Clueless people in the gym



  • nigel972
    nigel972 Posts: 3
    I guess you have the same muscle and definition as Dorian Yates. Whats your definition of succsessful?
  • nigel972
    nigel972 Posts: 3
    Dorian Yates used the smith machine as part of his regular routine.

    He wasn't successful at all.

    I guess yuo have the same or better size and definition as Dorian Yates. What is your definition of successful?
  • VeganCoco
    VeganCoco Posts: 104 Member
    Did you walk in to the gym knowing exactly what to do and how to do it the first time? Wow, you are just awesome! I understand gym etiquette- ie. not texting etc.... but give us lowly people who are just starting out a break, would ya?

    Did anyone actually read what he put?
    He didn't say anything horrible about people not having proper form (other than texting, and I'd get annoyed about people clogging the machines to text too!) he said that GYMS should have TRAINERS about to stop people hurting themselves by showing them the proper form.

    People need to learn to read.
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    I have a better about you worry more about yourself and your workout, rather than anyone else's...just a thought.

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Seems to me like my gym could be doing their members a favor by just stationing a trainer over there whose job is to show people how to do things correctly in order to avoid injuries and loss of motivation because they aren't getting the results they expect.

    That would be awesome, but it's not going to happen. At my gym you can't get help from a personal trainer unless you pay 1000 dollars, and that's the minimum. Some trainers will not sign you up for less than 2000+. I go to goodlife fitness. Hopefully other gyms have better personal training options. I may need to get a temporary membership at the community fitness centre, just so that I can hire a personal trainer there. Even with paying for a second membership and a trainer it is still astronomically more affordable and accessible. There is another gym in my area that I can check out as well. I still have a year left on my goodlife membership. At goodlife, if you ask for help with form on the free weights, they will just tell you to use the machines. I do my best, learning form on my own, for now.
  • CheekyMonkey174
    I am a clueless person at the gym. I just started there I do classes, the elliptical ( I walk there which is a mile a day) and I do the hydrolic weight machines. I have no clue what I am doing 80% of the time but I am lucky to have such great people in the gym to give me pointers and how to improve.
    If it bugs you so bad, why not introduce yourself, and give them a pointer or two. That way you don't appear to be a jerk. They are there for the same reason, to get into shape and be healthy. It's the fear of people judging me at the gym that has stopped me from going for so long.
  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    you sound like a douche glad i don't go to your gym
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Seems to me like my gym could be doing their members a favor by just stationing a trainer over there whose job is to show people how to do things correctly in order to avoid injuries and loss of motivation because they aren't getting the results they expect.

    That would be awesome, but it's not going to happen. At my gym you can't get help from a personal trainer unless you pay 1000 dollars, and that's the minimum. Some trainers will not sign you up for less than 2000+. I go to goodlife fitness. Hopefully other gyms have better personal training options. I may need to get a temporary membership at the community fitness centre, just so that I can hire a personal trainer there. Even with paying for a second membership and a trainer it is still astronomically more affordable and accessible. There is another gym in my area that I can check out as well. I still have a year left on my goodlife membership. At goodlife, if you ask for help with form on the free weights, they will just tell you to use the machines. I do my best, learning form on my own, for now.

    The gym I went to, before the 24-7 option I go to now, had personal trainers there to answer questions and help if you needed it....for free.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    And THAT's why I don't go to the torture


    Rude and unnecessary.

    Some gyms have some very judgmental members- that's who I would call ignorant. Who are they to judge someone else's level of fitness or knowledge. If they have a problem with it, help them out or keep their mouths shut. It can be rather intimidating for newbies and particularly women in the free weights section when those kind of people are nearby and leering.

    Having said that, to the original commenter: you have every right to be there as anyone else. And it's not a torture chamber- it will be what you make of it. Get in there, make the best of it, and don't be afraid to ask questions to the staff- that's what they're there for.

    ETA: Not everyone in the gym is like that. I'm particularly friendly/receptive and attempt to be helpful to other members.

    I agree, and I do try to be helpful to anyone who asks. I never say no to a request to spot someone, for example. I'm not perfect and don't know everything, but I tried to make sure I knew the basics and would ask someone if I didn't.

    that said, where do I draw the line? There have only been a few times where I've interrupted someone during a workout to comment, and that was because they were doing "deadlifts" with very heavy weights and a completely rounded back and were really putting themselves in danger. And when that guy blew me off I grabbed a nearby trainer and asked him to watch this guy, he did and screamed "oh my god" and ran over to try to show him the correct way to do it. Said guy, of course, ignored us both and continued on the path to a slipped disc. So at the end of the day, trying to help didn't work.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Seems to me like my gym could be doing their members a favor by just stationing a trainer over there whose job is to show people how to do things correctly in order to avoid injuries and loss of motivation because they aren't getting the results they expect.

    That would be awesome, but it's not going to happen. At my gym you can't get help from a personal trainer unless you pay 1000 dollars, and that's the minimum. Some trainers will not sign you up for less than 2000+. I go to goodlife fitness. Hopefully other gyms have better personal training options. I may need to get a temporary membership at the community fitness centre, just so that I can hire a personal trainer there. Even with paying for a second membership and a trainer it is still astronomically more affordable and accessible. There is another gym in my area that I can check out as well. I still have a year left on my goodlife membership. At goodlife, if you ask for help with form on the free weights, they will just tell you to use the machines. I do my best, learning form on my own, for now.

    The gym I went to, before the 24-7 option I go to now, had personal trainers there to answer questions and help if you needed it....for free.

    I wish my gym was like that.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member

    My profile picture is yet another example :)
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Put in headphones and ignore everyone around you.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member

    And don't even get me started on people who text between sets in a gym that has only two squat racks.

    Meh, I was lazy and didn't read every post, but I wanted to add something here. I have an app that I use to track my lifts. So if I stop between sets and get on my phone, it's not b/c I'm texting, it's b/c I'm either updating my sets, or checking the weights for my next sets.

    Just sayin' random generalizations are not always correct.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    People who think they know it all usually have the most to learn.

    Oh I have plenty to learn, I apologize if my tone suggested otherwise.

    My focus has always been on avoiding injury first, gaining muscle mass later. I tore my ACL in college before I ever started lifting seriously. I did not want a repeat so have always been anal about form and technique.
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    I don't care what people do when they are waiting between sets, just so long as they stay in the general area of their rack. Nothing is more annoying than walking up on a rack and seeing weights loaded, maybe a belt nearby and wondering if its free or not?

    I also hate when a group of guys just hang around the general squat rack area, taking up space and bull****ting, but one out of the 7 will go and use the rack to make it look like they are doing something. This happens almost nightly which is why I go during the day.

    The other day, I saw another girl doing deadlifts. I was like, awesome, another girl! Then I saw she had quite a bit of weight on the bar (about 120+ lbs), so I was like, awesome! Then, I saw her lift it and totally over extend her back upon standing and I was like, oh :(
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    So should I offer people some basic tips, or should I ignore them and mind my business?

    So far the responses are around 50/50.

    First, learn not to be so judgey. Your attitude is why some people (especially those with social anxiety issues) avoid joining gyms or staying at one even though they genuinely want to learn and do work hard to better themselves.
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    While the Smith machine is not ideal, it is great for those just beginning. Learning proper form is essential, and if you don't have good form down you are doing yourself a disservice. Not every gym has a free standing squat rack. Sometimes you have to make due with what you have.

    I'm proud of anyone who makes an effort to get to the gym to workout-cardio or lifiting-it's still exercise. Effort of any kind should be commended. And me personally, i'd love for anyone to come over and assist me with lifting. Hence, why I got a trainer.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    << texts, crunches numbers on my iPhone, and basically stands around for 2-4 minutes between sets, depending on exercise. Also does my best to ignore everyone else unless they're struggling and then offers help. Clearly doing it wrong.

    Edit: Does not grammar much, meh . . .
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    The trainers do help people, but at my gym they just tend to help attractive girls, it falls on people like you to help the guys in there, if they don't watch you or you tell them it won't change.

    Don't know why somoene would want to avoid machines, they are probably safer for them if you are in the Free weight area not helping anyone.

    I was at the gym yesterday, texting between sets, then I looked in the mirror and one guy couldn't get his weight back on the rack, he just about managed in the end but I was the only one who got off their bench to even go over to him, so all the focused no texting guys were no help at all.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    While the Smith machine is not ideal, it is great for those just beginning. Learning proper form is essential, and if you don't have good form down you are doing yourself a disservice. Not every gym has a free standing squat rack. Sometimes you have to make due with what you have.

    I'm proud of anyone who makes an effort to get to the gym to workout-cardio or lifiting-it's still exercise. Effort of any kind should be commended. And me personally, i'd love for anyone to come over and assist me with lifting. Hence, why I got a trainer.

    I agree that form is crucial, I don't agree that the Smith Machine is the way to learn proper form. Just the opposite in fact.

    Totally agree on the trainer, though picking the right one (one who knows their stuff) can sometimes be a challenge.