Clueless people in the gym



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Yay, another fishing thread.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I noticed the other day as I was working out that of the 10 or so people I saw lifting weights, only eight of them (myself included, of course) appeared to have any idea as to what they were doing. By this I mean using proper form, avoiding machines, etc. Seems to me like my gym could be doing their members a favor by just stationing a trainer over there whose job is to show people how to do things correctly in order to avoid injuries and loss of motivation because they aren't getting the results they expect.

    I've done a lot over the years to try to educate myself on how to do things right in terms of form, and I think that is why I've only been injured twice in 20 years of gym time. Seeing people get all fired up about squating their body weight and then doing about 1/4th of the squat motion and calling it a set can be kind of annoying after a while.

    Also, every Smith machine should be taken outside and put out of its misery.

    And don't even get me started on people who text between sets in a gym that has only two squat racks.

    OK, rant over.

    this mind set is why I have yet to get the courage to go to the gym... there's only so much reading about it can help, it's much different to remember proper form when you've got the weight right there...

    maybe i'll try to hit the gym when i'm smaller and a trainer is less likely to over look me because of my flab.

    Don't wait to go just because of the jerks of the world. I was scared to death of the free weights section the first few weeks. Heart pounding, sweaty palms, panic sometimes. But then I started realizing that most people who are over there are either nice or new to lifting. OP is a rare person who judges total strangers who are trying.

    You will probably find after a couple weeks, people either smile and nod or just plain ignore you and let you get in a workout.
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    I think having some assistance or advice from one of the gym's trainers would be awesome and to have one around the weights would be helpful but I think most are expecting you to already know what you're doing...I have actually watched others that look like they know what they are doing and when they are done with a set I have asked for tips, advice from them and they have been more than happy to help me out...maybe if you're not too busy and you see someone not really aware of what to do you can help out? Just a suggestion but I do know that your time at the gym is valuable and you may not have the time...I have learned to properly use weights because of the kindness of others and in turn if someone looks lost I am more than happy to help if they asked for it:)
    Take care and interesting subject!
  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    I had part of my clavicle cut off in 2009, and just never got back into the gym, so I lost all of my shoulder strength, and most all of the strength in my left arm. As a result, now that I'm back to working out, I use the machines to rebuild what I've lost. I did try going back to free weights and found that my strength was so lacking, I was seriously worried about dropping a dumbbell and breaking either my toes or splitting my head open. Machines at least save my head. ;-)

    Things are getting better, and I'm sure that in time I will regain the strength (and confidence) to go back free weights. But mostly, I don't care what others think about my work out routine. They aren't paying for it, and they don't get a say in what I do. :-)

    But I'm open to some suggestions on how to build up my shoulder and left arm again ... no pain anymore, and a full range of motion. Anything more than 5 lbs in free weights is a very bad idea, but I do better with the machines - those range from 10-30 lbs at this point.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member

    is this proper form?
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    And don't even get me started on people who text between sets in a gym that has only two squat racks.

    OK, rant over.

    You need a rest between sets, especially heavy squats. Why does it matter to you if I text, stare at myself or flex in the mirror, watch other people, or stare at the floor for those couple minutes?

    Also,do you know they are texting? They might be logging their lifts.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
  • Fjcookie
    Fjcookie Posts: 48
    I noticed the other day as I was working out that of the 10 or so people I saw lifting weights, only eight of them (myself included, of course) appeared to have any idea as to what they were doing. By this I mean using proper form, avoiding machines, etc. Seems to me like my gym could be doing their members a favor by just stationing a trainer over there whose job is to show people how to do things correctly in order to avoid injuries and loss of motivation because they aren't getting the results they expect.

    I've done a lot over the years to try to educate myself on how to do things right in terms of form, and I think that is why I've only been injured twice in 20 years of gym time. Seeing people get all fired up about squating their body weight and then doing about 1/4th of the squat motion and calling it a set can be kind of annoying after a while.

    Also, every Smith machine should be taken outside and put out of its misery.

    And don't even get me started on people who text between sets in a gym that has only two squat racks.

    OK, rant over.

    How about helping the so called "clueless people" in the gym with learning how to use equipment, proper form, etc...
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Wait. What's your problem with a smith machine?

    It forces you into very poor form and can put you at serious risk for injury. Much safer to use a rack with safety bars if you need them.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I use both machines and free weights - whatever I feel like doing.

    And if the other people are not in my way, I don't really care if they do things "right" or are texting or whatever.

    As do I, but free weights should be the foundation, you use machines/dumbbells for detail work.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    So should I offer people some basic tips, or should I ignore them and mind my business?

    So far the responses are around 50/50.
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    I think the gym staff members should have something to help them, like you said someone stationed around the gym to help. (I do agree on the texting part though! lol!) But it stinks because these people WANT to better themselves, that is why they are there, but they don't have the proper training on how to.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    When people are recovering between sets they may only stare angrily at the weights! No texting!!

    lol, I find this more awkward than someone texting for a bit.
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member

    How about helping the so called "clueless people" in the gym with learning how to use equipment, proper form, etc...

    Exactly, most are doing it wrong because they were never shown HOW to do it right. And it is rare that they will ask for help, coming to the gym or just walking over to the weights can be a huge and scary step for some people.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I do my elliptical and pushups (and I know I have good form there), but I truly am clueless on how to do squats or any of that stuff involving barbells, so I stick to the Cybex machines. I am afraid of looking like an idiot and I don't want to bother the staff to have them show me, so I just do what I know. :) LOL.

    Ditto!! =) I use the cardio and Cybex machines that I know how to use for that same reason!

    High five! Yes! I am directionally impaired. I figure I'm pushing myself, increasing my weights as necessary, and seeing results. Nothing wrong with that!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm pretty much clueless about the weights so I have an appointment with trainer tommorow so I can learn properly....but I think gyms should hold like 1 seminar every few months just to demonstrate how to use things properly...
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member

    How about helping the so called "clueless people" in the gym with learning how to use equipment, proper form, etc...

    Exactly, most are doing it wrong because they were never shown HOW to do it right. And it is rare that they will ask for help, coming to the gym or just walking over to the weights can be a huge and scary step for some people.

    This!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm too nervous to walk up to anyone for fear I would be laughed at
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    How about helping the so called "clueless people" in the gym with learning how to use equipment, proper form, etc...

    Exactly, most are doing it wrong because they were never shown HOW to do it right. And it is rare that they will ask for help, coming to the gym or just walking over to the weights can be a huge and scary step for some people.

    Devil's Advocate.....How many people want strangers at the gym to come up to them and help them. I've done it once, and was skeptical when doing so because you don't know how people will react.
  • nigel972
    nigel972 Posts: 3
    what about the guy or gal that just goes to the gym to observe others and then reports their observations to a social network website......I hate those types LOL!!
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Usually the only time I go help someone is if they are about to injure themselves or they need a spot. Besides that I mind my business.