Why or why not is shakeology right for me?



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    This for me too. And the way these topics get flooded with people who have less than 10 posts talking about how great Shakeology is. It's more than a little suspicious.

    I know some posters use it and have done well with it (as they would with ANY sensible meal/exercise plan) so i am not knocking them. But yes, it does get suspicious for many of the posts about this company. Especiall when the top of the forum specifically says:
    If you truly love and feel passionate about a product, it's completely fine to talk about it and endorse it as long as you do not do so in a manner from which you might financially benefit.

    This is one of those threads where I think users have chimed in as well as non-users giving alternatives. Though, ya know...there is a certain cult following.

    This thread isn't bad. But I definitely seen threads where up to half the responses were from posters who seemed to join just to say that Shakeology is the best decision they've ever made, etc. etc.

    Lmao! Right! Suddenly you've got about 5-20 people making their first posts saying how great it is and how much success they've had...mixed in with another 5-20 beach body coaches quoting stuff from the website. That's always good for a laugh.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am going to go to walmart and buy a crap ton of cheap as# protein powder and then I am going to re-bottle it and call it 'Nick's Amazing Meal Replacement Shakes " and sell them for a monthly subscription for 49.99 a container. I guarantee if you drink two a day and limit yourself to one 400 cal meal that you will lose weight..or your money back..

    will all you shakology people buy from me instead?????

    Shut.The.Front.Door. Did you say AMAZING? I must try it, I must!! Where can I get your AMAZING product?

    www.unicornmagicisreal.com ...

    Seriously, if you friend request me I will provide you with all the info in IM
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I am going to go to walmart and buy a crap ton of cheap as# protein powder and then I am going to re-bottle it and call it 'Nick's Amazing Meal Replacement Shakes " and sell them for a monthly subscription for 49.99 a container. I guarantee if you drink two a day and limit yourself to one 400 cal meal that you will lose weight..or your money back..

    will all you shakology people buy from me instead?????

  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I'm a freelancer, and I did some website and social media consulting work for one of Beachbody's top coaches. She ended up ripping me off of hundreds of dollars, and during the month I worked with her, literally all she talked about was "her business" and making money. She was obsessed. Her followers on social media talked to her as though she were a deity (if I had a nickel for every time I read the word "amazing" I'd be a millionaire) and they basically sounded like a cult. It was pretty off-putting and the fact that one of the top coaches is a blatant scam artist and thief convinced me that my all-real-food protein shakes (that I love and that my ex client made a face about when I declined to become a coach myself) were the better way to go.

    From reading thousands of people's comments and "testimonials" I got the strong impression that the only reason anyone "achieved" anything in the program was from the online support they got from other coaches, not the products themselves.

    It's pretty much a cult of money and calorie restriction. Please spare yourself. There are better, cheaper and more sustainable ways to reach your personal goals.

    ...the worst part is, I totally think I know who you're talking about.
    I'm sure you do! She's very famous even though she has literally done nothing except give a bunch of grammatically atrocious pep talks on her blog and use P90X to achieve a "miraculous" transformation from a semi-toned size 0 to a really toned size 00. "If I can do it, anyone can!" Lady, take a seat.

    Just from recognizing the Shakeology-flavored Kool-aid drinking language, I see a lot of Beachbody coaches on this thread that aren't identifying themselves as such. It is an MLM and that's all there is to it. I'm sorry, but I can feed a family of three with what it costs for a single shake. No one can justify the ridiculous expense of this product. No one.