Are people crazy or do I have an eating disorder?

I can't decide whether people are just trying to hate or if I really do have an eating disorder. I think my behavior is normal for someone watching their diet and eventually it will become second nature to me. I will summarize and let me know what you think!

Since Jan I've lost 30 lbs at a slow, steady pace. I exercise most days and watch what I eat. I use my food scale religiously and am very meticulous with it. I don't often bring it out to public places but I have once or twice (I wanted to know what I typically eat at Souplantation.) I pre-log most meals and plan a week's worth of shopping and cooking. I am of the mindset that I can eat anything (I had two donuts yesterday) as long as I plan for it and and log it. I do get some satisfaction out of eating my planned meals - it is my personality, make a plan and execute! I am up to about 1650 cals per day and I plan on going up weekly until I reach a maintenance level. I still go out to eat with everyone, just usually look at the menu ahead of time so that I know what to order. I still go to parties and have a good time so my workouts and eating habits have not made me anti-social. I have naturally stopped drinking most alcohol because after being pregnant and breastfeeding for the past three years I kind of lost a taste for it and get a headache almost immediately from drinking. I don't harp on other people for what they eat. I don't limit the food of my kids or husband (though i cook healthier now so they eat healthier as a by-product).

Anyways, I think these are all normal things but three people from work (they all know each other and talk about this so its not three isolated incidents) have said I have an eating disorder. Am I in denial? What signs should I look for that indicate I have an abnormal relationship with food?


  • skinnyforcruise2013
    Sounds like you are being healthy. They are crazy!
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Sounds like a combo of ignorance and/or jealousy on their part. Good luck with your continued success. I'm sure you'll get a plethora of "Haters gonna hate" replies to this as well.
  • graceylou222
    graceylou222 Posts: 198 Member
    What? You do not have an eating disorder, you might be a control freak because you are so well planned, but I see nothing wrong with that! :) Continue on girl, I'd say you're doing great!
  • Annie83uk
    Annie83uk Posts: 128
    that seems perfectly healthy to me, are you still trying to lose weight or just maintain? my calories are lower than that :smile: :smile:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    This is basically what I do as well. I can't say that I've taken my food scale out in public, but I use it and measuring cups faithfully at home. I do the same thing with restaurants- looking ahead is a great way to make healthier choices. I am still losing weight so not trying to maintain, but It sounds like you are doing things the right way. I think maybe others are just jealous of your success.
  • tanashai
    tanashai Posts: 207 Member
    Yeah.... no, doesn't sound like a disorder to me! I also do weekly planned meal shopping (have for a while though; it's easier on the budget), I measure what I eat (though I don't have a food scale so I just make sure I always have extra calories left over) and it sounds like you're doing the sensible thing! Haters gonna hate.
  • millery2
    millery2 Posts: 13
    It may just be jealousy on their part that you're sticking to it and getting results where as they are not?? It sounds fine what you're doing to me. Sometimes people just like to talk and make a negative out of something good.
  • Adirafox
    Adirafox Posts: 107 Member
    I think that all sounds really healthy. Yeah, you might like control a bit much, but that's part of your personality. They might be jealous, or feel threatened by your losses (really, your gains!).
  • RiannonC
    RiannonC Posts: 145 Member
    You don't have an eating disorder. Sounds like they want to reassure themselves that their unhealthy eating habits are normal so they have to tell themselves that it's you who has the problem. Don't let them make you second guess yourself!
  • sarahsunshine1217
    sarahsunshine1217 Posts: 85 Member
    i dont think you have an eating disorder. I do the same thing and have been for over three months now. That is the only way it seems to help me. Keep it up and eventually you will be a little more relaxed as you get more confident.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    You have a job, two kids, a spouse and you are this meticulous? Do you sleep? Workout? Something has to give...I just don't have time to be that meticulous about this - if someone could do it for me - I would be all in and eat whatever was in front of me- but I like spending too much time playing with my kids. Maybe because mine are 10-8-4-2 I am busier with them - but I would not have the time to do all you do associated with my food. Therefore I am losing slower...but I am Ok with it. If it works for you- go for it.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Haters gonna hate.

    You're fine.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I was expecting either a really low calorie intake or vomitting afterwards. This is healthy.
  • becky6m
    becky6m Posts: 108 Member
    If you have one, then count me in your club. I am the same way. How do you know how much you are eating or how many calories you are putting in your body if you don't weigh it? I am at maintenance mode and still exercise and use my scale, daily. I think really it's the lack of education on their part. I say do what you know works and let the haters hate.
  • Tbias78
    Tbias78 Posts: 120 Member
    Sounds like they're just hatin' Great job!
  • fitwithcurves
    fitwithcurves Posts: 14 Member
    That sounds normal. They're probably just not used to someone being so health conscious!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Sounds pretty healthy to me. Shoot! It's what I should be doing.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I agree that you do NOT seem to have an eating disorder. I mean, what happens if your scale breaks down? Do you have a complete nervous collapse because you can't control your food? I'm guessing it wouldn't be that big a deal to you.

    If you have an eating disorder, then I do too.

    And I don't, so. . . .
  • helloheatherbray
    helloheatherbray Posts: 12 Member
    I am living my fitness journey the exact same way...I am a control freak and I get a great deal of satisfaction planning my meals and keeping close tabs on what's going in my mouth. At times I've thought to myself "do I have an eating disorder?" "Is this normal behavior?" As long as I'm eating healthy and living healthy I'm staying on this journey :)
  • Elif84
    Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
    It looks like you live a healthy lifestyle. I get the same thing. I've been told I'm too thin and that I need to eat something. Meanwhile I help them finish their meal.