle Edge but I will probably retire this since I have a treadmill now. For some reason the Gazelle sometimes hurts the ball of my left foot.:frown: To lose 5 lbs. this month I will eat less and continue working out 5 days a week.

    I feel ya sista! I, too, need better discipline with my eating, especially on the weekends.

    Generally speaking, any day I don't log my food is an "I blew it day".

    Best of luck to you!
  • bec130
    bec130 Posts: 2
    love to join in,I just started back & need all the motivation I can get!

    June 1st-184
  • ANewNorene
    ANewNorene Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm definitely in! When I weighed myself on 06/01/2010, I was 172.4 lbs. I cant wait to see myself at 155 lbs and at a rate of 5lbs a month it seems sensible and possible. OH LETS DO IT :o)

    CW: 172.4
    Mini Goal on 06/30/2010: 167.4 lbs
    Mini Goal on 07/31/2010: 162.4 lbs
    Mini Goal on 08/31/2010: 157.4 lbs
    Mini Goal on 09/30/2010: 152.4 lbs
    Ultimate Goal: Anywhere between 150-155lbs
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Count me in again. Hope I do better this month than last month probably ended. Since being away from home, I have not weighed in for near 2 weeks. Yikes! :ohwell:
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    I am in. Last month went well for me and I am hoping this month goes even better!! Starting week 2 of C25K!! I have until Oct. 16th to get ready to run my first 5K!! I am pumped!! Also going to start doing power 90 on the days I don't run!! Good luck to everyone!!

    SW- 267.3

    Hope to exceed that GW though!!
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    Hi Terri!! Hello to the rest of you as well!

    Starting today, I have decided to try the couch to 5k in 9weeks plan...today was my first day. It wasn't too good as I wanted to try it first thing this afternoon. Midwest heat + walking/jogging = not a fun experience, so on that note, I plan on doing the Couch to 5k in the early mornings to help give myself a boost from basic walking (although I do walk about a mile, sometimes mile and a half a day...) plus walking in the eraly evening just prior to sunset. Swimming with be a must these next few months so I plan on doing laps in the pool :) I also have the video game, 'Just Dance' for the Wii, which is fun and really gets your heart pumping! I've decided to use 5lb weights while dancing to give myself another small boost from the norm.

    I am on week 2 of C25K. Stick with it it gets easier. I repeated week 1 twice because I didn't want to burn myself out. I will probably do the same for week 2. But it feels good to run again and I can feel my endurance gaining already! I hear you about the heat. Central Valley California's 100 + degrees is not fun to run in!! Good Luck to you!
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    Count me in!! I would like to loose 25 lbs!!!

    I too started the couch 2 5k today and im hoping that extra little cardio will give me a good push (I'm also doing Jillian Michaels slim down)

    CW 160

    GW 135

    Good Luck
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    It sounds so easy when said like that!!! I am back on board to stick with this for the summer at least! I have not gained anything being away, but have not been losing, so back to the counting for me! I eat so much less junk food when I hold myself accountable for the counts!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Morning All....this has been an awful week as far as food goes! Monday we had crazy good bbq smoked ribs, and of course their were leftovers. So yesterday while I was getting my morning snack I noticed the container of ribs, I only had three rib pieces but that threw me for the rest of the day, I know how many cal's are in ribs so I just didn't eat again til dinner. Of course I was really hunger at dinner, but I was good, I only had seconds on the steamed spinach. To make sure the ribs didn't temp me anymore they were given a home home across the street with me neighbor, she was happy to give them a home. Hope everyone else is recovering from the week-end better than I am!!!!

    This is totally off topic but I have to throw it out there....I have a home daycare, and one of my dc Mom's has been ALL about breastfeeding, that's all I heard for about for six months, only breastmilk, its best and healthy. So today she comes in and says her "dd didn't have b'fast so I brought it so she could have it here." Okay, so what does she hand me....a pop tart, a freakin' pop tart, and a bottle of breast milk....oh real healthy (P.S dd is 10 months old)! And dc mom is always complaining about her weight, she's the same height as me, 5'7" and is well over 200. I would love to tell her she's setting her dd up for the same weight problems she has, but that would probably be way over the line. Oh well , rant over!

    Have a great day!
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm in :drinker: !!! As of June 1st I am 234 so bring on the challenge :bigsmile:
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    This is totally off topic but I have to throw it out there....I have a home daycare, and one of my dc Mom's has been ALL about breastfeeding, that's all I heard for about for six months, only breastmilk, its best and healthy. So today she comes in and says her "dd didn't have b'fast so I brought it so she could have it here." Okay, so what does she hand me....a pop tart, a freakin' pop tart, and a bottle of breast milk....oh real healthy (P.S dd is 10 months old)! And dc mom is always complaining about her weight, she's the same height as me, 5'7" and is well over 200. I would love to tell her she's setting her dd up for the same weight problems she has, but that would probably be way over the line. Oh well , rant over!

    :laugh: As someone with a finicky 10 month old at home (my nephew, I watch him on weekdays while my sis is working) maybe I can offer a new perspective.

    There is NOTHING more frustrating than a baby who will not eat! My nephew has been a terror the past couple days, a total nightmare. He has 2 more teeth coming in (to make a total of 8!) and although he wasn't fussy when his first 6 came in all within 2 weeks, he has cried non-stop over these 2. He is driving me nuts! He refuses the bottle (he is also fed breast milk) and the spoon but would eat his beloved finger foods. A baby has to eat, so I let him eat finger foods all day even though it is not ideal. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

    That said, we do not give him anything crappy like poptarts because the last thing we want is for our desperate measures to include a diet of poptarts. :laugh:
  • Yvette135
    Yvette135 Posts: 30
    I'm in too. :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    This is totally off topic but I have to throw it out there....I have a home daycare, and one of my dc Mom's has been ALL about breastfeeding, that's all I heard for about for six months, only breastmilk, its best and healthy. So today she comes in and says her "dd didn't have b'fast so I brought it so she could have it here." Okay, so what does she hand me....a pop tart, a freakin' pop tart, and a bottle of breast milk....oh real healthy (P.S dd is 10 months old)! And dc mom is always complaining about her weight, she's the same height as me, 5'7" and is well over 200. I would love to tell her she's setting her dd up for the same weight problems she has, but that would probably be way over the line. Oh well , rant over!

    :laugh: As someone with a finicky 10 month old at home (my nephew, I watch him on weekdays while my sis is working) maybe I can offer a new perspective.

    There is NOTHING more frustrating than a baby who will not eat! My nephew has been a terror the past couple days, a total nightmare. He has 2 more teeth coming in (to make a total of 8!) and although he wasn't fussy when his first 6 came in all within 2 weeks, he has cried non-stop over these 2. He is driving me nuts! He refuses the bottle (he is also fed breast milk) and the spoon but would eat his beloved finger foods. A baby has to eat, so I let him eat finger foods all day even though it is not ideal. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

    That said, we do not give him anything crappy like poptarts because the last thing we want is for our desperate measures to include a diet of poptarts. :laugh:

    At this point I have never had any troulbe with her being picky, but if mom keeps feeding her crap and she starts to refuse healthy foods here, then I will have a problem.
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    I'm in too! That means I'll be 150 lbs (or less) by the end of this month. So excited!
    I weighed myself this morning at 155 but I'm not sure how accurate that is. I feel like I shouldn't believe it. But we'll see!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    This is totally off topic but I have to throw it out there....I have a home daycare, and one of my dc Mom's has been ALL about breastfeeding, that's all I heard for about for six months, only breastmilk, its best and healthy. So today she comes in and says her "dd didn't have b'fast so I brought it so she could have it here." Okay, so what does she hand me....a pop tart, a freakin' pop tart, and a bottle of breast milk....oh real healthy (P.S dd is 10 months old)! And dc mom is always complaining about her weight, she's the same height as me, 5'7" and is well over 200. I would love to tell her she's setting her dd up for the same weight problems she has, but that would probably be way over the line. Oh well , rant over!

    :laugh: As someone with a finicky 10 month old at home (my nephew, I watch him on weekdays while my sis is working) maybe I can offer a new perspective.

    There is NOTHING more frustrating than a baby who will not eat! My nephew has been a terror the past couple days, a total nightmare. He has 2 more teeth coming in (to make a total of 8!) and although he wasn't fussy when his first 6 came in all within 2 weeks, he has cried non-stop over these 2. He is driving me nuts! He refuses the bottle (he is also fed breast milk) and the spoon but would eat his beloved finger foods. A baby has to eat, so I let him eat finger foods all day even though it is not ideal. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

    That said, we do not give him anything crappy like poptarts because the last thing we want is for our desperate measures to include a diet of poptarts. :laugh:

    At this point I have never had any troulbe with her being picky, but if mom keeps feeding her crap and she starts to refuse healthy foods here, then I will have a problem.

    Yes, and that's EXACTLY why we don't give my nephew crap like poptarts. What kid would choose a fruit or veggie over a poptart? It must be sad to witness something like this--- you KNOW it is setting the little girl up for failure yet you cannot really do anything about it. Maybe say that the little girl threw the poptart on the floor and wouldn't eat it. :laugh:

    I do not know how politically correct it is to say something to the mom. You definitely do not want Momzilla to come out! Perhaps saying something jokingly would get the point across. "Woo! She will be bouncing off the walls today!" I am lucky to be watching my sister's child for this reason. She knows I eat mostly natural foods and that I refuse to serve my nephew anything but!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I would love to loose 5lbs by end of June. Starting weight is 163lbs. I just haven't lost much of anything over the last month, so I am hoping with picking up the workouts this will jumpt start me to get below the 160 lb mark. I am trying desperately to get back to 147lbs.
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    This is totally off topic but I have to throw it out there....I have a home daycare, and one of my dc Mom's has been ALL about breastfeeding, that's all I heard for about for six months, only breastmilk, its best and healthy. So today she comes in and says her "dd didn't have b'fast so I brought it so she could have it here." Okay, so what does she hand me....a pop tart, a freakin' pop tart, and a bottle of breast milk....oh real healthy (P.S dd is 10 months old)! And dc mom is always complaining about her weight, she's the same height as me, 5'7" and is well over 200. I would love to tell her she's setting her dd up for the same weight problems she has, but that would probably be way over the line. Oh well , rant over!

    :laugh: As someone with a finicky 10 month old at home (my nephew, I watch him on weekdays while my sis is working) maybe I can offer a new perspective.

    There is NOTHING more frustrating than a baby who will not eat! My nephew has been a terror the past couple days, a total nightmare. He has 2 more teeth coming in (to make a total of 8!) and although he wasn't fussy when his first 6 came in all within 2 weeks, he has cried non-stop over these 2. He is driving me nuts! He refuses the bottle (he is also fed breast milk) and the spoon but would eat his beloved finger foods. A baby has to eat, so I let him eat finger foods all day even though it is not ideal. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

    That said, we do not give him anything crappy like poptarts because the last thing we want is for our desperate measures to include a diet of poptarts. :laugh:

    At this point I have never had any troulbe with her being picky, but if mom keeps feeding her crap and she starts to refuse healthy foods here, then I will have a problem.

    Yes, and that's EXACTLY why we don't give my nephew crap like poptarts. What kid would choose a fruit or veggie over a poptart? It must be sad to witness something like this--- you KNOW it is setting the little girl up for failure yet you cannot really do anything about it. Maybe say that the little girl threw the poptart on the floor and wouldn't eat it. :laugh:

    I do not know how politically correct it is to say something to the mom. You definitely do not want Momzilla to come out! Perhaps saying something jokingly would get the point across. "Woo! She will be bouncing off the walls today!" I am lucky to be watching my sister's child for this reason. She knows I eat mostly natural foods and that I refuse to serve my nephew anything but!

    When my dd was around that age she got sick and would not eat anything for a week. I fed her anything she WOULD eat. We don't eat poptarts so she has never had one of those. Anyway, since that time she has never eaten her veggies like she used to. I swear she learned to be picky at that time. I agree with pp that maybe you could say something jokingly about it if she brings her kid crap like that again. I also agree that desperate times call for desperate measures.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Speaking of my picky nephew.... he is in better spirits today. He is back to his normal smiley self but he still won't eat! Not even his finger foods today! :grumble:

    I am SO happy that I am leaving for vacation tomorrow. Thank goodness. The stresses of the baby acting like a little monster, trying to get scuba certified, falling off the wagon with my weight loss, and family visiting left and right (don't get me wrong, I love them but you know how it is!) is really getting to me. I have felt really overwhelmed the past few weeks and like everything is spiraling out of control. To top it off, my boyfriend's mother got into a car wreck today. I need this vacation!!